The Storm God

Chapter 3365 The power of shielding!


Bai Xiaofei was about to explode with anger.

How old is Arthur? You actually told him this...

What is Ann thinking!

Turn around and look.


Where is Bai Lei's shadow? He ran away long ago.

Only Nie Xiaoqian was left standing there.

I can't laugh or cry.


Bai Xiaofei sighed depressingly.

Then, looking at the unhappy face of the precious son, he could only patiently explain: "That... son, have you heard of Huaxia?"


Little Arthur nodded.

Apparently during the time Bai Xiaofei was away, he added a lot of knowledge about the land world, especially the eastern China country.

"That's good!"

Bai Xiaofei laughed immediately, and then explained: "Since that's the case, then you know that you have heard of the early Chinese dynasty?"


Little Arthur nodded again.

Then he thought about it: "Father, what do you mean, you are like the emperors of those dynasties, with three palaces, six courtyards, seventy-two concubines, and three thousand beauties?"


Bai Xiaofei was so choked that he almost choked.

cough cough!

This Lei Lei!

In such a short period of time, what did you say to little Arthur? Why did the Seventy-two Concubine of the Sixth House of the Three Palaces show up?

Could it be that my image of being wise and mighty is a scumbag in the eyes of my son?


This is absolutely not possible!

No matter what you say, you must correct your own image from your son's heart.

Think here.

Bai Xiaofei rolled his eyes immediately, and quickly explained: "How is it possible, although Dad is a bit flirtatious, he is never vulgar, and my situation is completely different from those emperors, Dad, I can travel through the heavens and worlds..."

"The heavens and the worlds?"

The little guy was immediately distracted.

"That's right!"

Bai Xiaofei was overjoyed immediately, and then began to tell his precious son about his past and his past, as well as the stories with many beautiful lovers.

And the little guy also listened with great interest, and listened to it as a story.

He quickly forgot his original intention completely, and even after hearing that his father and Diana were separated, the little guy was still worried about Bai Xiaofei.


"Diana is the princess from Paradise Island that mother said?"

"Are you almost finding her now?"


little Arthur asked.


Bai Xiaofei's face darkened, and he sighed: "I don't know what happened to Diana, but I will find her no matter what!"


Little Arthur nodded in support, and encouraged: "Dad, come on!"

"Thank you, my precious son!"


Bai Xiaofei hugged his son and kissed him on the forehead, and then began to talk to little Arthur about the various operations and professional knowledge of the Hongmeng Dark System.

Ordinary children, at this age, may not know anything.

But Bai Xiaofei's son is different.

He is very smart!

Learn something almost at a glance.

He is simply a genius among geniuses, so Bai Xiaofei is not afraid that Little Arthur will not understand, and he teaches very attentively.

after all……

All of this will be passed on to the precious son in the future.

It's good to get in touch early.

at the same time.

This is also conducive to the growth of little Arthur.

Bai Xiaofei even decided that when his son grows up, he will find an opportunity to test it out, and if possible, he will install the Hongmeng Dark System plug-in for him.

This will also save little Arthur from many detours.


at the same time.

somewhere in the North Pole.

A group of people are waiting anxiously, looking at their appearance, and not afraid of the terrifying low temperature that freezes to the marrow of the polar region, they are obviously not ordinary people.

In fact.

They are also members of the reincarnation organization.

And they came here with Aluzat and the others, but with a cautious attitude, these people did not go with Aluzatte and the others.

In this way, even if something happens to Aluzat and the others, they can call for help in time, so as not to be caught by the enemy.


The development of the current situation made the leader Haili Scott very puzzled.

According to his expectation, once Alusat and the others start a war with each other, there should be some commotion, right?

But in the end, they waited and waited, except that they could feel the aura of some acquaintances bursting out at the beginning, but they couldn't sense anything after following them.

It was as if a group of people suddenly disappeared.

This makes them panic.

"what to do?"

someone asked.

Haili Scott said speechlessly: "You ask me? Who the hell do I want to ask! What else can I do, of course it is to rule out the inspection by the reconnaissance plane!"


A group of black-tech reconnaissance machines smaller than flies flew out from them and headed straight for the Arctic Ice Palace.

These gadgets come from the world of Dragon Ball.

Although they are so small, they are very powerful, silent, and highly hidden, and they also have the function of collecting information and blood sample DNA.

The key is to sell cheap.


This has become one of the most popular reconnaissance methods in the reincarnation space.

And this time.

In order to find out the situation of Alusat and the others, Haili Scott directly released thousands of such gadgets, and then divided them into N teams to carry out all kinds of detailed reconnaissance and scanning around the ice palace.


The information fed back from the scene made Haili Scott and others a little confused, because once those little things get close to the ice palace, they will completely lose their signal.

Obviously, the Ice Palace is equipped with a powerful shielding device beyond imagination, but any technological product will completely fail if it is close to a certain range.

However, before the reconnaissance machine failed, the screen information fed back was too general, and there was not much reference value at all...

This left Haili Scott and the others speechless and helpless.


One of the reconnaissance teams accidentally discovered a woman driving a sled towards the ice palace in a certain area covered by the glacier.

And that person was Diana!


Harry Scott and the others immediately noticed Diana, and after careful comparison, they immediately recognized that she was the person Bai Xiaofei was looking for.


The group was shocked and seething.

Immediately following, almost all of them were dispatched, and immediately organized their hands and flew in the direction of Diana, trying to control her in the first place.

As everyone knows.

The whereabouts of Haili Scott and others have long been monitored by Baikas.

It's just that according to Bai Xiaofei's intention, he never did anything. But seeing these people suddenly come out almost in full force, they all wanted to go in one direction...

Bai Cass was also suddenly curious.


He quickly mobilized resources, concentrated part of his computing power, carried out a powerful and detailed analysis, and finally accurately estimated the ultimate goal of these people.

But what surprised Baikas was that even with the powerful capabilities of Tianjian Satellite and Hongmeng Dark System, it was impossible to observe the true face of that target.

This shocked Baicas very much.


He quickly reported the matter to Bai Xiaofei.


Bai Xiaofei was taken aback when he heard that, and frowned, "He can even block our Hongmeng Dark System's reconnaissance. It seems that that person is not simple!"

"No matter who it is, its level of strength is probably not inferior to mine. To be on the safe side, it's better to take the initiative!"

"After all, the Ice Palace can't bear the aftermath of a battle of this level. Stay here, Baicas, and take good care of my son, as well as Xiaoqian and Leilei..."

"I'll meet that guy myself!"


Bai Cass followed the order and started the highest level of security work, while Bai Xiaofei flew out of the ice palace directly and rushed towards the coordinates given by Bai Cass.


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