The Storm God

Chapter 3352 An opportunity for sanctification!

Let's talk about strength.

Bai Xiaofei may not be able to compare with Morpheus, the God of Dreams, but in terms of wish power...


Then Bai Xiaofei has more confidence.

Although because of the upgrade of the space-time shuttle, all his property has turned into the source of Bai Xiaofei's own power.


The essence is the same.

Bai Xiaofei can also disassemble some of these sources of his own power, such as wish power, and use them as bait for fishing.


Although the idea is good, it is somewhat difficult to operate.

It's like the whole world knows the principle of making the atomic bomb, but no one can make it by themselves, which is basically the same reason.

not to mention……

Bai Xiaofei only thought about it roughly.

He still has no idea how to use the power of will to operate. After all, Bai Xiaofei still doesn't know much about the principle of Oneiroi feeding with the power of wishes.

And this aspect.

He can only start with Herb.

"Feel sorry!"

Herb shook his head like a rattle: "I don't know anything, you should ask something else, I'm just a little god king!"

What I said was a grievance.


Think about it too.

This is like asking a basketball rookie how to do a slam dunk while spinning in the air.


Bai Xiaofei coughed lightly in embarrassment.

Then he changed the subject and was about to attack from the side, and said again: "Okay, I won't ask you about that, but you should know why people in this world suddenly have extraordinary power, right?"

"Could it also have something to do with Oneiroi?"


Herb was very clear about this question, and immediately said after hearing the words: "Mr. Oneiroi has a special ability to listen to the voices of the world..."

"Then, he will choose some people and use his ability to help them realize their wishes, but most of the wishes of the world are rights, money, women and power..."

"If that's all it is, then it's fine. Oneiroi can definitely be called a kind god, but the key is that there are traps in it."

"I don't know exactly what's going on. I heard from a friend that this is somewhat similar to the principle of equivalent exchange, except that the latter has a clearly marked price. You know what you will pay for your wish... ..."

"But Oneiroi is different. He directly realized it for you, and then quietly took away some of your things without you knowing..."

Speaking of which.

Hurlbur paused, and then continued: "As long as it is what it is, it is uncertain, because everyone's situation is different, so even if it is the same wish, the rewards received by Oneiroi are different."

"However, I guess, it must be a powerful factor that can help him. Combined with Oneiroi's ability and aggressiveness, I think it should be human nature."

"Because most people who have fulfilled their wishes will become very greedy, irritable, crazy, and finally go to perish. Few of them can end well."

"That's why, in the eyes of some people, Oneiroi is also called the God of Destruction, because all the worlds he stares at end up in destruction."


After listening to Herb's explanation, Bai Xiaofei fell into deep thought.

Oneiroi is also called the God of Destruction?

The principle of wish fulfillment may be similar to some kind of tampered contract. As long as you sign (make a wish), you will fall into a pit and cannot get out?

Good guy!

This Murphys really has a hand.

It is worthy of being a master from the reincarnation space, who can be the strongest under the dignity, and achieve the body of a saint, as expected, he has two brushes.

In this case, it may be difficult to fish with bait.

Because the opponent's ability is too domineering, once you accidentally complete the contract with the opponent, you may be directly cheated.

Unless a way of restraint can be found.


This is obviously unlikely.

Firstly, Bai Xiaofei was not familiar with Murphys' methods and abilities, so everything depended on his own analysis and Herber's statement.

Never fighting against each other means that all this may be a smoke bomb.

You have to plan and prepare for the worst.

in addition……

The opponent is stronger than Bai Xiaofei.

Even if he figured out Murphys' ability and means, he might not be able to deal with it, after all, he is a saint.

Innately occupied an overwhelming advantage.


Think here.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help feeling a little discouraged.

It is really nerve-wracking to meet such a difficult and powerful enemy.

never mind!

Let's do something else first.

Bai Xiaofei has a very good mentality, if he can't solve it here, let's not solve it for now, anyway, in this world, Murphys is not the only enemy.

Hebron, Supernova and the others, as well as those guys from the Injustice League, are all members of the organization from Reincarnation Paradise.

He is Murphy's younger brother and subordinate.

The boss can't do it, so it's okay to deal with these younger brothers first.

Bai Xiaofei didn't believe it anymore, when those younger brothers were dealt with, Murphys, the boss, would become a bare-bones commander, and he still showed up?

And then...

While dealing with the little brother, it is also necessary to restrain the loss of the willpower of the world.

That is to say, I have to find a way to spread positive energy and make the bewitched people a little more sober. Although this is only a temporary solution, not the root cause, because people will have desires, but it will have some effect.

When the time comes, coupled with the collective rush of the younger brothers, Bai Xiaofei will not believe that the other party will not show up.


That is the most critical question.

After the God of Dreams, Murphys, appeared, what did Bai Xiaofei use to defeat him?

After all, he is a sage, and Bai Xiaofei is in the God Emperor realm. Although the realm is the same, the degree and depth are worlds apart.

In short.

There is a huge gap between the two sides.

If he wanted to defeat Murphys, Bai Xiaofei had to cross this chasm, otherwise it would take a long time, and he would end up delivering food to his opponent.

And finally...

Bai Xiaofei thought of a possibility.

Apocalypse mother box!


It is the three mother boxes brought by the Apocalypse that invaded the earth more than 5,000 years ago. To be precise, it is the unifying force among them.

With the growth of strength and knowledge, the Apocalypse Mother Box is no longer mysterious and mysterious to you in front of Bai Xiaofei.

Bai Xiaofei's primordial eyes can easily see through its essence.

simply put.

The Apocalypse Mother Box is equivalent to a combination of Time Gem + Space Gem + Soul Gem + Mind Gem, and the owner has unimaginable power and plasticity.


This is not to say that the Apocalypse Mother Box is better than the Infinity Gems.

The two are not at the same level at all, but some skills are very similar. Strictly speaking, infinite gems are better.

But the Apocalypse Mother Box also has an advantage that Infinity Gems cannot match, that is, simpler entry-level operation requirements.

Even those backward scientists on land can develop various black technologies and special abilities from the Apocalypse Mother Box...

If Bai Xiaofei wanted to, then of course it would be a no-brainer.

In fact.

Many black technologies of Atlantis were born under the influence of the apocalypse mother box it kept.

Paradise Island also keeps this Mother Box of Apocalypse.

It's just that the Amazon family doesn't like research, but advocates force, so the technology tree is not opened, and it just grows crooked...

And the land world...

All right!

Almost equivalent to nothing.

Because the mother box of the human world was buried directly at that time, it was not discovered by accident until the First World War, and then it was directly taken away by Bai Xiaofei.

In short.

Bai Xiaofei firmly believes that if the three Apocalypse Mother Boxes are combined into one, the power of unification will explode, and then be completely absorbed by Bai Xiaofei...

Then his strength can definitely go one step further.

By then...

Maybe Bai Xiaofei can become a saint.

After all, he is different from ordinary people. Not only does he have the stepping stones and keys to step into the realm of dignity, but he also has the method of sanctification.

The only thing missing is strength.


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