The Storm God

Chapter 3364 Waste utilization!

Along the way, Bai Xiaofei had many women, but only Nie Xiaoqian and Diana stayed by his side...


There is also a daughter Bai Lei.

Both Nie Xiaoqian and Diana are very smart. Even if Bai Xiaofei doesn't say anything, they only know that besides themselves, Bai Xiaofei must have other women. As for how many...

This is unknown.


This is not important, for them, the request is actually very simple, only being with Bai Xiaofei, loving each other, that's enough.

But now.

Someone did go too far.

What do you make Nie Xiaoqian think of such a big son who appeared so quietly?

To know.

Nie Xiaoqian has always wanted to have a child with Bai Xiaofei.

As a result, after working hard for so long, there was no movement at all, not only her, but also Diana before.

No one has it, and everyone will have a little more balance in their hearts.

but now……

This balance is completely broken.


Can Nie Xiaoqian not be jealous?

At this moment, the eyes she stared at Bai Xiaofei were full of resentment and sorrow, as if she wished to fight someone for 30,000 rounds right away...

Bai Xiaofei was very helpless.


Strictly speaking, he cannot be blamed for this matter.

Because Bai Xiaofei didn't know that he actually had a son, and he only found out after seeing Atlanta again.

It's not intentional concealment.


Reasoning with women?



The experienced Bai Xiaofei naturally wouldn't do that stupid thing, seeing Nie Xiaoqian's displeasure, he quickly tried his best to say good things.

And I promise that I will redouble my efforts and try my best to make Nie Xiaoqian conceive and have children like an ordinary woman...

This is how Nie Xiaoqian let Bai Xiaofei go temporarily.


She changed the subject directly:

"What about those guys outside? Although all the power has been imprisoned by Lei Lei, and they have been made into ice sculptures, they can't be placed outside like this forever, right?"

"It's okay!"

Bai Xiaofei obviously had a plan for this.

Hearing this, he immediately smiled and said: "Just stay outside, I have asked Bai Cass to use the Hongmeng Dark System to collect their blood and conduct genetic analysis. I believe it will not take long before they can form their strength Analyze clearly..."

For Bai Xiaofei, although the masters of the God King Realm are not worth mentioning, they are completely like ants, and can easily destroy countless...


For subordinates.

This is a threshold, even if it is Bai Xiaofei's younger brothers, the current strongest strength is only the peak of the God King Realm.

It's not that these little brothers are not strong enough, but it's too difficult to find one's own Dao, and after finding it, it's even more difficult to go further.

The main reason for all this is that Bai Xiaofei's background is not enough.

This is the same as paving roads and building bridges in poor valleys in reality. For a superpower like China, as long as the money is in place, there is no difficulty at all.

But for something like Africa...


No matter how much money you give, it's useless.

The reason.

It is still because it does not have a strong enough background.

Although Bai Xiaofei is strong enough, but after all, it's hard to do it alone. With so many younger brothers, everyone wants to walk out of their own way, and it all depends on his support...

How easy is it?

The fundamental reason why Samsara Space can grow bigger and stronger faster than him, and create a large number of super masters, is the capital backing behind it.

in short.

The background of the other party is much stronger than that of Bai Xiaofei.


Want to catch up with each other.

Bai Xiaofei could only make a detour and create a shortcut, otherwise it would be impossible to operate normally. The people Bai Lei just defeated were one of the so-called shortcuts.

As long as Baicas can thoroughly analyze the opponent's gene, he can decipher the opponent's power structure, and then analyze and copy it.

Although this thing is of no use to Bai Xiaofei, but to countless younger brothers under his command, it is no different from a broad road.

If anyone can fully comprehend it, or even surpass it, then with sufficient resources, breaking through to the God King Realm is just around the corner!

In other words.

These captives are living dictionaries.

If they are used well, they are one of the countless classics and Taoist collections in Bai Xiaofei's Sutra Library, which can be used for the younger brothers under his command to learn from.

Just like the previous Dragon Ball Fighter Helbo.

Although the qi in the Dragon Ball world has many deficiencies and flaws, in terms of skill, it is the best in the world, with a speed of cultivation and dominance that amazed countless skills and avenues.

And it is very easy to copy.

As long as the cultivator maintains a sufficiently strong body and a nearly infinite amount of cellular energy storage, he can continue to break through.

There are many factors that affect the body, the most critical of which is nothing more than blood.

The so-called bloodlines are actually genes.


Bai Xiaofei is good at this.

Although he still can't create Saiyan's bloodline, Bai Xiaofei has countless supergenes that are slightly inferior to it.

The most important thing is that Bai Xiaofei also has an advantage that others can't match - Hongmeng Dark System, also known as cheating.

But for all the younger brothers who practice the Dragon Ball power system, Bai Xiaofei will give their super genes to build a simple and powerful super gene system.

That is, plug-in plus body.

in this way.

Those little brothers can practice and improve at a faster speed. Even if they eat, sleep and rest, with cheats, they can also lead them to maintain amazing energy growth.

Coupled with the supply of countless resources from heaven, materials and earth treasures, if you continue to practice at this speed, I'm afraid it won't take long for the younger brothers under Bai Xiaofei's command to improve as a whole.


Although the effect is amazing, it is not without flaws.

That is the power system of Dragon Ball Fighters, which is too single, and it is obviously unrealistic to practice all of them, and it is easy to be targeted.

All the general practitioners of this system are those who are not very talented, but are willing to endure hardships and work hard, and at the same time have a strong will.

Like some geniuses with super talent and great potential, Bai Xiaofei will arrange some other top skills and cultivation paths for them.

So as not to waste this innate powerful talent.


No matter how strong Bai Xiaofei is, he is still one.

With so many younger brothers counting on him, he can't rely on the rules of Daoist will to trade everything, can he?

If this is really the case, no amount of property is enough to lose.


These guys who were just captured became life-saving straws. According to the performance just now, Bai Xiaofei discovered that these people have at least seven or eight different cultivation systems.




Body training!

Mind power!



There are all kinds of things, dazzling.

And the potential of each one is also very huge and amazing, but it's a pity that these guys don't seem to have cultivated well...

Otherwise, Bai Lei, a novice who just installed the external system, might not be able to defeat and capture them so easily.

And their cultivation methods just solved Bai Xiaofei's urgent needs.


Bai Xiaofei didn't let Bai Lei kill him.

after all……

They are all treasures picked for nothing.

What a pity to destroy it, wouldn't it be nice to use the waste?


When Bai Xiaofei was happily looking forward to the future, his precious son Little Arthur suddenly ran over, staring with big eyes, looking a little unhappy.


Bai Xiaofei was curious, what happened?


But the son pursed his lips and said: "How many mothers do I have? Sister Lei Lei told me that besides Xiaoqian's mother, we have many, many mothers..."

"Is what she said true?"


Bai Xiaofei was speechless for a moment.


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