The Storm God

Chapter 3347 People change!

"Mr. Bai, what do you want me to do?"

Vico is not stupid, he sensed that the husband-in-law of Her Royal Highness Princess Atlanta didn't seem to trust him very much.

But he didn't show it either.

Instead, it is still the same as before, vividly interpreting the image of loyalty.


Bai Xiaofei didn't care at all.

"Open the way for us!"

"Karason's goal is too big. In order to avoid causing too much confusion, we can only stay outside Atlantis, but if we just go in like this, we will definitely encounter a lot of trouble..."

"You are also Aum's minister after all, so some persuasion from the front should be somewhat helpful, right?"


Bai Xiaofei got straight to the point.

It is clear that Vico is to be used to stabilize the large number of soldiers and obstacles sent by Atlantis.

at the same time……

This is also a temptation.

Didn't you, Vico, say that you are loyal to Her Royal Highness?

Just right!

Now is the time to employ people.

Who are you not on?


As for whether it is dangerous or not, it doesn't matter!

What Bai Xiaofei wants is an attitude, the attitude that Vico has now. If he is obedient and obedient, everything will be easy to talk about, otherwise don't blame someone for being rude.


Vico understood all of it almost instantly.

Then, under Bai Xiaofei's gaze, he left the spaceship, resolutely thinking about the soldiers on the opposite side of the ruined city wall and swam over.

And Bai Xiaofei walked into the transforming spaceship.

According to Bai Xiaofei's wishes, the sea beast Kara Sen obediently retreated to the back, waiting for his orders, and would not move easily.

"Little Fei."

Atlanta is not stupid either.

Bai Xiaofei left Vico alone, and followed him to find those soldiers. Her Royal Highness quickly guessed Bai Xiaofei's distrust of Vico.

on this...

She was very puzzled.

Can't help but ask curiously: "Do you think Vico has a problem?"


Regarding his wife, Bai Xiaofei naturally had nothing to hide. He nodded and said: "After all, it has been several years. He didn't come early or late, and he just came to you at this time. Don't you think it's tricky?" ?”


Atlanta was speechless for a moment.

To be honest, Her Royal Highness was a little puzzled and skeptical at first, but in the end she chose to believe it. After all, Vico was hand-picked up by the old king before his death.

But now hearing what Bai Xiaofei said, Atlanta had to face up to and face this issue again.


You said you were loyal, so why did you go there so early?

It has been more than three years since Atlanna was expelled from Atlantis and sacrificed to the Trench Clan. Why didn't you see her long ago?


Why do you believe that Atlanta is definitely still alive?

This makes people think carefully.


Atlanta thought for a long time, but still couldn't get the key point, so she couldn't help asking Bai Xiaofei, "What is he doing all this for?"

"Who knows!"

Bai Xiaofei shrugged his shoulders, curled his lips and said: "Maybe it's for power, status, or some other purpose, these are not important, the key is whether he will do things that will endanger you."

"If not, then everything is fine. In view of his usefulness, it's okay to give him some benefits..."

"Otherwise, I will make him regret it!"


at this time.

On the screen of the deformed spaceship, it shows that the soldiers on the other side of the city wall have already made concessions under Vico's persuasion, and the defensive formation has spread out to make way for a passage.

"go ahead!"

Bai Xiaofei gave an order.

The transforming spaceship immediately moved towards the city wall.

As for the soldiers on the other side, although they were extremely nervous, they didn't take any action and just watched the spaceship approach.


Under Bai Xiaofei's signal, the transforming spaceship stopped in front of Vico.

The hatch opens.

Vico stepped in.

Bai Xiaofei waved his hand at him, and said: "Now you will lead the way. When I came here, Atlantis was not like this..."


Vico nodded.

Then he walked over and became a driver.

Instructing the transforming spaceship, according to the route planned by Vico, advance rapidly, towards the location of the palace of Atlantis.


on the way.

While playing with his precious son, Bai Xiaofei casually asked Vico, "Did you get any useful information from those soldiers?"

"A little."

Vico immediately replied: "Those soldiers are too low-level and don't know much. I just heard that His Majesty Aum summoned several kings to discuss important matters, and then an order for full combat readiness came from the palace... "

"Full combat readiness?!"

Hearing this, Atlanta was shocked.

Because such an order will only be issued when the Kingdom of Atlantis encounters a major crisis and is about to declare war.

And so far in so many years, Atlantis has only activated a handful of times twice. I didn't expect to encounter the third time when I came back just now.

She quickly asked: "Who is the target? The land world?"

"should be!"

Vico nodded and said: "But according to my analysis, that should be something later. If it were me, I would take the lead in attacking the saltwater country..."

The Saltwater Nation is the Atlantis clan, the tribe that has mutated the most after falling into the sea. Compared with the Trench Clan, which still has some humanoid appearances, the Saltwater Clan has directly abandoned their human appearance.

They completely turned into pure sea creatures, such as crabs, lobsters, seahorses, monsters...

Etc., etc.

Not only that, they also directly ignored the rule of Atlantis, and even completely opposed it.

The two full-scale war preparations launched by Atlantis in history were also wars with the salty water country. One was because they were disobedient, and the rapid multiplication and development of the salty water country at that time also seriously threatened atlantis.

until later.

The Kingdom of Zebel joined the camp of Atlantis, and the Murloc Kingdom also chose to form an alliance with Atlantis for the sake of peace...

Only then did Atlantis rely on the power of the three kingdoms to prevent the invasion and suppression of the saltwater kingdom, and rose rapidly, and only then did it gradually gain its current national strength.

Although the relationship between the two parties has eased, the hostility is still there. If Aum wants to unify the power of the seven seas and launch a war on the land world, he must attack the saltwater country, so as not to be attacked by the enemy in time, and the gain outweighs the loss.

Regarding this point, Princess Atlanta certainly understood.


What she doesn't understand is.

The Murloc loves peace and has always been neutral. If it is not a major crisis of life and death, it will generally not openly form a team or send troops.

How did Aum convince the Murloc?


Vico was silent.

However, Bai Xiaofei sneered and said: "I don't think he was persuading him, most likely he took some extreme measures, such as taking a royal family as a hostage or something..."

As soon as these words came out, Atlanta's eyes widened.

An unbelievable look on his face.

after all……

Om is her brother.

In Atlanta's impression, although Aum is a bit stubborn, at least her nature is not bad, but all of this now is completely beyond her cognition and imagination.

Bai Xiaofei put his arms around Her Royal Highness, and comforted him: "Atlanna, some people change, especially in the face of certain special events, it is obvious that Aum has changed, he is no longer your impression. The younger brother in the..."

Her Royal Highness was silent.

Just at this time.

The deformed spaceship led everyone to the vicinity of the Atlantis palace, and then a group of guards rushed up immediately, and signaled the people inside to come out and identify themselves, otherwise they would shoot.

Vico came out first, followed by Her Royal Highness Princess Atlanta, and then Bai Xiaofei and his precious son Arthur.

"You are... Her Royal Highness Princess Atlanta?!"


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