The Storm God

Chapter 3359 Visitors from the Ice Palace!


As soon as Bai Xiaofei returned to the Atlantis palace, he keenly felt that something was wrong. Who is that old man?


Why is there a mermaid in the room?


This might not be the princess of the Murloc Kingdom, right? But isn't it rumored that she was captured by Aum, and then used to control the Murloc Nation to help his opponent, the Saltwater Nation?

Why are you sitting here right now?

Did something special happen during my absence?

Bai Xiaofei looked at Atlanta.

Atlanta smiled when she saw Bai Xiaofei came back, and then introduced to King Nereus and Princess Murloc: "This is my husband, Bai Xiaofei. Xiaofei, this is King Nereus, Who is this……"

After a while.

Bai Xiaofei finally understood what was going on.

It turned out that Orm had already been captured, and the key was the betrayal of King Nereus, otherwise the process would never have been so simple and easy.

Think here.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help feeling sad and pitiful for his brother-in-law Aum: "Sure enough, the fate of being betrayed by everyone is still inevitable?"


He immediately put the matter behind him.

Because Bai Xiaofei came this time, not to get involved in the affairs of Atlantis, but to go with Atlanna.


Bai Xiaofei must look for Diana.

Furthermore, after collecting the three mother boxes, Bai Xiaofei also needs to find a relatively stable and safe place to release and absorb the unifying power of the mother boxes.

And all this.

It obviously wouldn't work in Atlantis.

Originally, Bai Xiaofei was a little worried about the threat of Aum and others, but now it seems that it is completely unnecessary.

Because Aum had been captured, Nereus not only betrayed Aum, but also voluntarily surrendered and supported Atlanna instead.

The rescued princess of the Murloc Kingdom is even more grateful to Atlanta... Everything is moving in a good direction, and Bai Xiaofei doesn't need to worry at all.


Atlanna is protected by Helbo and the sea beast Karason, so even if she encounters any accidents, she will not be in any danger.

In this way.

Bai Xiaofei can leave with peace of mind.


After retreating from the crowd, Atlanta snuggled into Bai Xiaofei's arms and said reluctantly, "Are you going to leave now?"


Bai Xiaofei nodded.

Atlanta suddenly felt a little apprehensive, and said displeasedly: "Then what should I do? What about our son? You just have the heart to leave us again?"

It was like this last time.

Bai Xiaofei said he would go back as soon as he went, but he made Atlanta wait for decades.

This time when Bai Xiaofei was leaving, Atlanta was naturally worried that the same mistakes would happen again, so she kept pestering Bai Xiaofei and acted like a baby.


In the end, even the beauty trick was used.

Bai Xiaofei was very passive and enjoyed it, but more helpless and guilty.

After some love, Bai Xiaofei promised to keep in touch with Atlanta at any time, and would keep his precious son Arthur by his side, and Atlanta finally agreed.


Little Arthur was separated from his mother for the first time, and he seemed a little at a loss. Fortunately, he had Bai Xiaofei as his father by his side, so he soon felt relieved.

But when they parted, the little guy still showed a strong feeling of reluctance.

With tears in her eyes, Atlanta hugged little Arthur and kissed again and again, and finally said with a smile: "Go, follow Dad to see the outside world, and when Mom handles things here, we will go back We will not separate either!"


Little Arthur was very brave.

With the encouragement of my mother, I quickly cleared up my mood.


Bai Xiaofei took him away from Atlanta.


at the same time.


Crystal clear, towering majestic, gorgeous ice palace. At this moment, a large group of uninvited guests has ushered in, descending from the sky.

These people are members of the reincarnation organization.

this moment.

They all wear the same badge, or the same wrist watch, each of them has a strong aura, like a god, without hiding their existence.

Domineering comes!


One of them had a rather bad temper.

Seeing this magnificent and magnificent ice palace, the desire to destroy in his heart suddenly soared. After showing up, without saying a word, he directly rubbed out a white light ball with extremely compressed energy and threw it towards the ice palace. past.

This white ball of light, despite its small size, is only the size of a fist, flickering like a large firefly...

But in fact.

The power of this thing is quite terrifying.

Because once this small ball of light explodes completely, its power is enough to instantly blast the entire earth to nothing.

It was such a terrifying move as soon as it was shot, it can be seen that the opponent is clearly testing the defense of the ice palace and the means of counterattack.


With one move, the whole earth will be finished.

as expected.


Don't wait for the white light ball to approach.

Everyone saw that above the ice palace, a nearly transparent protective cover suddenly lit up, and when the white light ball came into contact with it, it disappeared instantly.

It was as if it had landed elsewhere, without even the slightest disturbance.


Seeing this, one of them raised his brows slightly, and said in surprise, "Spatial means? It's a bit of a skill to quietly transfer Ke Laisi's destructive light bullet away in an imperceptible time! "


There was a bearded man next to him. Hearing this, he immediately said in a bad mood: "The other party used space means to almost kill Herb's existence in seconds. Is it easy to deal with it?"

"But the power of space in this hand is really amazing. No one has come out. It's just an ice palace's defensive measures, which have such power..."

"Then what level should he be?"

"A master of the God Emperor Realm!?"


Everyone was silent for a while.

Among them, a handsome man with a stern face, who looked quite mature and steady, frowned and said: "I have seen the spatial means of a master of the God Emperor Realm, but compared with this person... it is obviously far too far behind, and the two sides are almost not at the same level at all." of!"

"you mean……"

"The guy we are about to face is likely to be a big boss in the realm of the gods? My God, don't scare me!"

"Everyone is the God King Realm!"


Everyone was a little dumbfounded when they heard the words.

You must know that the further the improvement of strength, the more difficult it will be, and at the same time, the gap between each realm is beyond imagination and unimaginable.

Especially above the God Emperor Realm.


That already involves one's own Dao, the laws of the universe, and some supreme mysteries such as the origin of chaos.

Let alone a big difference in realm, even if it's just a small difference in class, it's definitely a world of difference.

It is not a problem for one God King Realm to easily beat dozens of God King Realm.

And a master of the God Sovereign Realm, even a beginner, can easily destroy thousands of God Emperor Realm masters like crushing a group of ants.

God King Realm vs. God King Realm...


There is no need to fight at all.

There is simply too much difference in the strength of each other's realms. If someone glances over, they will all rush to the street to get lunch.

It's no wonder that after hearing what the man said, everyone felt a little faint.

Who can resist this?

"What are you afraid of!"

A person trembling with courage said to himself: "All of this is just our guess, what if we are wrong? Maybe the other party did it with the help of some powerful magic weapon or innate magic weapon..."

Although there was some truth in what he said, I'm afraid he himself didn't really believe it, let alone the other people present.

Everyone was speechless for a while.

At this time, the ice palace suddenly opened a door, and an extremely beautiful young girl carved in jade came out with a look of anger on her face.

It was Bai Lei.


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