The Storm God

Chapter 3348 Do the trick!

happy New Year!


Her Royal Highness Princess Atlanta's appearance didn't change much, so she was recognized by the palace guards immediately.

Also recognized was Vico.

Among the four people at the scene, only Bai Xiaofei and Little Arthur were unknown to the guards, so when they saw strangers around, the guards were very vigilant.


This is also related to the expulsion of Princess Atlanta.

After all, what happened back then was so sensational that the entire Kingdom of the Seven Seas knew about Princess Atlanna's unmarried pregnancy...

And the husband-in-law is still missing...

did not expect.

After a few years.

Her Royal Highness, who was once thought to be dead by everyone, has returned to the palace of Atlantis.

It's incredible!

"it's me!"

At this time, Her Highness Princess Atlanta has recovered her previous temperament, proud, beautiful, noble, and full of aura.

Just for a moment.

The guards believed in Atlanta's identity.

Because it feels so familiar.

Can't go wrong.


What about the two people next to you?

A strange man, and a little guy about three years old...


Isn't that kid...

"Oh my God!"

The guards who vaguely guessed the identity of Little Arthur suddenly widened their eyes, full of expressions of disbelief. It was already surprising that Her Highness the Princess survived. I didn't expect the child in her womb to be born safely. .

And now she looks so cute, she was brought to the palace of Atlantis by Her Royal Highness Princess Atlanna...

What are they trying to do?

Seize power?

The guards thought a lot for a moment, and their expressions were extremely complicated.

Some of those who were more loyal to Aum immediately clenched their weapons tightly, their eyes full of vigilance.

If it weren't for Vico's status as a minister, I'm afraid they would have done it on the spot.

After all, only a small part of Vico knew about Vico's betrayal, and the rest of the public didn't know that Aum wanted to kill Vico.


Bai Xiaofei's perception is so keen.

He sensed the hostility of those guards in an instant, and he snorted coldly, and a huge and terrifying pressure suddenly hit those people.

Poor those guards, before they figured out what was going on, they were directly crushed into meat paste by Bai Xiaofei's terrifying coercion.

"Dare to disrespect Atlanta, court death!" Bai Xiaofei didn't say much, and immediately frightened all the guards present.


For a while, no one dared to move.

The guards couldn't help looking at Vico, their eyes seemed to be asking: "My lord, what does this mean? Could it be you..."

"You all back down!"

Vico sighed slightly in his heart, and then said with a serious face: "I found Her Royal Highness to help Atlantis solve the crisis. The rest of the matter has nothing to do with you, so don't meddle in your own business!"

The implication is that if you want to die, just come up.


Everyone fell silent.

They are not stupid, and they can naturally understand Vico's subtext.

To be honest, as Vico said, when it comes to the royal family's issues, these young people really don't have the right to intervene.

Most of them are cannon fodder!


These people were smart enough not to stop them any further.

With the captain of the guard waving his hand, the rest of the people immediately gave way to a passage so that Atlanta and the others could directly enter the palace.


Bai Xiaofei and his group turned around and left.



The four of them came to the palace.

Naturally, the inside of the palace is no different than outside the palace, and Bai Xiaofei and others encountered more obstacles than those outside, obviously there are many loyalists of Aum.


No more.

As soon as Bai Xiaofei made a move, those people all became decorations.

For Atlanta's sake, Bai Xiaofei didn't take their lives, but just let those people fall into a hallucination, unable to wake up.

that's all.

The four of them successfully entered the palace.

Then, under the leadership of Vico, Bai Xiaofei and others went straight to the most important control room of the palace, where Aum was most likely to be.


Things backfired.

When Bai Xiaofei and others arrived, they didn't see Aum.

The technicians in the control room said that His Majesty Aum and King Nereus left the palace with a large group of people more than an hour ago.

As for where?


No need to ask, Vico and Atlanta guessed it - the country of murlocs.

Think here.

Atlanta couldn't help looking at Vico.

"What should we do now?"


Vico was silent.

He looked directly at Bai Xiaofei, obviously expressing his attitude, the two of you have the final say here, and I'm just offering an opinion at most.

"What do you mean?"

Bai Xiaofei smiled noncommittally, then asked Vico.

Vico replied: "I should definitely stop Aum as soon as possible, otherwise there will be a lot of innocent deaths..."

"That's right!"

Atlanta agrees.

As for little Arthur?


The little guy was in the control room the whole time, looking around, apparently not paying much attention to the important things the adults said.

Bai Xiaofei shook his head and said, "I don't think so."


The two suddenly looked puzzled.

Bai Xiaofei explained: "According to these people, the king and queen of the Murloc Kingdom have been killed by Aum, and now there is only one princess who is coerced in his hands to control and threaten the Murloc Kingdom..."

"The matter has come to this point, it is already too late for us to do anything, do you think that the murlocs will treat this matter as if it never happened?"


The two fell silent for a moment.


Non-vegetation, ruthless Practice makes perfect.

The king and the future were killed. Even if the Murloc Kingdom loves peace, there will be anger and hatred in their hearts. Do you want to stop at this time?

Hehe, how do you charge?

Capture Aum and give it to the Murloc Kingdom to be slaughtered at will?

That is absolutely impossible!

No matter how bastard Aum is, he is also the royal family of Atlantis. How could he be sent to be slaughtered?


For the current plan, there is only one way to solve it completely.

Completely take down the Murloc Country!

That's right!

Bai Xiaofei's intentions are obvious, he will do whatever he can, Aum will take the blame, but Atlanta and Arthur will take the benefits.

It can also be regarded as making up for the unfair treatment that their mother and son have received in the past few years since they were deported.

"Would this be too cruel?" Atlanta said a little bit impatiently. After all, everyone is of the same clan, so there's no need to make things so rigid, right?


Bai Xiaofei said seriously: "Indecision is cruel, because no one knows the consequences of doing that, so it's safer to be like this!"

"This is called focusing on the overall situation. After all, the world is now in chaos. If there is a sea and land war and Atlantis is not united, then the unlucky ones will be the people of the Seven Seas!"

"Using this small sacrifice now in exchange for greater stability and chances of winning, and avoiding the death of more innocent people, is this cruel?"


Atlanta was speechless.

She turned her head to look at Vico, and found that Vico also had the expression that Bai Xiaofei said was right, so she stopped talking immediately.

This is tantamount to acquiescing to Bai Xiaofei's plan.

Atlanta said: "Then what is your next goal? Take advantage of Aum's absence to regroup and completely control the palace?"


Bai Xiaofei smiled and nodded.

Sure enough, you are the one who understands me best, my wife!


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