The Storm God

Chapter 3355 Helpless!

"Oh My God!"

"What is that? Arthur, why do you..."

"Get away from them!"


Atlanta did not know when to appear.

Then, she was frightened by the group of aliens in front of her, and immediately put on a straight face, and sternly stopped Little Arthur from playing.


Bai Xiaofei felt that Atlanta was making a fuss out of a molehill.

So she opened her mouth to explain, but before he could say anything, Atlanta stared at him very seriously.

"You made those monsters?"


Bai Xiaofei fell silent for a moment.

He suddenly had a very bad premonition that it would be better not to speak at this time.

as expected……


Atlanta held little Arthur in her arms.

He gave Bai Xiaofei a vicious look, and said: "You bastard, if you dare to make some messy things for your son, you will never want to sleep in my mother's bed!"


He took his son and left directly.

In the scene, only Bai Xiaofei was left, and the bewildered Helbo stood there in pain, at a loss for what to do.


Bai Xiaofei was also a little speechless.

What happened to these aliens? Apart from being ugly, what's wrong with it? They are loyal, okay? They are more reliable than humans!

But forget it.


You can't reason with them.

Because no matter whether you are right or not, they are the ones who are right in the end. Even if you are lucky enough to argue and win, the end will be extremely miserable.

Bai Xiaofei is someone who has experienced it, so naturally he will not repeat the same mistakes.

In short.

The sky and the earth are big.

Wife and children are the oldest.

Since Atlanta doesn't like to let little Arthur come into contact with aliens, then let him not be contacted for now, at worst, wait for Arthur to grow up a little bit before letting him accept the kingship.

What's the matter!


After about a minute of silence.

Seeing that Bai Xiaofei remained silent, Herb couldn't help asking, "Well... what should I do in the future?"


The prince dislikes me for being ugly.

If you can't be the number one follower, you can't be idle all the time, right?

If that's the case, then what's the point!


Bai Xiaofei immediately came back to his senses.

He also understood Herb's meaning in an instant, rolled his eyes, and said hehe: "You want to find something to do?"


"Very good, did that woman see it just now?"


"That's my wife. Since little Arthur despises you as ugly, from now on, you will follow Atlanna and be her follower!"

One word from Bai Xiaofei immediately decided Herb's fate: "Atlanna's current strength is a bit low, and having you by my side to protect me can make me feel at ease, especially in this eventful autumn..."


Herb had a bitter face, following the boss's woman?

I rely on!

Why is it such an errand again?

Can you refuse?


Your family is not easy to mess with, okay?

One thinks I'm ugly, one pushes me away, and the other, judging from the situation just now, is probably even more difficult than the boss...


It's just a proposition!

Thinking of his tragic fate in the future, Herb almost cried.

Bai Xiaofei patted him on the shoulder with a smile, and comforted him: "Don't be depressed, in fact Atlanta has a very good temper, as long as you don't mess with little Arthur, everything is fine, how about it?" Do it and see for yourself..."

Herbert: "..."


After a while.

Bai Xiaofei, who took away all the aliens, saw Atlanta again. She was taking a bath for her baby son, obviously she was still a little nervous about what happened just now.

Seeing Bai Xiaofei approaching, Atlanta's expression was still gloomy.


Bai Xiaofei has a thick skin.

He walked over with a hard head, and said straight to the point: "Nana, there is something I want to ask you, can you give me the Apocalypse Mother Box kept by Atlantis for research?"


Hearing Bai Xiaofei mentioning the Apocalypse Mother Box, Atlanta was taken aback for a moment, and then said seriously: "Why did you suddenly ask to study that?"

The Apocalypse Mother Box matters a lot.

Although Atlanta believes that Bai Xiaofei's strength should be enough to deal with the original owner of the Apocalypse Mother Box, but one more thing is worse than one less thing.

If it is not necessary, Atlanta still hopes that Bai Xiaofei will not touch the mother box. After all, Atlantis is not completely under her control yet.

If there is a big mess at this juncture, even if she is the royal family, she won't be able to handle it, unless Bai Xiaofei can take care of everything.

"This is of great use to me!"

Bai Xiaofei naturally knew what Atlanta meant, and he didn't hide it when he heard the words. He immediately told her that he wanted to use the unifying power of the Apocalypse Mother Box to be promoted.


After listening to Bai Xiaofei's statement, Atlanta just thought about it for a while, and then directly agreed: "Since the mother box is useful to you, I will bring it to you, but you must be careful!"


Bai Xiaofei was overjoyed immediately.

Hugging Atlanta, he took a sip, and then said confidently: "Don't worry, when I experiment, I will be in a different space, and even if there is any accident, it will not spread to the outside."


"I'm really strong. The power of a mere mother box can't make any waves in front of me. Just put your heart back in your stomach!"


Atlanta just smiled.

After Bai Xiaofei got Atlanta's royal token, he quickly set off, left the palace, and went directly to the suppression site of the Apocalypse Mother Box.


before leaving.

Bai Xiaofei has already made sufficient preparations.

Atlanta also had Herb as her entourage and bodyguard. Even if there were any emergencies, Herb's strength would definitely be able to settle them.

The premise is that the opponent's strength cannot surpass him too much.

But generally unlikely.

after all……

Aum's subordinates are all orthodox Atlanteans.

Even if some are relatively powerful, they are still far behind compared to the Dragon Ball fighters who can easily explode stars and destroy the solar system.

not to mention.

At Bai Xiaofei's speed, going to the outskirts of Atlantis to get an Apocalypse Mother Box is not going to the edge of the universe.

If nothing else, we'll be back soon.

In short.

Nothing to worry about.


at the same time.

The land world, this side of the United States.

The bosses of the Justice League and the Injustice League are sitting together at this moment, discussing matters related to Bai Xiaofei's family of three.

after all……

Herb, one of the members of the alliance, was captured, and this one must be rescued. Otherwise, if it gets out, a group of bigwigs won't even come back with their companions, so how can they mess around?

And the North Pole, the destination, is a sparsely populated place, which allows them to almost completely let go of their hands without worrying about harming innocent people.

This is good news for some people.


The key is how to save people?

In the battle of the previous two days, several bigwigs at the scene had carefully studied it countless times. They all agreed that Nie Xiaoqian and Xiao Bailei were not considered a threat, as long as they sent a few more people, they would be able to trap live them.

However, the most troublesome thing was Bai Xiaofei.

Because they can't see the upper limit of their strength at all, as well as the type and weakness of their main abilities...

This means that the opponent's realm may be far above them.

at last……

Everyone found out bitterly that there seemed to be no sure way other than finding the Diana they wanted.

This makes them very distressed and depressed.


No one found Diana.

Let alone found it, they didn't even have a clue!

This can't help but make some people wonder whether this so-called Diana is real or not? Could it be a smoke bomb deliberately released by the other party, with the purpose of misleading and paralyzing himself and others?

Otherwise, with their abilities, how could they not find it?

There must be something wrong with this!


When everyone was at a loss, someone suddenly suggested: "Let's contact the boss, maybe he can help us..."

The so-called boss refers to Morpheus, the God of Dreams.

Everyone: "..."


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