The Storm God

Chapter 3363 Two mothers!

The avatar dissipates.

With the return of consciousness and experience, Bai Xiaofei also knew everything immediately.


It just feels incredible.

Of course, Bai Xiaofei was more surprised and excited, and cheered: "Me! Bai Xiaofei, I finally have my own child!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

He couldn't help laughing out loud.

Then he picked up little Arthur directly, and spun around the room vigorously, as happy as a child, without his usual posture at all.

This moment.

Bai Xiaofei was like an ordinary person, completely immersed in the joy of being a father, with only his precious son Arthur in front of him, nothing else.

And little Arthur was a little puzzled and puzzled, while being hugged and held high by Bai Xiaofei, he asked curiously: "You, what, what's going on?"


He still doesn't understand.

Why did I have two fathers, and that father disappeared out of thin air after seeing this person who looked exactly like my father.


"Little Arthur, I am your biological father, there is no one!"

"It was the incarnation of Dad before!"


Bai Xiaofei naturally understood his son's doubts.

So he immediately explained, and at the same time used his ability to create several avatars in succession in front of little Arthur.

Finally, he said: "Did you see that, these are one of the incarnations of Dad, and when Dad has something he can't do without, he can help out..."

"I see!"

Although Little Arthur is young, his ability to accept is extraordinary.

This is something that is very difficult for ordinary people to understand, but he figured it out in an instant, and then his eyes suddenly brightened.

Then he begged: "Father, I want to learn this ability!"


Seeing the shining eyes of his precious son, Bai Xiaofei suddenly felt a little helpless, obviously he had already guessed the real purpose of this ability that little Arthur wanted to learn.

It's just for fun.

If it's boring to be alone, then create several selves and play with yourself...

Don't say it.

This idea is quite novel.


If it was someone else, Bai Xiaofei would naturally not talk to him, but since it was his own precious son who spoke, of course he would not refuse.


Bai Xiaofei immediately taught Little Arthur the technique of doppelganger.

Yes, the technique of avatar, not incarnation, because the current Arthur is still too young, and his strength is not enough...

In addition, the art of incarnation is extraordinary, and everything experienced is almost the same as the original body, so in order to avoid any embarrassing and bad things from happening, it is better for Bai Xiaofei not to teach it for the time being.

Anyway, little Arthur learned this just for fun.

The technique of avatar is completely enough.


This avatar technique is not an ordinary version.

Learn it well, use it well, and the effect it can play is beyond imagination. This point can be seen just by looking at Naruto in Naruto.

What's more, the avatar technique taught by Bai Xiaofei is much more powerful than multiple shadow avatars. In addition, little Arthur is very talented, so it is naturally more powerful.


Little Arthur learned the technique of avatar taught by Bai Xiaofei.

Then, in front of Bai Xiaofei, I tried to perform it a few times, although at the beginning due to lack of proficiency, there were a few similarities, but each time I made great progress.

When performing it for the fifth time, Little Arthur's avatar technique has almost reached the point where he has entered the hall and entered the room.

I believe that after some time of training and comprehension, it is estimated that it will be no problem to step into the realm of reaching the pinnacle and perfection.

"Not bad!"

Bai Xiaofei was very happy and relieved to see Little Arthur conjure up a few clones, as if he had got a new toy, Little Arthur was having a great time playing with it.

"What an amazing talent!"

"As expected, he is my son, Bai Xiaofei. He was born stronger than others. Not to mention handsome and cute, his strength also surpassed countless people at the beginning..."

"And it's still cheating in the mysterious black hole. Even I, as an old man, feel a little envious. I don't know how many women I will harm when I grow up..."


Do not know why.

Bai Xiaofei suddenly felt inexplicably old.

"Xiao Fei?"


And just when Bai Xiaofei was immersed in it.

Nie Xiaoqian took Bai Lei and appeared in the room at some time, and then looked at several little Arthurs who were playing in front of Bai Xiaofei...

A little confused and confused.

"This is……?"

Nie Xiaoqian keenly felt that the way Bai Xiaofei looked at that child was totally different from looking at other people!

It felt like treating Bai Lei!


Even deeper than Bai Lei!


How can this be?

You know, Bai Lei is his daughter, what could be better than her...


So far.

Nie Xiaoqian suddenly thought of a possibility.

The way Bai Xiaofei looked at the child was even more so than Bai Lei. Could it be that this child is Xiaofei's biological son?

Think here.

Nie Xiaoqian was shocked immediately.

She stared at Bai Xiaofei with wide eyes full of disbelief, Bai Xiaofei understood Nie Xiaoqian's eyes, then nodded with a smile.


Nie Xiaoqian immediately covered her mouth, looking even more surprised.

But Bai Xiaofei smiled and called little Arthur over, then pointed to Nie Xiaoqian and Bai Lei, and introduced: "Arthur, this is Nie Xiaoqian, who is also your mother, and this is your older sister, named Bai Lei... "


The little guy froze for a moment.

She is also me...


I actually have two mothers, and a sister?


The little guy looked shocked.

Bai Lei has almost the same expression as him, but after all, she is ten years older and has experienced many things with Bai Xiaofei, so her psychological endurance is still very strong.

"You are my brother?"

Bai Lei quickly recovered.

Then, with incomparably curious and surprised eyes, he looked at little Arthur, with a bright smile on his face, and said, "Hi, my name is Bai Lei, nice to meet you, Arthur!"

Bai Lei is very generous.

He is also very understanding, and he didn't get into any petty emotions because of the sudden appearance of Little Arthur. On the contrary, he was very happy that Little Arthur, the younger brother, joined.

This made Bai Xiaofei feel very relieved and happy.


The same is true for Nie Xiaoqian.

after all……

As a mother, she has been in love with Bai Lei for many years. Although the two are not biological mother and daughter, they are better than mother and daughter.

This sudden appearance of a younger brother to share the love of parents with her daughter, she was really afraid that Bai Lei would not understand for a while.

No idea.

Bai Lei was far more tolerant and powerful than she imagined.

This made Nie Xiaoqian feel very happy.

Well done daughter!


On the other hand, Little Arthur seemed a little reserved and unfamiliar.

After all, the little guy has followed his mother Atlanta since he was born, and was trapped in the forbidden area of ​​the Trench Clan, until now he escaped and saw the vast world outside.

The family members only know their mother, and the father they just met, a sister who appeared out of nowhere, and their mother...

The little guy seemed a little unacceptable.


For good upbringing.

Little Arthur stretched out his hand in a very gentlemanly manner, held Bai Lei's hand together, and introduced himself: "I, my name is Arthur, my mother is Atlanta, and my identity is Atlanta The prince of Si..."


After hearing the little guy's identity, Nie Xiaoqian's eyes widened immediately, and then looked at Bai Xiaofei with a little dissatisfaction, meaning: "When did you hook up with the princess of Atlantis? You still kept it from us... "

"If we didn't have sons, I'm afraid we would still be kept in the dark!"

"Quickly tell the truth!"


Bai Xiaofei looked embarrassed.

I really didn't mean this, and I only found out about my son recently...


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