The Storm God

Chapter 3358 Backstab from Nereus!

Orm was furious.

Looking at his sister Atlanta, who was still sitting on the chair, calm and composed, his anger surged again in an instant, and he shouted: "My good sister, are you stupid with the Trench Clan? Can't you see it?"

"The one who wants to surrender should be you!"

"I am the real king!"


this moment.

Aum's momentum was great.

Almost all of the coercion of being a superior over the years has been released, forming a rather strong spiritual force, pressing towards Atlanta.

He intends to use this method to break through Atlanta's psychological defense.


All this is of no use.

Because the current Atlanna is not what it used to be. With the help of Bai Xiaofei's various resources, Atlanta's strength has skyrocketed, and she has already achieved extraordinary achievements.

Don't say it's Om.

Even if the original Dachao came, Atlanta would never lose to him in terms of mental strength and imposing coercion.


Aum's so-called imposing impact was nothing more than a trick.

Completely useless against Atlanta.


Atlanta sneered, completely shattering Aum's coercion, and then, in Aum's bewildered, shocked, and unbelievable eyes, instantly returned color...


Aum suddenly felt as if a mountain was pressing towards him.

And that big mountain is obviously Atlanta.

In Orm's vision.


Atlanna is like a demon god, her size continues to grow, becoming more and more majestic and unreliable.

And himself.

But it is getting smaller and smaller, like a tiny ant under the feet of Tyrannosaurus rex.

There is no need for others to do anything at all, just a sneeze can instantly blast him into the sky thousands of miles away!


Aum suddenly felt as if struck by lightning, his eyes widened like bells, full of horror and disbelief, and he was so frightened that he couldn't help taking a few steps back on the spot.

Obviously, he was completely shocked by Atlanta.


Atlanta regained her momentum.

Then he looked at Aum, becoming more and more displeased and angry. With this little ability, do you want to start a war with those perverts on land?

I think you don't know how to write dead characters at all!

And the other side.

King Nereus next to Aum was also completely shocked by Atlanna's kingly attitude, his eyes like an old fox were full of brilliance and brilliance.

He didn't stand up immediately.

He just sat there quietly, as if he was thinking about something, until Aum was completely defeated by Atlanna's aura, and his face was extremely embarrassed and distorted.

Only then did King Nereus stand up.


Following his opening.

As if he had grasped a life-saving straw, Aum immediately came back to his senses, and said to King Nereus: "All this is false, it is all false!"

"I'm the real king, right?"


Nereus was silent.

Looking at Aum, who was almost out of his mind, King Nereus felt more and more that his thoughts just now were correct.


In the eyes of Aum full of expectation and hope.

But King Nereus sighed, and then slowly said: "Yes, I thought so before, but..."

"Now I see I was wrong!"


"You really let me down, look at your current appearance, how can you still have half the spirit of a king? You are a complete loser!"

"How could such a person be eligible to inherit the throne?"

"So sorry!"


Speaking of which.

King Nereus paused for a moment, and then delivered a fatal blow amid Orm's bewildered and unbelievably shocked expression:

"From now on, all cooperation between us will be completely void!"

"His Royal Highness Princess Atlanta..."


He turned to look at Atlanta.

His expression changed in an instant, extremely bright and flattering, and he said with a smile: "I was stupid before, but now I realize that only you are the real king. I believe that under your leadership, Atlantis will definitely change. be stronger and more prosperous!"


Aumru was struck by lightning.

Clutching his chest, he took several steps back with a face full of pain, and murmured incessantly: "No! This is not real, I must be dreaming..."

"I am the king of Atlantis, I am!"

"You are all fake!"


In the end.

Orm started screaming frantically.

Immediately afterwards, he suddenly rushed to the elite soldiers in the room and ordered: "Kill them all, including Nereus, leave no one behind!"

this moment.

His eyes turned completely red.

Full of killing intent!


The order was issued, but the soldiers on the scene did not respond at all. The only response was the look in his eyes as if looking at a fool.

That seems to be saying, you are not a fool, are you?


The soldiers at the scene were not Aum's confidantes, but all the elites under King Nereus' command.

That is.

Aum is completely unqualified to name them.

Only King Nereus is the true master of these elite soldiers. It's ridiculous that Orm is now ordering these soldiers to kill everyone including King Nereus...

This is simply a joke!

No wonder those soldiers looked at him as if they were looking at a fool.


Is Om really stupid?

of course not!

He just had his faith collapsed, and was stabbed in the back by King Nereus, and betrayed ruthlessly, so that his mind was completely confused, and he forgot about it.


Orm reacted.

But it was too late to say anything now, because King Nereus had already ordered the soldiers to control Aum.


This is the result of his overestimation of Atlanna, otherwise, if there is no such concern, with Nereus' temper, he may have to kill Orm on the spot.

In the end, Nereus also directly handed over the right to deal with Aum to Atlanta, and also said that after he got out, he would immediately subdue all Aum's confidantes.

That change of attitude was quick and sweeping.


However, Atlanna rejected King Nereus's kindness, and looked at her younger brother Orm who was caught by a group of soldiers and couldn't break free.

Atlanta sighed deeply, and said: "This is the end of the matter, let's make it small, let's make it small, I don't want any more troubles in Atlantis!"

to be honest.

She is still more willing to believe that with the arrest of Aum, those soldiers who followed will soon succumb.

after all……

Everyone's life is pretty good now.

There is no special need, whoever is full will want to rebel and start a large-scale war to mess up the harmonious things.

Even if there were some very few diehards and fanatics, Atlanta still believed that she could easily get rid of these guys.

Atlanna didn't like the methods of the Kingdom of Nereus very much.

In particular, the other party betrayed Aum.

There is this jewel in front.


Maybe this guy will betray himself too!

Of course Atlanta would not let an outsider, King Nereus, interfere in her family's affairs, and it's not like she couldn't handle it.

And having said that, this old guy is really cunning.

She actually retreated at the critical moment, so that Atlanta couldn't find a good reason to punish Nereus.

Otherwise, Nereus' fate would definitely be no better than Orm's.


For the sake of the big picture.

Atlanna could only turn a blind eye and let Nereus go for the time being. Because in the future, she still has a lot of things to deal with.

For example, to appease the princess of the Murloc Kingdom.


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