The Storm God

Chapter 3351 Oneiroi Morpheus!


The next moment, Bai Xiaofei appeared in the dimensional space.

Seeing Bai Xiaofei's appearance, Helbo's eyes widened immediately, his face full of excitement, as if seeing a lost relative.

He opened his mouth and said, "That... is there anything to eat?"


The corner of Bai Xiaofei's mouth twitched slightly.

Afterwards, he summoned a table full of steamed buns, and said in a very angry voice, "Eat it, these are all for you..."


Herb didn't wait for Bai Xiaofei to finish speaking, he was already hungry and rushed to the table, grabbed the white steamed buns like jelly beans, and kept stuffing them into his mouth.

In the blink of an eye.

The steamed buns on the table were reduced by more than half.

as if...

Herb's mouth and stomach are not human's at all, but the ancient giant kun's, which can swallow the world, no matter how much food, he can eat it.


Bai Xiaofei's eyebrows twitched.

Xin said: "Nimma! You are really a real foodie, and the style of painting is completely carved out of the same mold as the fighters of Dragon Ball!"


One table was lit up.

But Herb was still a little dissatisfied, because the food was not enough for his stomach to fit even between his teeth.

How can it be possible to eat enough?


He looked at Bai Xiaofei, his eyes full of resentment.

Bai Xiaofei: "..."

Depend on!

What the hell is that expression on your face?

If you know, you are not full, but if you don’t know, you might think you are gay!


Bai Xiaofei suddenly became angry.

He didn't want to see such disgusting expressions and eyes again.

So, in fact, it broke out in an instant, suppressing Herb, and his dissatisfied face suddenly turned into shock and fear.

"So strong!"

"This breath, I'm afraid it has to be at the level of a god emperor..."

"who are you?"


Herb was horrified.

At first, he felt that he had lost a little too far, because the opponent had completely taken advantage of the loopholes and won him in a way that he was not good at.

If it was a serious confrontation, the opponent would definitely not be able to win easily.

But now...

He found out he was wrong.

Because Herb is at most the peak of the God King Realm, but he is the boss of the God Emperor Realm, who is many times stronger than himself...

How do you compare yourself with others?

At this moment, Herb was convinced of his defeat.


I'm still so hungry!


A belly sound came.

Bai Xiaofei's terrifying aura disappeared in an instant.

No way, he was completely convinced.

next moment……


Bai Xiaofei summoned a large pile of food again.

This time, there are vegetables, meat, rice, pancakes, cakes, milk, chocolate and other high-calorie foods...

In short.

Almost all kinds of food are available.

Bai Xiaofei understood Helbo's foodie and big stomach. If he wanted to ask questions, it would be impossible to solve his stomach first.

Because it will definitely come out from time to time to "roar"...

That would be a shame!


Let's talk about feeding.


Seeing so many delicacies, Herder's eyes turned green immediately, he hurriedly thanked Bai Xiaofei, and then threw himself into the "battle" again.

Herb was like a gust of wind sweeping away fallen leaves, devouring and digesting the food in front of him at an astonishing speed, as if it would never end.


Bai Xiaofei was not idle either.

He didn't come here to deliver food for Herb, but to ask for information about the mastermind behind the scenes, so naturally he couldn't wait all the time.

You can eat, but at the same time, you must answer the questions of this seat.


Not to mention food cancellations.

A punishment and torture to extract a confession are absolutely indispensable.

"I said!"

Herb was very cooperative.

As if he had guessed the reason for Bai Xiaofei's visit, he ate and said, "As I said just now, I am completely convinced, and I am willing to surrender. Your Excellency, if you have any questions, feel free to ask, as long as I know, I will definitely tell you everything." Endless!"


Bai Xiaofei sweated a little.

Then he asked: "Okay, since that's the case, then I won't play around with you anymore, tell me, who is the boss behind you?"

"What is his level of strength, roughly?"

"The more detailed the better!"


Bai Xiaofei asked the key point.

These questions are what he wants to know the most, and they are also the most important.

For the rest, it doesn't matter if you don't know.


And heard Bai Xiaofei's words.

There was a sudden pause in Herb's eating movements. He seemed to be struggling and hesitating, but then he returned to normal.

Eat and drink.

at the same time……

He also answered Bai Xiaofei's question in his mouth, and said: "Hey, hey... To tell the truth, our leader this time is the one who is called the number one god emperor in C area—Mr. Murphys."

"It is rumored that Mr. Murphys has a title called Oneiroi, which means that he can make people's dreams come true. He is very legendary and powerful!"

"As for the realm and extent of its strength..."


"I'm not too sure about this, after all, my level is too far behind, but I've heard some strong men who are also in the God Emperor realm say that Meng Shenjun is almost the strongest under the honor realm..."

"None of us has ever seen his deity. We just know that he is the leader of this mission, but where is he and what does he look like..."

" one knows!"


That's all for now.

And at this time, Herb ate up all the food around him.

This time, he was finally full...


I ate so much.

Herb was still not full at all, but at least he was not as hungry as before. Even if he stopped eating, his stomach would not protest.

Bai Xiaofei: "..."

His face was calm, but his heart was heavy.

The strongest under the dignity?

Depend on!

Isn't that a saint!

According to the classification of the samsara space and the strength setting of the entire original world, the prestige is a saint, but the saint is not necessarily a prestige.

According to this analysis, the Dream God Lord Murphys is the most powerful person who is at the peak of the God Emperor Realm and is only one step away from stepping into the realm of the Exalted Realm.

The lower realm is the God Emperor Realm, who can be recognized as the strongest by a group of God Emperor Realm bosses, compared to the precipice who has already mastered part of the way of heaven and become a saint.

As for the general sage of the heavenly way, or the sage of the way...

He didn't know about Bai Xiaofei.

after all……

The reincarnation space is as strong as a cloud.

Everyone's methods are different, and Bai Xiaofei didn't have much contact with them, and the information he has now is very little.

He couldn't judge at all.


One thing Bai Xiaofei can confirm is that the title of Morpheus Oneiroi is most likely related to his own Tao or ability.

Coupled with the chain reaction caused by the viral outbreak and mutation of those human desires that Bai Xiaofei saw during the previous war...

Bai Xiaofei guessed that the dream god should use the wishes of all living beings as food to strengthen his own strength and practice, otherwise a fool would waste his energy and help mortals realize all kinds of desires if their head was kicked by a donkey.


Speaking of willpower.

Bai Xiaofei suddenly thought of a brilliant idea, and said to himself: "Since that dream god wants to rely on his huge wish power to help him break through the bottleneck of entering the realm of dignity, then if I use the astonishing wish power as a bait..."

"Will the other party take the bait and show up?"

"It seems that you can try it!"


The more he thought about it, the more excited he became.


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