The Storm God

Chapter 3344 Shocked Vico!

Deep sea bottom.

Vico is facing a huge crisis.

But it was densely packed, tens of thousands of trench monsters were launching a violent and fearless attack on the speedboat Vico was riding in groups.

It's a posture that can't wait to smash his corpse into thousands of pieces.

Vico was depressed and confused.

"Damn it!"

"What's going on with these trench monsters?"

"It's so crazy!"


Vico's posture technique is very high.

He operated the speedboat, constantly dodging from left to right, avoiding the attacks of trench monsters.


There are too many trench monsters.

No matter how abnormal Vico's technology is, it is impossible to escape all attacks. Almost in a blink of an eye, his speedboat was riddled with holes and was on the verge of being scrapped.

Fortunately, Vico was quick-witted and turned on the strong spotlights at the critical moment, thus avoiding the shipwreck and death.

But this is just a tactic to slow down the troops.

Those densely packed trench monsters did not retreat at all, but surrounded Vico's broken speedboat, and once the bright spotlights went out, they would attack frantically again.

This made Vico very embarrassed.

The current situation is very dangerous. If we continue to search for the missing Princess Atlanna, it is very likely that even Vico will be buried here.

But if you give up, it will be tantamount to coming in vain this time.

Vico was not reconciled.

Thinking of His Majesty Orm's madness and the possible tragic fate of Atlantis, Vico finally decided to put all his eggs in one basket.


Just when he was about to go deeper.


The trench monsters around seemed to be frightened by something, and they all scattered like birds and beasts in a blink of an eye.

"what happened?"

Vico was stunned for a moment, unable to understand what happened.

But soon, he knew everything.


On the screen of the speedboat monitor, a huge energy response signal appeared directly, and it was extremely dangerous and terrifying.

"Could it be..."

Vico is very smart, he thought of a possibility almost instantly.

But before he could utter the name, a terrifyingly huge figure suddenly floated up from the depths of the seabed.

Vico's speedboat, in front of it, is like a small ant.


Naturally, Bai Xiaofei also discovered Vico.

With a raised brow, he immediately signaled the sea beast Kara Sen to stop advancing, and hovered directly in front of Vico.

"You are... Vico?" Princess Atlanta looked at the figure emerging from the speedboat, her face full of disbelief.

"His Royal Highness Princess Atlanta!"

Compared with the doubts of the princess, Vico is undoubtedly more shocked and suspicious of life at this moment. He never expected that it was not he who found the princess on this trip, but the princess found him.

And he was riding the legendary sea beast Karathon...

This is incredible!


Vico was also surprised to find out.

Above the head of the sea beast Kara Sen, apart from Princess Atlanna, there were actually two men, one big and one small.


Vico's mind was full of question marks: "Who are those two people?"

Little Arthur Vico had never seen it.

So do not know.

As for Bai Xiaofei?

Vico felt very familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

But I couldn't remember it for a while.

Atlanta swam directly from the head of the sea beast Karason, came to Vico, and asked curiously, "Vico, what are you doing here?"

"Looking for you!"

Vico is no nonsense either.

Immediately, he told Atlanta briefly about the current problems and major crises facing Atlantis.

Finally said: "It's just that I didn't expect that Her Royal Highness escaped from the forbidden area by herself. This is simply unbelievable!"


Atlanta shook her head and said, "I didn't escape by myself. Without Bai Xiaofei's help, our mother and son might still be trapped on the island in the forbidden area."

"Bai Xiaofei? Mother and son..."


Vico was shocked.

He glanced at little Arthur in disbelief, then at Bai Xiaofei, and finally returned his gaze to Atlanna, staring wide-eyed and said: "Your Highness, could it be that the child back then was the little boy in front of me?" ?”


Atlanta nodded.

Vico swallowed his saliva, and continued: "Then this man named Bai Xiaofei..."


Atlanta nodded again.

Vico: "..."

He fell silent.

Obviously, he did not expect that things would take such a turn of events.

Rumor has it that the man who abandoned Her Royal Highness back then has not only returned, but has also rescued Her Royal Highness, mother and child!

Not only did Her Royal Highness not die, she even gave birth to that child.


The princess's family of three was reunited.

Even incidentally, he found the legendary artifact, the Golden Trident, and at the same time subdued the undersea giant Kara Sen as a mount...

All of this is simply too unreal!

After a long while.

Vico just recovered from the shock.

And at this time, Bai Xiaofei was getting impatient with waiting, so he said, "Vico, right? Let's talk about something on the way, it's not a problem to be stuck here!"

Vico: "..."

He looked at the huge sea beast Kara Sen, and his heart was full of shock and fear.

This is the legendary sea beast!


All right!

He finally stood up.

Without waiting for Vico to react, Princess Atlanta directly dragged Vico up, and when he stood up, he was still in a dazed state.

Bai Xiaofei signaled Kara Sen to move on.

At the same time, he looked at Vico and asked, "You just said that Orm is going to gather the power of the seven seas of Atlantis to launch a war on land?"


Vico nodded.

Explained: "Because not long ago, a powerful human has declared war on us and destroyed our city walls..."


Hear here.

Bai Xiaofei felt a little embarrassed immediately.

Vico saw that Bai Xiaofei's complexion was not right, and couldn't help asking: "Mr. Bai, what did I say wrong? Why is your complexion..."


Bai Xiaofei coughed lightly, looked at Atlanta with some embarrassment, and said in embarrassment: "Well, if I say that I am the one who destroyed your city wall, what would you think?"

Vico: "..."

Atlanta: "..."

Even the precious son, Arthur, had an unbelievable expression on his face: "Dad, you said you did it? But why?"


Bai Xiaofei said solemnly: "Anyway, all of this was a misunderstanding, and I also found out the truth later, so I rushed to the forbidden area here to look for you, otherwise I'm afraid I've already hit the palace of Atlantis It's..."

Of course he wouldn't tell Atlanta that it was because he misunderstood that she had put a hat on him, so he lost his temper and caused all this chaos.

Otherwise, what a shame!


Little Arthur was simple-minded, so naturally he didn't think too much.

However, Atlanta and Vico are both adults and have rich experience, so naturally they won't be easily fooled by Bai Xiaofei's few words.

But they also tacitly did not continue to ask Bai Xiaofei what he misunderstood, because as far as the current situation is concerned, it is not important anymore.

The most urgent task is to hurry up and stop Aum before he launches a war, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable once the sea and land war breaks out.


before that.

First of all, we have to clean up those little trash fish that follow Viko!


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