The Storm God

Chapter 3353 Son's Number One Follower!


Speaking of the Apocalypse Mother Box, the question is, where is it at the moment?

On Diana!


The Human Apocalypse Mother Box that Bai Xiaofei obtained was originally in the dimensional space, but when the dimensional space shattered, it was taken away by Diana.

That is.

If you want to become stronger through the unified power of the Apocalypse Mother Box, you must first find Diana...


Bai Xiaofei can also collect the other two first.

Now, he is in the palace of Atlantis, where there is an Apocalypse Mother Box, which has been kept by Atlantis.

Now that Atlanta is in power, it is not a problem for Bai Xiaofei to get the mother box.

Another one, on Paradise Island.

Not a big problem.

The essential……

Still Diana!

Because the apocalypse mother box is a trinity, one is indispensable.

Although it can also increase its own strength by absorbing a single Apocalypse Mother Box, the effect is limited after all, and it is far less powerful than the unified power of the Trinity.

So it goes around and around, and it goes around to Diana. Only by finding her can Bai Xiaofei gain the power of unification and become stronger quickly.

Think here.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help laughing bitterly.

This problem seems simple, but in fact it is not easy to solve, otherwise there is no need to wait until now, Bai Xiaofei has already found Diana.

"That's all!"

"Let's take one step at a time!"

"Go back first."

Bai Xiaofei turned around and was about to leave the dimensional space.

At this time, Herb suddenly said: "That... Great God, what about me? You don't want me to stay here, do you?"

In the end.

It's already the expression that is about to cry.


For a similar captivity, the muscular, thick-looking, extremely strong Helbo was completely psychologically disturbed.

He would rather die than be imprisoned in another dimension. Because of that taste, it's so sour and refreshing, one glance at ten thousand years, whoever knows how good it is!


Bai Xiaofei rolled his eyes and smiled immediately: "You want to go out?"


Herb nodded frantically.

"As long as you let me out, let me do anything!"

"Is it okay to betray?"



Bai Xiaofei was speechless for a moment.

This guy is really unscrupulous enough, he sells teammates as soon as he says he sells them, and now he is even more concerned about freedom, even disregarding affection...



Naturally, Bai Xiaofei would not easily believe his words.

The next moment, Bai Xiaofei directly took out a Heavenly Dao contract and threw it to Helbo, and said: "If you want to go out, then sign this contract. From now on, you will be my younger brother, and you will have nothing to do with the reincarnation space." Nothing to do with it!"


Herbert was taken aback for a moment.

He didn't regret it, but was a little shocked and unbelievable.

after all……

Once entering reincarnation, it is as deep as the sea.

Even if they become bigwigs, few people will be free. Almost life is reincarnation of people, death is reincarnation of ghosts.

Want to quit?

There is no way at all!


Bai Xiaofei's contract seems to be able to solve this problem.

This made Herb feel incredible.

"This clause..."

Just glanced at it.

Herb was shocked by the loose clauses in the contract, not too domineering and harsh, but compared to the cruel exploitation of the reincarnation space, this is simply heavenly treatment...


It doesn't matter whether the contract is in charge or not.

Without any hesitation, Herb directly used his own blood, mixed with soul power, to sign his name on the contract.

Afterwards, the contract took effect and the golden light shined.


Herb clearly felt that the special brand in his body that originated from the space of reincarnation had actually been removed.

"It turned out to be true!"

He was stunned, his face was full of surprise, and he almost didn't cry.

Bai Xiaofei smiled indifferently but pretentiously, and said triumphantly: "Of course, will I still use a fake contract to deceive you?"


"There's nothing wrong with it!"

Bai Xiaofei directly interrupted: "You just need to remember, from now on, you are my younger brother, and have nothing to do with the reincarnation space!"



Herb nodded blankly.

Then he asked curiously: "Um...boss, since we are all our own people, is it convenient for you to tell me your name?"

"Just call me Bai Yu!"

Bai Xiaofei didn't tell Herb his real name.

after all……

He is on the list.

As the most wanted person in the reincarnation space, Bai Xiaofei has to keep a low profile until he is sure whether he can fully grasp the situation around him.

"White Feather?"


Bai Xiaofei waved his hand.

The dimensional space then dissipated, like a bubble, without causing any waves. And this move left Herb dumbfounded.


He gave a heartfelt admiration, which was a slap on Bai Xiaofei's ass.

It's just that Bai Xiaofei didn't care at all.


Dimensional space dissipates.

Bai Xiaofei and Herbert naturally appeared in the realization of everyone in the palace. Little Arthur was very happy when he saw his father's return, so he immediately moved over.


When he saw the stranger Herb beside him, the little guy suddenly became vigilant and alert again, and asked, "Dad, who is this man?"

"He's my little brother!"

Bai Xiaofei hugged his precious son in his arms with a smile, and then explained: "This is the subordinate that Dad just accepted, and he will be responsible for serving as your number one follower from now on. Whatever you want to do, just tell him to do it."


When Herb heard this, he immediately looked bitter.

Oh my God!

What is this scenario?

I just thought that I would finally have a good life after following an awesome boss, but in the blink of an eye, the boss rewarded a little boy as a follower...

Wang Defa!


What did the child call the boss just now?



He turned out to be the son of the boss! That is, the prince?


This job is great!

The prince looks like he is only about three years old, so what trouble could there be? As long as you serve this person with all your heart and soul, your future will be bright!

Think here.

Herber was instantly excited.


He quickly put on a brilliant smile, and flattered Little Arthur: "Young master, hello, my name is Helbo, I come from the planet Tamigel, and I practice Qi martial arts ability. A high-level God King Realm..."

This started to curry favor with his little master.

on this...

Bai Xiaofei just watched.

Little Arthur also looked at Herb curiously, tilting his head with an innocent and cute look, his eyes full of vague understanding.

In the end, the little guy rolled his eyes and asked, "Is the God King Realm very powerful?"


Herbert was speechless for a moment.


how to say?

Call it amazing, but in front of Bai Xiaofei, he is not even a fart.

But if you say it's not great...

That's bullshit again.

Herb's combat power is as high as about 5 billion.

Even if only one ten-thousandth of the strength is exerted, it is enough to destroy the earth. Such strength, at least in the eyes of some people, is still quite awesome.

The key is this thing, you have to see who you compare it with.

after all……

God King Realm is not Chinese cabbage, in some medium worlds, such strength already belongs to the top of the pyramid.

Like in this world.

It's awesome...

"I rely on it!"

Before Helbo finished his wild thoughts, he suddenly burst out with a swear word, because Little Arthur, who was being held by Bai Xiaofei, released an extremely powerful coercion and momentum in an instant.

And its level is comparable to the main god.


Still rising!

The main god is middle-level, the main god is high-level, the main god is at the peak, and the main god is Dzogchen...

Only for a moment!

Little Arthur's aura and coercion had actually broken through to the level of a god-king. This sudden change immediately stunned Helbo.

"This this……"

His eyes widened, as if he had seen a ghost.

Unbelievable face.


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