The Storm God

Chapter 3360 Say what you say!


"It's the little girl who fought ZAKER last time... It's strange, I haven't seen her for two days, why has her aura become so calm and powerful?"

"Is this drug use?"


Someone said in surprise.

The last time the three of Bai Xiaofei fought against members of the Justice League, everyone watched the video quite a bit. They thought they already knew about the three of them.

But now it seems that it is not enough.

The two adults didn't talk about it, but the little girl in front of them shocked everyone, as if they had seen a ghost.


On the ground, in front of the ice palace.

Bai Lei doesn't care what the other party thinks, just now she was retreating and breaking through, but at a critical moment, she suddenly felt that someone was smashing her house...

Who can stand this?


Bai Lei came out.

She was going to find the real culprit and teach him how to behave.

She doesn't care even if the other party has a large number of people and their aura is not weak, and some are even far stronger than Bai Lei.


Bai Lei at this moment is far from her back then.

Now, although her strength as a whole has not increased much, the weapons and equipment on her body have been directly increased countless times by Bai Xiaofei.

Especially the Meow Hammer!


The Meow Meow Hammer is just an artifact with a spirit.

But now, it was directly mounted on the Hongmeng Dark System by Bai Xiaofei, and it was given a very high authority.

That is to say.

With these permissions, Bai Lei can completely rely on the Meow Hammer to achieve many things that she cannot do by herself.


Create void barriers, conceptual analysis, blockade and suppression, creation out of thin air...

Etc., etc.

As long as Bai Lei can imagine, Bai Xiaofei's Hongmeng Dark System can understand and have enough energy to supply, there is almost nothing it can't create.


The premise is that the strength realm of the opponent does not surpass Bai Xiaofei and Hongmeng's dark system too much, otherwise it will be useless to create it.

But that's clearly unlikely.


Bai Lei is confident.

At this moment, facing a large group of over two dozen super strong men, Bai Lei was not false at all, but put on a confident expression.

She looked at the other party proudly, with a small face, and said angrily: "Who did it just now? Stand up for me, Miss Ben will beat your ass to bloom!"


Everyone was speechless for a while.

Then, with several pairs of eyes, they immediately looked at the person who made the move just now.

The person who did it was a young man. From his appearance, he seemed to be in a hurry. His eyes were very ferocious, like a beast, full of aggressiveness.


Hear Bai Lei's words.

And seeing that everyone was looking at him, this young man named Belial suddenly grinned and laughed wildly: "Hahahaha, interesting!"

"Xiao Nizi, since you want to seek death, then I will help you!"

"Everyone, let me take the lead!"



It doesn't matter how everyone reacts.

Belial jumped out of the crowd and flew towards Bai Lei.

Bai Lei also sneered, showing no sign of weakness, her eyes froze, and instantly turned into a bright thunder, and took the initiative to attack.


Belial shot mercilessly.

Before the person arrived, two incomparably dazzling golden lights suddenly lit up in his palms. The golden lights were incomparably bright, and quickly condensed into the shape of two spears.



Belial threw the two spears.

The spear came through the air, and in the middle of it, it transformed into two light dragons, baring their teeth and claws, attacking Bai Lei brazenly.


Bai Lei's expression remained unchanged, her eyes were full of disdain.

And as her belief moved, the void ability of Meow Hammer was activated instantly, and the Primordial Darkness System received the command and activated it immediately.

next moment.


Two space cages, which resembled transparent glass boxes, fell from the sky abruptly, enclosing the two light dragons with incomparable precision.




Guanglong's actions were restrained, so he was naturally unwilling.

They immediately began to struggle and rush around, but unfortunately, no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't break through this seemingly fragile void cage.

Not only that.

This thing seems to have the property of absorbing energy. As time passed, the size of the two light dragons began to fade in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, their figures immediately shrank by one notch, and the entire dragon also began to become transparent and blurred.

at last……

Under the astonished eyes of everyone, the two light dragons completely turned into countless light particles and completely dissipated into the void.

And this time.

Belial and Bai Lei finally had a head-on collision.

"Little girl, you have some skills."


"It's still not enough!"


Belial said so, but in fact, he had already used all his strength at this moment, and even used his strongest magic weapon, the radiant sword.

After all, the method Bai Lei used just now was beyond his imagination. If he didn't take it seriously, he might be the next one to be unlucky.


The power of the Radiant Excalibur is really extraordinary.

With Belial's waving, even before the trick was used, the void around the two of them began to shatter inch by inch, forming countless shattered cracks.


This divine weapon is so powerful that it has seriously exceeded the strength of the local space. It is like a high-pressure existence suddenly bursting out of the balloon, and it was blown up on the spot.

And this is the result of Belial's deliberate suppression. Otherwise, if you really want to fully exert the power of the Radiant Excalibur, the entire earth may collapse.

"You are not enough!"

Facing Belial's radiant divine sword, Bai Lei didn't take it seriously at all. She sneered, and then her face sank suddenly, like a god on high, and ordered: "In front of this lady, any divine sword is Rubbish!"


Belial's expression changed instantly.

Because he was horrified to find that as Bai Lei's words came out, the power of the radiant sword in his hand disappeared without a trace in an instant, as if the power of the embankment had collapsed.

Not only that.

This radiant sword made of thousands of stellar cores seems to be undergoing earth-shaking changes in its own material.

It felt like diamonds suddenly turned into worthless glass, or even plastic products, and the feel was not as good as before.

The most important thing is that at this moment, Belial is injecting his own divine power into the Radiant Excalibur, so that it can exert its power as it pleases, so as not to cause huge damage to the earth.


it's good now.

The Radiant Excalibur turned into scrap iron.

As for ordinary materials, how can it withstand the infusion of divine power from a peak master like him? It's like injecting high-strength acid into an ordinary balloon. His divine weapon exploded into scum all over the sky...

And it was so scumbag that it couldn't be more scumbag, the kind that completely disappeared.

See this scene.

Belial was dumbfounded on the spot.

I rely on!

My Excalibur!

Is Nima so inexplicably ruined?

what's the situation? !



The members of the reincarnation organization on the other side also stared wide-eyed, their faces full of bewilderment and confusion: "Fake, that is a radiant sword, how could it be..."

Everyone was shocked and silent.

The eyes she looked at Bai Lei were full of terror and fear.

"That is……"

Only the eldest brother of this group of people——Sarumante, who has a middle-level God Emperor Realm, looked dignified, seemed to think of something, and subconsciously said: "Say what you say?"


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