The Storm God

Chapter 3362 Two dads!

Inside the ice palace.

Nie Xiaoqian also had a look of disbelief.

at first……

Bai Lei went out alone.

As a mother, she was still a little worried, and wanted to go out with her to deal with those enemies, but Bai Xiaofei said via voice transmission: "No need!"


Bai Lei alone is enough.

Nie Xiaoqian didn't believe it at first, but now, she does.

at the same time.

Nie Xiaoqian was also a little envious.

Why Bai Lei is so strong, of course, she also understands, it is because of Bai Xiaofei's Hongmeng Dark System.

It's like playing a game with a plug-in, a level 1 trumpet can easily beat a group of 999-level bosses and various hell-level bosses.

This feeling is really cool.

To know.

Nie Xiaoqian's strength is only slightly stronger than Bai Lei's.

As a result, Bai Lei is now able to beat Xuemao without losing strength, and even a formidable enemy stronger than herself. Who can stand up to this?

After seeing this scene.

Nie Xiaoqian immediately ran over to find Bai Xiaofei: "Xiaofei, hurry up, I want it too!"


Bai Xiaofei, who was studying to crack the mystery of the world's rules, heard this, and couldn't help showing a black line, saying: "That...Xiaoqian, isn't this a good time?"

"What's good or bad?"

Nie Xiaoqian looked puzzled, it was just a receiving device equipped with a Hongmeng dark system, do you still need to pick a time?

I didn't hear about Bai Lei when she was wearing it.


Bai Xiaofei, who completely misunderstood, said with embarrassment: "Leilei is still facing the enemy outside, but we are here..."

That's all for now.

Nie Xiaoqian finally understood.


Glaring Bai Xiaofei angrily, Nie Xiaoqian said angrily: "I'm not talking about that, it's the Hongmeng Dark System, quick, install a cheat on my equipment too!"


Bai Xiaofei immediately looked ashamed, it turned out that I misunderstood.

He smiled awkwardly, and then he explained: "Xiaoqian, your situation is different from Leilei's. The Meow Meow Hammer is her natal artifact, which can be continuously upgraded and strengthened with her strength, so I put the plug-in Loaded on Meow Meow..."

"But you are different."

"You don't have a natal artifact yet. Even if you have a plug-in installed on ordinary equipment, it simply cannot withstand the power of the Primordial Darkness System."

"However, your body is fine, but it needs some transformation, and it won't be done in a short while."

"Even for me, it will take some time."

"Just wait!"


Bai Xiaofei looked serious.

The design and creation concept of the Hongmeng Dark System originated from the super god universe, and this kind of technological means can not only be blessed on weapons and equipment, but also applicable to the genetic field.

Strictly speaking, the divine body in the genetic field is the kingly way.

Nie Xiaoqian was transformed by a demon fox, and her genes are already extraordinary, especially after practicing the exercises taught by Bai Xiaofei, her physique is further strengthened, which is even more powerful.

Even if it is placed in the super god universe, it can be compared to some four generations of gods.


Perfect for her reinforcements.

Nature is the transformation and promotion of the genetic field.

The equipment and so on are actually not very helpful to Nie Xiaoqian. As one of his wives, of course Bai Xiaofei wants to give her the best.


Nie Xiaoqian seemed to understand, and suddenly said: "So that's the case, let's forget it, now is really not the time, just wait!"


Her eyes turned to the crystal monitor.

The scene shown above is that Bai Lei is single-handedly fighting Alusat and the others. Even with outnumbered opponents, relying on the powerful plug-in power of the Hongmeng Dark System, she has firmly gained the upper hand and defeated the opponent. Waiting to play around in circles.


Bai Lei had already confronted Alusat and the others, because Belial had already been beaten into a pig's head by Bai Lei, and he passed out completely there.

Lei Lei, who likes to make things happen, feels that the game is not enjoyable, so she directly approached Aluzat and others with her high skills and arrogance.

In a word, beating is over!

Afraid of a ball!

To this.

Nie Xiaoqian was also speechless.

She turned her head and looked at Bai Xiaofei angrily, and said speechlessly: "You, if you let Leilei mess around outside like this, you're not afraid of any accidents?"

"What are you afraid of?"

However, Bai Xiaofei looked confident, and said with a smile: "Now the entire North Pole is under the surveillance and cover of my Hongmeng Dark System, which is equivalent to those guys entering my domain..."

"Even if Lei Lei encounters any accident, I can freeze time and space with a single thought, or even reverse the current. How could there be an accident!"

"Even if a strong man of the same level as me comes, my Hongmeng Dark System is definitely not easily cracked by the other party, so you can rest assured!"

"Absolutely nothing will happen."


Bai Xiaofei wasn't bragging.

In fact, what he said is quite conservative, because the power of the Hongmeng Dark System is far beyond imagination, even Bai Xiaofei himself has only developed 10 to 20% of his abilities now.

But even so.

Its power and effect are already enough to compete against experts who are at the same level as Bai Xiaofei, or even slightly stronger than him. If the development level exceeds 50%...


Bai Xiaofei even felt that he could fight a saint or even a saint-level powerhouse. If he was stronger, it seemed that it would not be impossible for him to rival the big bosses in the realm of venerables.


It still depends on Bai Xiaofei's development and utilization.

After all, the current Hongmeng Dark System has infinite potential for development, the stronger Bai Xiaofei is, the more powerful it will be, there is no end to it.

That is to say, he is now at the peak of the God Emperor Realm. If he steps into the Saint Realm, or the Realm of Prestige, then the Primordial Darkness System will be the strongest artifact in the world.

Its achievements and power are even comparable to the Dao chat group developed by those supreme bosses.


Just the most elementary kind.

Bai Xiaofei still has a long, long way to go if he wants to truly reach the level of a supreme boss, who can give away treasures such as space-time shuttles as red envelopes casually.

Closer to home.

Those guys outside the Arctic Ice Palace are mostly in the God King Realm, and there are only two middle-level masters in the God King Realm.

This kind of strength may be very abnormal for ordinary people.

But in front of Bai Xiaofei...


It's a group of ants!

Although Bai Lei's strength is a bit weak, she can't stand her having a good father who directly grants her some operating authority to mobilize the Hongmeng Dark System, which is equivalent to a kid who can mobilize the country's invincible army to bully a few Like hooligans.

What can happen?

Even if something happened, it must have been caused by a hooligan!

it's not...

In just a few moments.

The arrogant and domineering Alusat and the others outside just now were all beaten into pig heads by Bai Lei.

Then they were forcibly broken into different shapes and shapes one by one, and Bai Lei directly used them as experiments for ice sculpture art.

What a cat.



There are various shapes.

The strange ice sculptures outside made Nie Xiaoqian amused.

"This child..."

Seeing that nothing was wrong, Nie Xiaoqian immediately felt relieved, and then said to Bai Xiaofei: "I'll go out and have a look, you can do your work!"


Bai Xiaofei nodded.

As a result, as soon as Nie Xiaoqian left, two more figures suddenly appeared in the room, they were the incarnation of Bai Xiaofei who had returned with the teleportation technique.

and his precious son Arthur Jr.


Seeing the two little Arthurs of Bai Xiaofei suddenly, he was a little stunned, his eyes widened, and he dared not answer: "Two fathers?"

Bai Xiaofei: "..."

I rely on!

What's the situation?

Obviously, as the deity, he still doesn't know everything that the avatar has experienced, so Bai Xiaofei felt infinitely bewildered and shocked by the appearance of his precious son.

This is……

My own son?



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