The Storm God

Chapter 3357 Aum, you surrender!

Mother box arrived.

Bai Xiaofei didn't stay any longer, after receiving it in the portable space, he directly used the shuttle ability of the power of space, and came directly to Paradise Island.


Seeing the sudden appearance of her son-in-law, Queen Hippolyta expressed her doubts.

Did you find my daughter?


Bai Xiaofei sweated suddenly.

Then he said embarrassingly: "I haven't found it yet, but I thought of a way, maybe I can use the power of the mother box to improve myself..."

The mother-in-law is not an outsider either.


Bai Xiaofei didn't hide anything, and directly told about the need for the mother box.

And Her Majesty the Queen didn't object, and nodded upon hearing the words: "Since you need it, then take the mother box away, so as to save some trouble."


Bai Xiaofei felt a little worried.

Mother-in-law, it's good for you to keep this in your heart, why do you want to say it?

This is clearly my recycle bin.

In short.

He was quite depressed.

But I can't show it yet, and I have to thank my mother-in-law...

What is this called.


After a while.

Accompanied by Her Majesty the Queen and others, Bai Xiaofei came directly to the place where the mother box was suppressed. By the way, the protective barrier here was set by Bai Xiaofei himself.

Even many of the guards inside were terminators created by Bai Xiaofei, but I didn't expect Steppenwolf to wait for him instead of waiting for him after so many years...

To this.

Bai Xiaofei can only say that fate is really wonderful.

Immediately afterwards, he lifted the suppression and protection of the enchantment, went inside and successfully got the mother box guarded by Paradise Island.

As for those terminators, Bai Xiaofei did not take them away.

Instead, it was left to Paradise Island.

after all……

This isn't Bai Xiaofei's home, it's not for anyone.

Anyway, Bai Xiaofei has plenty of this thing, and he can build as many as he wants, and it is a more advanced and powerful version.

Some people have completely looked down on these backward things.

Hearing from his mother-in-law, he felt that the quantity was a bit small, so without further ado, Bai Xiaofei gave Paradise Island another quantity of tens of thousands with a big wave of his hand.

"Your Majesty, you can play with these things as you like, and it doesn't matter if they are broken, because I have enough of these things, and if they are not enough, feel free to contact me..."

Bai Xiaofei was extremely angry.


Queen Hippolyta was very satisfied with Bai Xiaofei's son-in-law's performance, she couldn't help nodding her head straight, and praised: "It seems that the decision to let Diana go with you was not wrong, but you must find Diana, And promised not to let her get hurt again..."

"That's a must!"

Bai Xiaofei patted his chest and assured: "That's my wife, I'll be in a hurry with anyone who dares to bully her, it won't work if the king of heaven comes!"


Her Majesty the Queen felt relieved.

Then he issued a eviction order: "Since you still have a lot of things to do, then we won't keep you here, you can go..."


Bai Xiaofei expressed his sadness.

Is this the attitude a mother-in-law should have towards her son-in-law?

It's very heartbreaking, is there anything?


He left quickly anyway.

Just like what Her Majesty said, Bai Xiaofei did have a lot of things to do, and absorbing the power of the mother box, and finding Diana had to be put on the agenda.

So he can't stay on Paradise Island much.


at the same time.

Palace of Atlantis.

Orm led a large number of elite troops, approaching Atlantis mightily. Most of the soldiers along the way did not stop him.

Just a symbolic inquiry.

Then let go.

after all……

The battle for the throne, that is the matter above.

Ordinary people like them, it's better not to get involved, just express your attitude symbolically, and just express your meaning.

Only a fool will do it with real swords and guns!


Atlanta is very forgiving.

Even though she regained some of the rights, she didn't order to completely eradicate and kill Aum, so these little brothers are also very good at doing things.

After notifying the palace of the arrival of Aum and others, they went back to their respective positions and continued to work without any obstruction to Aum and others.

Even the opponent's soldiers, horses, and weapons were ignored.

To this.

Aum was very puzzled.

He thought to himself: "Isn't Atlanta afraid that we will defeat her? Or does she have enough self-confidence to conquer us?"

Beside him, Nereus, king of Zebel.

On the way to the palace.


King Nereus reminded: "I feel that something is not right. After you arrive at the palace later, I suggest you not to act rashly, and see the situation before talking."


Aum nodded, "I understand!"


A group of people arrived at the palace.

The guards and soldiers of the palace did not stop Aum and the others, and directly let Aum and King Nereus enter the palace with an elite army, as if they were not worried about Atlanna's attack at all. Safe as well.

And such a move will undoubtedly make Aum and others even more confused and puzzled.

Until she saw Atlanta in formal attire, hugging her precious son Arthur, and there was no one else beside her except for a blond man.

The bewilderment in the hearts of Aum and the others immediately climbed to the peak.

"There are only three people?"

"What kind of medicine is sold in this Atlanta gourd? Could it be that she is not afraid of my sudden attack and directly arrests her?"


Aum narrowed his eyes slightly, his thoughts turned.

He firmly remembered the words of King Nereus, and did not despise and belittle his sister Atlanna because of this, but sat indifferently opposite her sister.

"Unexpectedly, not only did you not die, but you also gave birth to the evil seed." Aom glanced at little Arthur in Atlanta's arms, and sneered, "Is he that child? It looks pretty good." It looks like, but the evil seed is the evil seed!"


Atlanta didn't speak.

He just frowned, looked at Aum with displeasure, and said in a deep voice, "Aum, I am your sister after all, and as a royal family, where are your cultivation and qualities?"

Little Arthur also stared at Orm with an unkind expression.

The big eyes are full of contempt.

to be honest.

Little Arthur didn't like this so-called uncle at all, and when the other party said he was evil, the little guy almost did it directly.

do not doubt.

Little Arthur has the strength of a high-level God King Realm.

Coupled with the Dragon Ball fighter Helbo on the side, the two god kings face to face, not to mention the elite troops brought by Aum, even if he brought all his subordinates, he would not be able to stand up to the two. attack by any one of them.

Because of this, Atlanta didn't need any protection.

That's enough.


Aum was too lazy to talk nonsense with Atlanta, and said coldly after hearing the words: "Stop talking nonsense, I am here this time to deal with the trouble you caused, if you are obedient, because of the love back then, I will It can also let you live."


That's all the words, but the meaning is obvious. If you insist on winning the throne with me, then don't blame me as a younger brother for being polite to you.

at the same time.

The elite squad brought by Aum also immediately showed their weapons very discerningly, and all their guns were aimed at the three of Atlanta.


All this is of no use at all.

The three of Atlanta, as if they hadn't seen this at all, remained indifferent, without any strangeness.


"You really let me down. Xiao Fei is right. I have nothing to talk to you about. Only by telling the truth can you fully wake up!"

"But as a sister, I can give you one last chance!"


Atlanta sighed.

Then he said such a sentence with a serious face, which made Aum's face turn blue with anger, and he stood up.



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