The Storm God

Chapter 3361 Special superposition state!

Sarumante was once fortunate to hear from a friend that some big shots can partially change everything in one world after they become powerful to a certain extent.

in short.

Just do whatever you want, whatever you want.

It is one of its manifestations to say that the law follows. My words are the law, and my meaning is the way. Time, everything, and everything must run according to my intention.


Water can flow to high places!

The sun can come out from the west!


Anyway, it's so awesome.

In this specific field, just like the Creator God, no one can do anything against his will and Taoism.

And now...

The ability that Bai Lei showed just now gave Sarumante a strong sense of how to speak and see, although there always seemed to be something wrong...

But the power and expressiveness are full of terror and frightening!


"Words can't be followed? You said that little girl might be the kind of super boss in the realm of dignity? How is this possible?!"


Someone heard Sarumant's exclamation.

Then it just so happened that this person, who also heard about the awesomeness of what he said, was immediately terrified, shook his head repeatedly, and hurriedly denied it.

"I don't believe it either!"

Sarumante calmed down a little after being said so by the man, and then smiled wryly: "But... what happened just now is indeed too similar!"


The man frowned and guessed: "Maybe the other party borrowed some special treasure, otherwise there would be no need to fight Belial, just say, 'You are a powerless little boy! Babe, will it be done soon?"

"That's right!"

Sarumante agrees.

A group of people stood far away, eating melons and watching the show to their heart's content.

And at the scene.

Belial was in extreme distress.

The strongest Excalibur turned into rubbish somehow, and there was not even a scum left by him. At this moment, Belial was so heartbroken that he was about to cry.

However, Bai Lei still clings to him.

Belial wanted to run.


Simply can't do it.

While fighting with him, Bai Lei would say from time to time: "You can't escape!", "You must fight to the end!"...

Then Belial was shocked to find that his actions seemed to be completely out of his control, and he clearly wanted to run just now.


But inexplicably rushed towards the little girl.

Almost scared him to death!


Belial was about to collapse.

This time, he found that he seemed to have kicked the iron plate. What kind of weak girl is this, she is clearly a big boss pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

And myself...

It was the poor tiger that was eaten!

He was unwilling to be played to death by the opponent, so while carrying Bai Lei's attack, he shouted to his teammates who were eating melons and watching the show, "Ma Dan! Don't watch the show, I... "

Halfway through the words, he was completely swallowed back.


crucial moment.

Bai Lei suddenly said again: "Shut up!"


Belial just shut up.


There is no way to fight this battle!

I surrender……

Belial completely collapsed, seeing Bai Lei's attacks becoming more and more ferocious, and the power of the cheating ability used became more and more ferocious...

He knew that he was doomed!


When he couldn't escape, couldn't ask for help, and couldn't fight at all, he could only feel ruthless and directly raised the white flag.


Bai Lei's attack stopped abruptly in an instant.

The dark clouds, thunder and lightning all over the sky also paused, and Bai Lei's figure also slowly turned into a solid body, she looked at Belial with displeasure and said, "What are you doing?"


Poor Belial, unable to speak at the moment, could only make a whining nasal sound, and then raised his hands high, as if he would stop fighting and admit defeat.

Otherwise, if you continue to fight, you may not know what you will become.

this time.

Bai Lei understood it completely.

Then she became even more unhappy, and said with a small mouth: "Surrender? Impossible! He ran to my house out of nowhere and smashed the house when he came up. Now you say you admit defeat, you surrender, you surrender if you want to surrender? Are you kidding me!"

"Stand up for me and keep fighting!"

"This girl wants to beat you until your skin is bruised and your face is swollen, you are completely disfigured, and even your mother can't recognize you, no one will help you!"

"I said!"


Bai Lei was angry.

In the following few words, the power of the primordial dark system was directly used, and the power of the pseudo-speaking method was activated. In the void around the two of them, special dimensional space barriers were instantly lowered, separating the two of them. Wrap it up.

this moment.

Bai Lei and Belial were immediately in a very special state.

The two can be observed and seen by everyone outside, but if anyone wants to intervene, they can't touch any of them at all.

It's like a mirage, but it's more advanced than that.

strictly speaking.

This can be regarded as a special utilization and expression method of dimensional space, they belong to this space, but they do not belong to this space.

Just like Schrödinger's cat.

Before the box is opened, the cat inside may be alive or dead. No one can tell exactly how.

The space Bai Lei and Belial are in is like a cat in a box. Existence and non-existence belong to a special superposition state.

If the space attainment and ability are not enough, it is absolutely impossible to interfere with them.


Bai Lei was determined to beat Belial severely.

The kind that no one can stop.


Belial, who was trapped in this special state, was completely unaware of his own situation. After realizing that he could finally speak again, he immediately appealed to his teammates next to him for help.


"You shameless people, have you seen enough?"

"Come and save me!"


He really couldn't hold it anymore.

Because, Bai Lei, who had just set the rules, directly applied a super powerful buff effect to Belial - coward!


Belial turned into a coward in an instant.

He didn't even dare to confront Bai Lei for a while, when he saw Bai Lei make a move, he ran away, completely like a bereaved dog, how embarrassing it was!


Seeing this scene, Sarumante and the others broke out in cold sweat.

Then, under the signal of the boss, two members immediately rushed out, wanting to intervene in the battle between Bai Lei and Belial.


The next scene made them dumbfounded again.

I saw those two people, as if passing through a layer of projected illusory images, they passed through the past directly, and did not intervene in the battle between Dao Bailei and Belial as they wished.

It was as if the two sides were not in the same world at all.

It immediately confused the two of them.


Not only the two of them, Sarumante and the others also had their eyes widened completely, with expressions of disbelief and disbelief on their faces.

And this time.

Even Salumante couldn't see what kind of method it was.

The whole person was completely dumbfounded.


A group of people just watched blankly. In the environment of that special superimposed state, Bai Lei played all kinds of bloody abuse, like chasing a chicken and chasing a dog, and made Belial miserable.

this moment.

What is the peak of the God King Realm?

What is the style of a master and the force of a strong man?

What face and dignity?


It's all gone!


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