The Storm God

Chapter 3356 The God of Lies!


Whether it's the Justice League side or the Injustice League side, after hearing the word boss, their expressions are a little stiff and timid.


This boss is not so easy to get along with.

Otherwise, those younger brothers would not just hear a title, and their faces would become so ugly, as if they had seen a ghost.


Morpheus, the God of Dreams, has a very good temper. He is completely amiable, approachable, and has almost no airs.


Even so, the title of Oneiroi God Lord still made countless people frightened by it, and their faces changed in horror.

The reason for all this lies in Murphy's ability.

In the space of reincarnation, besides the title of Oneiroi and God of Destruction, Murphys has another title——

God of lies.

If anyone really thinks that Murphys is a good old man, he will regret it in the end, because for those who have such thoughts, at least 9999 people out of 10,000 people have been cheated by Murphys.

The key point is that many of these people are Murphys' teammates, younger brothers, and even bosses.


Whoever it is.

As long as it is dealing with Murphys, there is almost no good end.

The difference lies in how miserable it is to be cheated.


The so-called bosses here are so afraid of the existence of the boss, Murphys, because they don't know when they may be tricked by the boss.


Unless the situation is a last resort, they will never ask Murphys, but now someone proposes to ask the boss for help...


If it weren't for the current situation, they would indeed be helpless, and the rest of the people might be able to teach the proposed bastard to be a new man on the spot.


After a while of silence.

In the end, these big brothers, you look at me, I look at you. Everyone's eyes fell on one person surprisingly unanimously.

And that person is exactly the one who proposed just now.

I am Nima!

That person almost swears at that time.

But he held back in the end, who made this proposal by himself, and he couldn't handle so many people on the other side at all.

I'm afraid the end of the swearing will only be worse than it is now!


Silence is gold.

Under the unanimous vote of everyone.

This poor and sad man who was a hard-working proposer had no choice but to bite the bullet and turn on the communicator, and sent a message to Morpheus, the God of Dreams.

At that time, his expression was almost the same as that of the execution ground.

Not to mention how ugly it is.


almost instantly.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, sent back a reply: "North Pole!"


Looking at the reincarnation wristwatch, the extremely short two words are not only proposing the man, but also the rest of the bigwigs are stupefied.

"What does this mean?"

"Does it mean that we can go to the North Pole without worry, or that the woman named Diana is in the North Pole at this moment?"

"Or what chance does the North Pole have?"


Everyone looked at each other, all confused.

Although they couldn't discuss the reason in the end, they still chose to believe in the name of Oneiroi.

Everyone unanimously decided to leave for the North Pole in a few days.


Someone asked curiously: "Kolder, what did you pay?"

According to the routine of Morpheus, the God of Dreams, no matter what the situation is, as long as he asks something, he only needs to give an answer.

Then the two parties are considered to have established a transaction.

Transaction complete.

The latter will inevitably pay.


The bosses sitting here are very curious as to what exactly Kolde was taken away by the Oneiroi Lord, so that the word "North Pole" was replaced.


It's good that people don't mention this.

At this point, the person who proposed just now, that is, Kolder, suddenly turned dark into the bottom of the pot, gritted his teeth and said: "My divine king's way would have been perfected immediately, but now I have been beaten back to its original form !"


When everyone heard this, their faces changed in horror.

Back to the original shape?


Doesn't this mean that Kolder spent hundreds of years with great difficulty and was about to break through soon, but in the end he returned to the beginning?

It really is so dark!




be terrified!

Look, this is the Dream God Lord!

Or hide it!


Everyone was amazed again and again, and the alarm bells rang.

Only Korder was like his dead father, extremely depressed, as if possessed by a decrepit spirit, and his whole body was shrouded in a huge darkness.


crucial moment.

It was the titular boss of the Justice League who said, "Kolder, everyone has noticed your dedication this time, and you will never be forgotten!"

"If you can defeat that person this time and gain any benefits, according to your contribution, you should be the biggest. I hereby promise to give you an extra 30% as a subsidy!"

"Everyone, do you have any opinions?"


Everyone shook their heads when they heard the words.

Compared with the hundreds of years of cultivation that Kolder had put in, this was only 30% of the benefits, and it was not worth mentioning at all, so no one objected to this.


That's how things settled down.

A group of bigwigs immediately decided to arrange manpower and prepare to go to the North Pole.


the other side.

In a small town in Iceland.

Diana took a private jet and finally landed here safely.


She spent money to hire a car, some supplies, and some of the strongest dogs in the area, and embarked on a journey to find Bai Xiaofei alone.

The climate in the Arctic is very harsh.

Except for some creatures, there are few people here, and even machines and equipment are mostly difficult to adapt to such a cold environment.


After walking for more than a hundred miles, Diana's car was completely scrapped and turned into a pair of scrap iron, unable to carry her on.

Fortunately, Diana was prepared.

at this time.

The dogs I bought before came in handy.

After some operations, Diana owned a sled vehicle composed of more than 20 Alaskan sled dogs.


With an intuition in her heart, Diana controlled the dogs, set off again, and continued to advance somewhere in the North Pole.


deep sea.

In a certain underwater ruins tens of thousands of nautical miles away from the Royal Palace of Atlantis.

Holding the unique gold medal of the royal family of Atlantis, Bai Xiaofei successfully entered this place that suppressed and kept the Mother Box of Apocalypse.

It's huge here.

It is open and vast, except for a large pillar in the middle, surrounded by a circular wall, which gives way to the Apocalypse Mother Box placed on the middle stone pillar, which is very eye-catching and conspicuous, and also allows anyone who thinks about it to approach After that there is nothing to hide from.

There are many Atlantean warriors in the ruins who are on duty to guard the safety of the mother box, but their strength, in Bai Xiaofei's opinion, is a bit scumbag.

Not to mention Steppenwolves, they probably wouldn't be able to defend against anyone who was a little more powerful. The only advantage these guards had was the terrifying water pressure at the bottom of the deep sea.

These water pressures may be terrifying to ordinary people, but in the eyes of many powerful characters, they are not worth mentioning at all.


Even an ordinary person like Batman can rely on his own wisdom to easily break the situation, not to mention a star-bursting powerhouse like Helbo.

In short.

Everything here gave Bai Xiaofei a very perfunctory and indifferent look. Anyway, compared to the guards and agencies on Paradise Island, it seemed very scumbag!

But it doesn't matter.

Because, from now on, the Apocalypse Mother Box will belong to him, Bai Xiaofei. Without the mother box, these guards would not have to stay here anymore.


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