The Storm God

Chapter 3366 Diana is killed!


A vast expanse of white glacier.

some where……

A group of cute and strong Alaskan dogs are running fast, pulling a sled behind them, carrying a beauty, and are rushing towards the unknown front.

In fact, Diana didn't know where she was going to find Bai Xiaofei, she had no clue at all.

Along the way, she relied on her inner feelings.

She moved in whatever direction she felt she should be, without a clear goal or direction at all.

But even so.

Diana's determination is still very firm. She firmly believes that as long as she keeps searching, she will definitely find Bai Xiaofei, for sure!


At noon today.

As Diana moved forward, she met Harry Scott and others.


The sled stopped.

Because the guys like Scott who fell from the sky had powerful auras, far more ferocious than some of the most powerful beasts.

The dogs felt threatened, so they all stopped. Then they all lay down on the ground in fear, not daring to make any sound.

Diana's expression on the sleigh suddenly changed, and she looked solemn. Her instinct told herself that these guys were not good people!

"It's indeed her!"

One of Harry Scott and the others showed an old photo in his hand. The woman in the photo was exactly the same as Diana.

Seeing this, they were immediately overjoyed and laughed: "It's really hard to find a place after trying to break through iron shoes. It takes no effort at all to get here!"

"Who says it isn't?"

"We searched vigorously for several days, but there were no clues at all. Finally, when we came to the North Pole, we found that Diana had come by herself!"

"This is really surprising!"


Harry Scott had a smile on his face.

He slowly thought about Diana and walked over. As he walked, he said, "You must be Diana, right? You are indeed beautiful and have a great figure..."

"It was really difficult to find you, but with God's blessing, we finally found you. Then, Ms. Diana, could you please tell us, what is your relationship with those three people?"

"Don't worry, we don't mean any harm!"


Harry Scott's voice was soft.

He gave people an approachable feeling, but Diana didn't believe him. After hearing this, without saying anything, she took out a submachine gun from her bag.

"Da da da!"

The elegance of the Amazon female warrior was instantly revealed.

The bullets were fired wildly without mercy.



These weapons are too low-level.

Harry Scott and the others didn't even change their expressions at all. They just stood there and let Diana's submachine gun shoot at them randomly.

And those bullets, not to mention hurting them personally, didn't even damage their clothes at all. Before they got even a foot away from everyone, they seemed to hit some transparent copper wall and iron wall...

All the bullets turned into small round cakes on the spot, and then hung in the ice and snow on the ground, looking so weak and powerless.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk!"

Harry Scott showed no reaction.

With an expression that had long expected that Diana would not be able to submit obediently, his eyes were full of smiles, and he said: "Diana, stop resisting, you can't defeat us, because we are not at the same level at all. exist."

And behind him.

Haili Scott's teammates were even more arrogant and proud.

Someone said: "You can't tell this little girl is quite energetic. If she hadn't been the one named by those three guys of unknown origin, I would have really wanted to fight her for 300 million rounds..."


"Serlang, with your small body, you still need 300 million rounds? I don't think you can even support 300 rounds, right? This little girl is the best!"

"That's right!"

"Even I, a woman, can't help but want to have sex with her!"

"Why do you think those three people are looking for her?"

"Have a grudge?"

"Or something else?"

"Who knows!"


A group of people were talking incessantly there.

On Haili Scott's side, Diana did not surrender. She directly threw away the charge, and then pulled out a long sword...

"You want to fight me hand to hand?"

When Haili Scott saw this scene, he immediately laughed: "Bullets can't hurt me. Do you think you can hurt me with a long sword?"

"Not always!"


Diana sneered.

Then, holding a long sword, he slashed directly at Scott.

Haili Scott didn't hide at all, nor did he have any intention of parrying. He just stood there, planning to use his protective Gang Qi to resist.

In this way, Diana can clearly understand the strength gap between them, so that she can completely give up resistance and hope and follow them obediently.


An unexpected scene happened.

The long sword that was expected to be directly shattered by his protective aura, instead of exploding on the spot, was like cutting tofu.

Diana's chopping action easily broke through Haili Scott's protective aura, and then continued to move forward...


It struck Haili Scott hard on the shoulder.

This was the result of Haili Scott realizing that something was wrong and quickly dodged. Otherwise, the sword would not have hit the shoulder, but directly to the forehead.


The long sword penetrated three points of the flesh.

Blood overflowed instantly, and then dripped onto the ground along the long sword.

The vast white glacier instantly reflected a flash of scarlet.


Harry Scott was stunned.

The teammates behind him were all so shocked by this scene that their eyes almost dropped to the ground, dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

Each one of them seemed to have seen a ghost.

"How can it be!?"

Everyone had expressions of disbelief on their faces.

Because in their opinion, Diana is just an ordinary person, and it is impossible to harm Haili Scott. After all, he is at the beginning of the Divine Emperor Realm.

Let alone an ordinary person, even if Da Chao comes, he still has to kneel down.


The truth is so cruel.

In their eyes, Diana, an ordinary person, was holding a long sword and directly slashed Haili Scott...

This is as incredible as an ant knocking down a Tyrannosaurus rex.

Harry Scott and others were all dumbfounded.


Harry Scott narrowed his eyes.

When he came back to his senses, he understood what was going on almost instantly, and then frowned and said: "This sword in your hand..."

While speaking.

Haili Scott also released a trace of power.

However, this little bit of power, for Diana now, is so powerful that it is difficult to match...


She was immediately knocked away.

The long sword in Diana's hand was held in place by Haili Scott's power, and finally fell into his hand.

Haili Scott looked at the long sword in his hand seriously, his eyes were full of light, and he exclaimed repeatedly: "What a sword!"

"This material, this feel, this charm..."

"Absolute magic weapon!"


at the same time.

His teammates all gathered around him.

One of them even looked at it with bright eyes and exclaimed: "Hey, there's something wrong with this sword. There seems to be a seal on it, so it looks so ordinary..."

"Just a moment."

"I will cast a spell right now to forcefully remove this seal. Let's see what this magic weapon that can cut Haili Scott looks like?"


As the man spoke, he began to cast spells.

Others were looking forward to it, with faces full of hope. As for Diana who was knocked back, it was immediately apparent that no one was paying too much attention to strength.

after all……

This is an ordinary person.

Compared with the magic weapon that can easily cut down the God Emperor Realm master Haili Scott, they obviously care more about the latter. After all, there are so many masters here, and they don't believe that Diana, an ordinary person, can escape from their hands.

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