The Storm God

Chapter 3349 Power struggle!

at the same time.

On the other side, the Murloc Country.

Aum brought his own guards to escort the murloc princess, and easily controlled the important ministers of the murloc kingdom.

For the safety of the princess, the loyal ministers of the Murloc Kingdom can only be forced to agree to Aum's conditions, otherwise the royal family of the Murloc Kingdom will be extinct.

"very good!"

Aum was very satisfied with the attitude of these people.

He floated in front of everyone, aloof, and proudly said: "He who knows the current affairs is a hero, this is the right choice, not to mention that I do this, and everyone is good, otherwise in the future when land humans invade the sea, everyone will fight on their own. They will all be broken!"

"We can only have a chance if we unite as soon as possible. After all, the current land world is extremely chaotic, and superpowers emerge in endlessly!"

"In comparison, our advantage is very small!"


He said a lot of blah blah blah.

It is undeniable that Aum's eloquence is still very good.

Aside from the fact that the king and queen were killed and the princess was arrested, the ministers of the Murloc Kingdom had to admit that there was some truth to what Aum said.

In addition, the princess is still in the hands of Aum, and they are afraid of the mouse, what can they do?

Of course, Oum followed suit and obeyed.

Otherwise, you can only die!

"His Majesty!"

But at this moment.

A technician under Aum suddenly broke in from the outside, with an eager expression on his face, and said while running: "The big thing is bad!"


Seeing his subordinates in such a mess, Aum suddenly became a little unhappy.

I'm trying to pretend here, but in the end you're such a ruinous thing, if there's no reasonable explanation...


You just wait and get assigned to clean the toilets!

"what happened?"

Aum was displeased in his heart, but his expression remained calm.

The technician heard the words and was afraid that he could not explain clearly, so he quickly handed a technological device in his hand to Aum, and then said: "Your Majesty, this is the picture from the palace just now..."


A tech device akin to a handheld computer starts playing.

Immediately afterwards, in front of Aum, a scene like a holographic projection appeared, but the displayed content was actually two characters that he was extremely familiar with.


And Aum's own sister—Princess Atlanna!

"is her!"

Seeing that Atlanna was still alive, Aum was startled immediately, followed by fury, and his face instantly became gloomy.

Gritting his teeth, he said, "That fellow Vico really betrayed me? Not only did he disobey my orders, but he actually brought Atlanta back..."


"Who is that man and child beside her?"

"Could it be..."


Just when Aum was puzzled.

But seeing the scene suddenly changed, Aum saw Bai Xiaofei's eyes and suddenly looked towards him, followed by a strange smile:

"Aum, right?"

"It's our first time meeting, please take care of me. Please allow me to introduce myself, my name is Bai Xiaofei, Atlanta's lover, this is our precious son Arthur..."

"I am very angry and dislike what you did before, so today I will help my wife and children get back what should belong to them!"

"Now the whole palace completely belongs to us, you..."


The screen is not finished yet.

Aum was already furious, and directly smashed the technological equipment in his hand, and then roared angrily: "Bastard! When I was away..."

"His Majesty……"

Seeing that Majesty Aum's face was livid and furious, the technician trembled with fright, fearing that he would be implicated.

But out of loyalty, he couldn't help but said: "I think our top priority now is that we should hurry back and regain control of the palace!"

The composition of rights in Atlantis is very special.

Most of the control authority is basically in the control room of the palace. When the king is away, the important ministers and members of parliament are generally in charge of the overall situation.


Things have changed now.

His Majesty Aum is not in the palace, and the important ministers and councilors who are in charge of the overall situation are basically either instigated or controlled by Bai Xiaofei and Atlanta.

Basically has taken control of the power of the palace and the army.

As long as they are given some more time, they can completely change their blood and completely hold all the rights in their hands.

But this requires a process.

And now...

It is undoubtedly the most critical special period.

Because even if Princess Atlanna is justified, if she wants to completely control the regime and army of Atlantis, she needs justice.

Otherwise, it is still difficult to convince the public.

This tradition is very strange and special. In "Sea King", the muscular man also relied on this custom to have the capital to defeat Aum and become king.

Otherwise, he is a little-known mixed race, who has almost never stayed in Atlantis, and has no reputation or influence at all...

Why do people recognize him as king?

The same reason.

Although Princess Atlanna was expelled and exiled three years ago, she is a royal family after all, and the blood of the Atlantean royal family still flows in her body.

Coupled with the appearance of little Arthur, this will undoubtedly have a great impact on the composition of the existing ruling class and the consideration of the important ministers for the future of Atlantis.


Among them, there must be those who are loyal to Aum.

After all, human nature is complicated, whether they are land people or Atlantean people, they almost all have the same disadvantages.

Some people like to put their interests first.

And Orm...

represent certain special interests.

Among other things, at least Nereus, king of Zebel, chose to cooperate with Aum because of this.

Otherwise, there is no good thing, why should people mess with you?

The same reason.

The shocking return of Atlanta with Bai Xiaofei and son Arthur Jr. also brought huge benefits and benefits to some people.

That's why they chose the team and supported Atlanta mother and son.


These are unspoken rules.

In order to turn all this into an established fact, whether it is Aum or Atlanta mother and child, a public proof is needed.

Only the winner can legitimately inherit the throne and all authority of Atlantis. The loser can only withdraw sadly.


This is Aum's only chance now.

He must rush back to Atlantis immediately, otherwise time will change, people's hearts will fluctuate, and more and more people will support Atlanna's mother and child...

At that time, the situation for Aum will be even more unfavorable!

So far.

Aum's eyes were filled with killing intent.

With his cold eyes, he glanced at the important ministers of the Murloc Kingdom, and followed the order: "Gather all your elite troops immediately. After ten minutes, I want them all to appear in front of me, and then return to Atlanta with me." S!"


Aum is planning to use the murloc's military strength to enhance his own strength. After all, he now only has a team of elite guards around him. It is still very disadvantageous for Atlanta mother and son who have just grasped part of the authority.

at the same time.

He also hurriedly got someone to contact Nereus, king of Zebel, and told him about the coup in Atlantis without any concealment.

King Nereus immediately stated that he would fully support Orm.

This made Aum very pleased.


He also knows.

The reason why King Zebel would spare no effort to help himself is also because he has ulterior motives. For example, he must win Nereus' daughter Mela and promise her the position of prince.

to be honest.

Nereus is in order to obtain greater benefits from Aum.

Once Aum loses power and has no use value, he is sure that the old fox Nereus will definitely abandon him without hesitation and switch to Atlanna and her son.

this is the truth!


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