The Storm God

Chapter 3350 Herbert's begging for mercy!

Palace of Atlantis.

Vico was very excited, because Bai Xiaofei brought him too many surprises. For example, all kinds of black technology products are constantly emerging...

He is confident.

With these, the comprehensive national strength of Atlantis can definitely rise to another huge stage in a short period of time.

By then...

Atlantis will completely throw away King Zebel, who is second only to him, by a long, long way, so as to achieve true domination of the Seven Seas.

Rather than just in name as it is now.

There is an essential difference in this.


While Bai Xiaofei was helping Atlanna with huge resources, he was also researching the science and technology of Atlantis.

have to say.

Although the technology of Atlantis is a bit weird, in terms of power, it is quite good.

Just like water control.


Just a glass of water can be used as the main source of power for a sci-fi weapon, and its power is comparable to that of a Tomahawk missile...

This is awesome!

Seeing the big from the small, and seeing the leopard from the inside, it is not difficult to see that the other technological capabilities of Atlantis are definitely far beyond the land world.

Although for Bai Xiaofei, this level of technology is still a little immature, but it has huge potential and is worthy of investment and in-depth research.

after all……

It's 1984 now.

With such amazing technology in this era, in time, Atlantis will definitely be able to take the lead, surpass the world, and step into the interstellar realm.

When watching movies before, Bai Xiaofei still felt strange, the storyline of "Sea King" happened after the Bat-Super War and the Justice League, who gave Aum the courage to go to war with the land?

Not to mention anything else, just a big super, terror is enough to destroy most of the army, right? Why does Aum compete with the land?


Bai Xiaofei finally knew why.

It was not Liang Jingru who gave Aum courage, but these technological productivity with huge potential. It's 1984, and the movie takes place more than 30 years later.

According to the current technological level of Atlantis, after such a long period of development, it will inevitably reach an astonishing level by then.

Not to mention catching up with Krypton, but it is definitely not inferior.

Calculated in this way, if Aum really uses the power of the seven seas, plus the bonus of these awesome sci-fi weapons...

Against a mere superstar, there is still the capital to not take the opponent seriously.


That was the original timeline of the future.

But now, for unknown reasons, in 1984, a huge deviation occurred in this world. Not only did Atlantis have an extra brother, Orm, who was Atlanna...

Even in the terrestrial world, various strange situations have occurred.

All kinds of superpowers emerge in endlessly, causing chaos, and they are almost unrecognizable after being transformed by magic. Among them, the superpowers even have the ability to destroy stars and destroy the solar system.

Although the technology of Atlantis is quite good, in general, it is only worthy of entering the interstellar era.

Against a guy of Dachao's level, there might be some chances of winning.

But the super master who wants to defeat the star destroyer...


That's completely idiotic.

Not to mention anything else, just the golden warrior Helbo whose training system came from the Dragon Ball world was enough to destroy Atlantis by himself.

Not to mention Atlantis, even the Earth, and even the entire solar system, can't stand it at all, let go of Herb's devastation!

It can beat you to pieces in minutes.

It's not that Atlantis is too weak, but the strength of those intruders is too terrifying. It is estimated that even if Steppenwolf came, he would have to rush to the street in an instant!


The shadow version of Steppenwolf does not seem to be a character.

That guy is purely a silver-like pewter gun head, even a big super can beat him with blood at will, and when he meets those perverts who are messing around now, he probably can't even be considered cannon fodder.

Even if Steppenwolf's boss, Darkseid, came in person, he might not be able to withstand the ravages of these guys.

after all……

Behind those perverted guys, there seems to be a saint backing them. The current Darkseid is really nothing.

It is estimated that Thanos with the Infinity Gauntlet can last for a second or two.

One thought here.

Bai Xiaofei's mood became a little heavy.


The culprit of all is still the guy who hides in the dark, who doesn't know who it is. If he doesn't eliminate him, the world will remain in chaos forever.

But until now, Bai Xiaofei still has no clue.


Bai Xiaofei was taken aback suddenly.

Only then did he remember that he had taken a hostage.

The golden warrior Helbo, the guy who practiced the Dragon Ball power system, was tied up by Bai Xiaofei with the mirror space.


You can learn some inside stories from him!

Think about it.

Bai Xiaofei suddenly became excited.


He made a fake show with Atlanta and his precious son Arthur, and created a space world outside the independent dimension with his hands.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Xiaofei let Herb in.

"Is this a different space?"

Herb's mental state is not very good.

But even so, he still recognized the name of this place immediately, because Herb couldn't feel any anger here.


He also thought about tracking his companion's qi, and then using teleportation to escape.

But now Herb was completely desperate.

No chance at all!


Herb sat down on the ground directly.

And the same sound was made by his stomach—gulling, gurgling, like a protest, obviously starving.


A master as strong as Herb will also be hungry.

Who told him to cultivate the power system, which is the routine of Dragon Ball. The power system in the Dragon Ball world is awesome, but it has all kinds of unimaginable disadvantages.


Strength may fluctuate from strength to strength.

If you exercise for a long time, or if you don't eat, you will be very hungry...

Etc., etc.

In short.

In terms of the same realm.

These disadvantages are almost non-existent in other cultivation systems. But Herb still chose this system for the sake of strength.

Although the time in the real world has not passed for a long time, it is not the case for Helbo who is trapped in the mirror space.

He stayed in it for nearly a year or so!

Of course, Bai Xiaofei did this on purpose, who made Herb's mouth dirty, and started spraying feces all over his mouth.

In order to punish him, Bai Xiaofei specially slowed down the time flow of the mirror space world by more than 100 times. Three days outside, but almost a year inside.

It was a miracle that Herb didn't starve to death after not eating for such a long time. Why would you want to scold people?

Anyway, it's completely honest.


This thought of running away has never been let go.

But when he found that although he left the mirror space, he was thrown into another different space, Helbo was completely desperate.

Then, he never ran again.

He just sat on the ground without any image, and said bitterly: "Your Excellency, I am convinced, I am completely convinced! I beg you to be merciful, just give me something to eat, I swear, I will never run away again." Already!"

"Nimma, the feeling of being hungry is really uncomfortable for a mother. As long as you stutter, you can make me betray you!"

"I beg you!"


Looking at Helbo in the dimensional space, Bai Xiaofei was speechless for a while: "Damn, this guy really doesn't have any integrity at all. He is indeed a guy who has cultivated the Dragon Ball power system. This style is simply amazing!"


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