The Storm God

Chapter 3346 Vico's thoughts!

"Can you go any faster?"

To be honest, Bai Xiaofei was really not satisfied with Karason's forward speed, even though he was already working very hard.

But compared to Bai Xiaofei's own speed, it's like a sky and a ground.

Too slow!


Poor Karason said that was already his fastest speed.

In fact, Kara Sen's speed is not slow. Compared with before the evolution upgrade, it is already very powerful now.


It depends on who you compare with.

Compared with ordinary marine life, even the people of Atlantis, and speedboats, Karason's speed is indeed top-notch.

But compared to Bai Xiaofei...

That would be speechless.


Seeing that Bai Xiaofei was a little anxious, Atlanta stepped forward to comfort him, "We've been waiting for so many years, and it's not too late, so it's time to go sightseeing!"


She also took a look at her precious son.

But he saw little Arthur, sitting on Karason's head, curiously admiring the wonderful scenery around the underwater world.

no way.

The little guy has been living on that unnamed island since he was born.

He has never been in contact with the outside world at all, just like a frog that was sealed in the bottom of a well, and now he has finally come out. Naturally, everything is absolutely strange and interesting to see.

"That's all!"

Bai Xiaofei sighed helplessly.

Seeing his precious son so happy, he didn't bother to urge Kara Sen.

Anyway, Atlantis couldn't run away there, and it didn't seem to make much difference to get back the throne sooner or later.

On the other side, Vico looked at the Bai Xiaofei and his wife who were snuggling together, and Little Arthur who was extremely curious about all kinds of things, his eyes rolled around, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei didn't take it to heart either.

To be honest, he doesn't trust this guy Vico. Anyone who has watched "Sea King" knows that this guy is a veritable anti-bond boy.

Obviously eating the food of Aum's family, but secretly ran to be a mentor for the muscular man, and trained him to grow, making him a qualified fighter.

The muscular man can have the muscles and combat power of that body, Vico is absolutely indispensable.

What's even more deceitful is that Vico often brainwashes the muscular man, saying that Aum is no good, and that Atlantis is in Aum's hands, and sooner or later it will decline. You also have the blood of the royal family flowing through your body, and you are more suitable to be the king of Atlantis than Orm.


Isn't this clearly asking the muscular man to rebel early and take away Aum's throne!


Orm in the movie is pretty pathetic.

His fiancée Mela looked back at him, his confidant, Vico, betrayed him, and even his own mother didn't support him...

It is already a tragedy to live to this point.

It is no exaggeration to say that Aum's failure is doomed, because all around him are towards the muscular man.


Things are different now.

Atlanta became Bai Xiaofei's woman, and gave birth to him a baby son. Although he was also named Arthur, his surname was Bai, not Curry!

This Aum is not another son that Atlanta had with someone else, but the youngest son of the old king's old son, Atlanta's veritable younger brother.

Although the plot has undergone huge changes due to Bai Xiaofei's random entry, certain things seem to have been perfectly inherited.


Vico who betrayed Orm.

Perhaps, Atlanta believed in Vico, but Bai Xiaofei did not.

Analyzing it from the perspective of a normal person, if we talk about Vico, he would risk his life and betray Aum with great effort. He doesn't have his own little things...

Bai Xiaofei absolutely didn't believe it.

Especially at this moment when Vico looked at little Arthur, Bai Xiaofei felt something meaningful...

Let's not talk about conspiracy.

But Vico must be planning something in his heart.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei just sneered.

To be honest, Bai Xiaofei doesn't care what kind of idea this guy has, but as long as the other party's plans, once the interests of his wife and children are violated...

That's a different story.

In short.

Vico hides very deeply, Bai Xiaofei doesn't trust him very much.

But seeing that the other party is still loyal, Bai Xiaofei is not in a hurry to kill Vico, he wants to see, what exactly does this guy want?



Or something else?

on this...

Bai Xiaofei was very curious.


Time flies.

About two hours later.

The sea beast Kara Sen led Bai Xiaofei and his party, and finally crossed many oceans and arrived at the outskirts of Atlantis in the Atlantic Ocean.

But what Atlanta saw was not the towering, majestic and incomparably gorgeous city wall in her impression.


An incomparably messy ruin!


Bai Xiaofei felt quite embarrassed, because he was the culprit of all this.

Especially when Atlanta stared at him with her big beautiful eyes, Bai Xiaofei felt ashamed.


Even little Arthur looked at Bai Xiaofei teasingly with eyes full of joy.


Being looked at by his wife and children like this, even if Bai Xiaofei has a thick skin, he also felt a little blushing, so he quickly laughed and changed the subject: "Then what... these are nothing serious, as long as I want, I can do it in minutes. Everything is back to normal..."

Of course Bai Xiaofei wasn't bragging.

In fact, he only needs to activate a little power of the law of time to restore everything that happened near the city wall.


But Atlanta didn't let Bai Xiaofei do it.

She shook her head with a wry smile, and said, "Forget it! Anyway, it's already like this, so let's just leave it at that, and have time to recover later..."

The implication is, what will happen later, it's better not to waste time and energy, it's just a city wall.

If you destroy it, you will destroy it!

To this.

Vico was very speechless, you guys are really stupid!

Do you know how much money and manpower was spent on the construction of this city wall? You just said you don't care...


And this time.

The army stationed on the other side of the city wall, as well as the maintenance personnel, had also spotted this side. Bai Xiaofei and the others immediately turned pale with astonishment.

The alarm then sounded across the seabed.

no way.

Who made Kara Sen grow too big, too hideous and terrifying.

With such a huge body, it can't be hidden even if you want to hide it.

People on the opposite side, as long as they are not blind, can almost see at a glance. Not to mention that the current city wall is in a state of ruins, even if it is intact, it is afraid that it will not be able to withstand the devastation of a sea beast like Kara Sen.

Because compared to Kara Sen's terrifying figure, even the majestic and magnificent city walls are at most as tall as him.

Seeing such a terrifying and perverted monster attack suddenly, people were naturally terrified, and some of the timid ones even ran away.

The people left behind did not dare to attack easily, but kept shrinking their defenses, and then desperately sent messages to their superiors, asking for instructions and support.


Looking at the chaotic scene on the opposite side.

Bai Xiaofei sighed helplessly, and could only say to Atlanta and the others: "This is the end of the matter, we can only leave Karason here for the time being."


He summoned a shapeshifting ship.

Vico's eyes lit up immediately, he was shocked, obviously he didn't expect that Bai Xiaofei had such ability.

And this time.

Little Arthur had already jumped directly into the spaceship.

Atlanta followed suit.


Just when Vico wanted to go in, Bai Xiaofei suddenly stood in front of him, and said with a smile: "I need to trouble you to do something."

Vico: "..."


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