The Storm God

Chapter 3345 Aum's conspiracy!

somewhere in this sea.

A group of elite confidantes sent by Aum are watching Vico in the distance in shock, as well as Bai Xiaofei, Atlanta, and little Arthur...


It was definitely not these people who really stunned them, but the legendary sea monster Kara Sen.

And, the legendary golden trident!

Especially when they overheard Bai Xiaofei saying that he wanted to remove the rubbish around him, this group of people immediately realized that they had been exposed.


Without any hesitation.

They immediately chose to escape...

What a joke!


That's the undersea behemoth Karason!

Even if it wasn't, but judging by such a terrifying and huge size, it is definitely not a monster that a small speedboat like them can handle!

If you don't run at this time, is it possible to wait to be caught by the opponent and become the monster's lunch?

They are loyal to loyal, but not fools.


It was too late to escape now.

Just when they changed their minds and were about to escape from this place with maximum horsepower, these people were horrified to find that, at some point, there was an extra figure in front of themselves and others.

It was Bai Xiaofei.


Bai Xiaofei greeted these people very politely.

Then, unceremoniously, directly using the power of thought, the speedboat that several people were riding on was twisted into a twisted shape in an instant, and the passengers in it who had no time to escape...

Needless to say, it turned into meat sauce on the spot.


Bai Xiaofei specially left a life alive.

The only survivor was frightened dumbfounded, looked at Bai Xiaofei in terrified fear, almost lost control, and couldn't help shouting: "Let me go, what shall I tell you!"


Although this guy is afraid, he still maintains a trace of reason.

Know what to say to keep yourself.

"very good!"

Bai Xiaofei was very satisfied with his performance, smiled, and didn't talk nonsense with him, and asked directly: "Who sent you here, tell me!"

At this moment.

Vico, mother and son of Atlanta, have also swam over.

As for the sea beast Kara Sen...


That guy is too big.

It was not suitable for casual movement, and was left in place by several people.

"It's Your Majesty Aum!"

The survivor knew everything, and immediately told everything he knew: "His Majesty Aum has discovered the abnormality of Lord Vico a long time ago, so as soon as he left, let us follow, and at the critical moment, You can kill me..."

"That's all I know, let me go! Lord Vico, Her Royal Highness Princess Atlanta..."

"I beg of you!"


He started begging for mercy.

After all, Atlanta was a little soft-hearted. Seeing that the other party was from the Atlantis family, she waved her hand and just let him go.

The man thanked Dade, then hurriedly swam away with all his hands and feet.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei didn't really care.

It's just a trick ant, just leave as you go, don't worry about it at all.

On the contrary, Vico was a little depressed and bitter: "I never thought His Majesty Aum's city would be so deep. If I hadn't met you, I'm afraid I'd still be kept in the dark!"

Vico sighed.


Bai Xiaofei commented objectively: "How can I say he is an emperor, no city can achieve that position? But his good days are coming to an end, and when Atlanta returns, it is time for him to return this throne."

According to the tradition of Atlanna, Atlanna, as the eldest princess, should have inherited the throne of Atlantis, but it was because of Aum's coquettish operation that disqualified Atlanna, and expelled.

And the ultimate beneficiary is Aum.


Bai Xiaofei came.

He naturally helped Atlanta and her son get back everything they lost.

Although the so-called throne of Atlantis is not worth much in Bai Xiaofei's opinion, even if it is a piece of rubbish, Bai Xiaofei will never allow others to covet and steal it.

Anyone who dares to act against it will be punished, even if Aum is the king of Atlantis now.



"Take us to the palace of Atlantis as quickly as possible!"

Bai Xiaofei ordered.


Kara Sen responded excitedly, and then led Bai Xiaofei and his party to swim quickly in the underwater world.


at the same time.

In the main hall of the Atlantis Palace, almost all the kings of the other tribes summoned by His Majesty Naom were present.

no way.

The strength of Atlantis is the strongest among the seven seas.

Moreover, this incident is also very important. The outer city walls of Atlantis were actually attacked and destroyed by humans.

This is simply a provocation and insult!


After getting the news.

The several tribes all put down what they were doing and hurried over.

Of course, some of them didn't come.


Trench tribe!

Those guys are a group of monsters, there is no such thing as a king at all.

And another country, Saltwater Country, didn't deal with Atlantis very much, and their king couldn't invite them because of Aum's face.


Orm didn't invite them at all.

The other two kingdoms were either missing, never heard from, or had no clues at all. Therefore, only the speakers of the other two kingdoms in the Seven Seas were present, and they were Zebel and the Murloc Kingdom.

Among the tribes of the Seven Kingdoms, only the Atlanteans and the Zebels can breathe on land. Nereus, king of Zebel, was the father of Meera.

From the perspective of comprehensive combat power, Atlantis and Zebel are the two strongest countries, and they are also the first targets of Aum's alliance.

Fisherman Country, also known as Fisherman Country.

Their evolutionary characteristics are more obvious, half human and half fish, the upper body looks like a human, and the lower body is a fish tail.

This country loves peace and art, is highly cultivated, and is also very lonely.

If the underwater world of Atlantis had not been attacked, from their standpoint, they would not have come to Atlantis to discuss matters with Aum easily.

Because the king of the murloc knew well that Aum was an ambitious guy. Being with such a guy will not end well.

as expected.

When he heard Aum say that he would gather troops to unify the Seven Seas before launching a war against the human world, the king of the Murloc Kingdom immediately raised objections.

This is not in line with the purpose of his coming here.


Aum couldn't be bothered to talk nonsense to him.


Then I can only ask you to die.

a glance.

The confidants that Aum had arranged in advance started directly.

The few guards brought by the king of the Murloc Kingdom had no room to resist, so they were directly shot and killed on the spot.

Even the king and queen of the murloc were included, only the princess of the murloc was released as a hostage.

after all……

What Aum wants is the entire murloc kingdom.

With the princess in hand, he can maximize his own interests.

Otherwise, all the bosses would be killed, and the Murloc Kingdom would definitely turn against him and join the Saltwater Kingdom's camp.

But with a princess in stock, that's a whole different story.

This is called holding the emperor to order the princes!

During this period.

Nereus, king of Zebel, watched the whole show without any reaction. Obviously, he knew about Aum's plan a long time ago, and even the two parties had reached a cooperation.

In this way.

In the whole meeting, there is no need to discuss it.

With the support of King Xebel, the Murloc Kingdom is under check and balance, and the Aum family dominates. Naturally, they can do whatever they want.

There was no one stopping him at all.


They began to act separately according to the plan they had made.

King Xebel went back to gather his troops, while Aum led a group of troops and went straight to the Murloc Kingdom, using the Murloc Princess as a threat to control the Murloc army.


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