The Storm God

Chapter 3354 Amazing my son!


Bai Xiaofei was also surprised.

He fixedly looked at his precious son, and was extremely curious in his heart: "It's understandable to improve his strength. After all, he is my seed, so he can't be weak..."

"But what's the matter with this breath?"


The Eye of Primordial Mist was launched.

In Bai Xiaofei's line of sight, the body of his precious son, Little Arthur, was instantly seen through, and as a father, he immediately saw a mysterious existence like a black hole.

This black hole is very terrifying. Not only can it swallow the energy of the surrounding world, making little Arthur stronger, but it also seems to have the ability to simulate.

It is because of its existence.

Little Arthur's breath at this moment will become almost exactly the same as Herb's.


That's not quite right.

To be precise, it should be the energy in Little Arthur's body that, upon sensing Herb's climate, spontaneously undergoes a special transformation.


A Dragon Ball warrior with high-level strength comparable to the God King Realm was just released.

in short.

Little Arthur was already strong.

But his previous power was the purest energy, purely strong, but it basically didn't have any special attributes or abilities.

For example, the thunder and lightning that Bai Xiaofei has seen, the wind and rain and hail, what the earth manipulates, those are just one of the manifestations of this energy.

at first……

Bai Xiaofei thought it was an ability inherited from his precious son.

But now it seems that this is not the case, but that little Arthur seems to have the ability to freely manipulate and transform his own power characteristics.

For example, the Dragon Ball power system that Helbo cultivated.

Little Arthur just glanced at it.


He also learned.

Bai Xiaofei could see clearly that at this moment, the power in little Arthur's body had almost completely turned into the Qi of the Dragon Ball world.

But it was slightly different from that kind of qi.

That feeling is like ordinary groundwater, which is the same as mineral water that has been filtered and processed layer by layer. Although they are all water, they are extremely different.

no doubt.

Herb's qi is like ordinary water.

The qi in Little Arthur's body is obviously much higher. The same unit of qi can definitely beat Herb by more than a thousand.

The two sides are not of the same magnitude at all.

Not only that.

Herb's qi is born through food, exercise and other means, and then through the transformation of his own body, which is equivalent to chakra.

It can be regarded as a special product formed by the fusion of physical energy and spiritual energy, plus a little natural energy.

This thing is especially awesome in terms of destructive power.

And little Arthur's anger is very special.


It is not transformed by the body.

It is the release and transformation brought about by a more complex and deeper special medium, that is, the mysterious and terrifying black hole.

All the power comes from the black hole devouring the energy of the heavens and the earth, and then releasing it into Little Arthur's body for transformation.

Whether it's quality, power, or style...

They are much more powerful than Herb.


Even Bai Xiaofei, who is at the pinnacle of the God Emperor Realm, has difficulty seeing through the essence of the mysterious black hole for a while after using the Eye of Primordial Mist.

This made Bai Xiaofei feel incredible.

"Amazing my son!"

"I thought you were quite good enough to possess such terrifying strength not long after you were born, but I didn't expect you to even have your own golden finger!"

"This is the proper treatment for the protagonist~"


Bai Xiaofei was excited.

After all, he is his own son. The more powerful little Arthur is, the more excited and happy he will be as a father.


Little Arthur seemed to be aware of Bai Xiaofei's happiness, and suddenly turned his head, looked at Bai Xiaofei and said, "This Herb is so weak, I feel like I can fight ten by myself, so I don't want him to be my number one follower." Bar……"

"Ah? Why?"

Bai Xiaofei asked with a look of curiosity.

Herb, who had just come to his senses, was immediately stupefied when he heard the words. As the crown prince's number one entourage, he was going to be kicked down before he could sit still?


Little Arthur gave Helbo a disgusted look.

Then he said to Bai Xiaofei: "Dad, this person is too weak and ugly, it's too embarrassing to take him out, and he's still a man..."


Herb was instantly struck by lightning, and his face was ashen!

too weak……


It's a man...

I'm so...

What kind of weird reason is this?

Just because of this, the identity of the number one follower will be taken away?

Do you want to be so casual!

This moment.

Herb wanted to cry very much, his heart was pierced, hey!

The kind that's shattered!


Herb wasn't ugly, he was even a little handsome.

With his combat power at the peak of the God King Realm, it is definitely not bad, but now he is so unbearable and ugly by little Arthur...

This was simply a devastating blow to him.

Especially when that sentence is male...


Could it be that I wasn't born to be a boy? !

What an excuse!


Bai Xiaofei was also stunned.

He stared blankly at his precious son, at first he thought that the little guy was a standard appearance association, and a standard set of appearance was the theory of justice.


Now Bai Xiaofei realized that he was wrong.

This little guy is not only from the Appearance Association, but also seems to have the potential of a certain wolf. The reason for rejecting a follower is because the other party is a man!

Oh My God!

Isn't this, it must be a girl?


How old are you!

Why are there such strict standards and requirements?

Is it with me?


Bai Xiaofei suddenly trembled. Thinking about it carefully, it seemed that he was really to blame. After all, when he was having sex with Atlanta, it was the time when he was favored by a special ability.

Little Arthur is Bai Xiaofei's first child.


He inherited certain traits.

For example, the nature of aliens is to like powerful genes, to constantly break through and evolve, and little Arthur may have inherited this potential.

So far.

Bai Xiaofei suddenly thought of a certain possibility.


He shielded some of the surrounding sea water, then summoned an ordinary alien, and said to his precious son, "Arthur, can you control it?"


The little guy was taken aback for a moment.

His confused eyes then looked at the ordinary alien that was obediently standing still, and then Bai Xiaofei saw this alien, rolling on the ground...

Needless to say.

Little Arthur must have done it!

That is.

Little Arthur also seems to have inherited Bai Xiaofei's ability to control the aliens.

"Wait, I'll try you again!"

Bai Xiaofei was overjoyed immediately, then took the ordinary alien away, and released some evolutionary and enhanced versions of the alien again.

for example……

Alien dragon.

Alien green fat.

Alien Queen.

Etc., etc.

Soon, Bai Xiaofei and Little Arthur were filled with all kinds of different types and versions of alien fighters, and even the alien queen was moved out by Bai Xiaofei.

"Son, try again!"


Little Arthur was not bored either.

On the contrary, these ugly aliens, which should have been extremely repelled and hated by him, aroused great interest for the little guy.


He could still clearly feel that these gaudy monsters seemed to be very close to him, giving little Arthur a strange feeling that he could do whatever he wanted, as if he could use his fingers.

Then, thinking in his heart, the aliens on the opposite side really did all kinds of actions according to his ideas.

This surprised the little guy.


The little guy jumped up happily, as if he got a new toy, he became addicted to playing, and began to control these different types of aliens, various poses and nonsensical games.

This scene.

Herb felt extremely sad.


Thinking of me, Helbo, a strong man at the pinnacle of God King Realm, in front of the crown prince, he is not even as good as two scumbag monsters...

There is no way to mess up this day!


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