The Storm God

Chapter 3368 Cut through the fog!

The current appearance of Bai Xiaofei is the appearance of the main body, he did not disguise himself or change his body shape, lest Diana would not recognize him.


His current breath is also very strange.

Just like an ordinary person, there is almost nothing special, but if you look carefully, it seems like a vast ocean, endless.

"Who are you?!"

Bai Xiaofei's sudden appearance immediately changed the expressions of Haili Scott and the others, they quickly showed their weapons and entered a state of alert.

Not to mention how the breath is.

Just the fact that Bai Xiaofei can fall from the sky without a sound, this ability has far exceeded their imagination.

That is.

The visitor is by no means ordinary, and may even be above him!

Who dares to underestimate?


Bai Xiaofei simply ignored them.

Even completely ignoring the existence of Haili Scott and others, there is only one person in his eyes at this moment—Diana.


In fact, Bai Xiaofei didn't recognize Diana.

It wasn't that he was blind or not working well, but that there was a special and powerful force pervading Diana's body.

And the biggest function of this power is to block Bai Xiaofei's detection.

In Bai Xiaofei's sight, Diana was just another woman with a graceful figure, as for her appearance...

Feel sorry!

He can't see at all!

As if it had been mosaiced, in Bai Xiaofei's eyes, Diana's face was always covered with a layer of fog, which made it impossible for him to see through.


Even the words that Diana spoke were treated specially.

But whenever Diana said her name, or tried to explain everything, that special powerful force would immediately take effect, completely shielding her.


Bai Xiaofei frowned suddenly.

His intuition told himself that the person in front of him should be very familiar to him, but for some reason, Bai Xiaofei couldn't see the other person's face clearly.

And the other party tried to reveal his identity, but was interrupted by something at a critical moment, no! It should be blocked!

This weird situation immediately caught Bai Xiaofei's attention.


His eyes turned slightly.

Bai Xiaofei saw the Excalibur Moxie who was restrained by the imprisoning barrier formed by Haili Scott with the power of law...

"That is……"

The moment he saw Mo Xie.

Bai Xiaofei was shocked suddenly, his expression was full of surprise and disbelief.


Mo Xie at this moment is completely different from before.

The power is more powerful, and the image has also changed. The only thing that remains the same is its special breath and that familiar feeling.

This moment.

Bai Xiaofei felt blessed to his heart, and subconsciously blurted out: "Mo Xie?!"


On the opposite side, Excalibur Moxie immediately responded violently.

It's a pity that it is now imprisoned and bound, and there is no room for movement at all, so it can only remind Bai Xiaofei with its own sword light, which flickers on and off.

I am Mo Xie!

She is your wife Diana!


Get me out!

kill them!



Excalibur Moxie exploded his power like crazy.

At this moment, even Hailey Scott couldn't suppress it anymore. He didn't dare to use too much power due to the strong enemy.

at last……

Hailey Scott can only let go.

Because, Bai Xiaofei, who was opposite, had already looked at him with sharp and deep eyes, obviously knowing that Haili Scott was the culprit.

And at the moment when he met Bai Xiaofei's eyes, Haili Scott felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, and his whole body was filled with a bone-chilling chill.

Especially the image of Bai Xiaofei, in his eyes, instantly rose from the ground, as if it directly became an unattainable mountain.

And Haili Scott himself is as small as an ant.

Facing such terrifying pressure, Haili Scott took a step back almost subconsciously, and at the same time, the power that restrained and restrained the Excalibur Mo Xie dissipated instantly at this moment.


Excalibur Moxie felt the disappearance of the imprisoning power, and was immediately overjoyed.

In an instant, the sword glowed brightly, like a sword-shaped little sun, and immediately flew towards Bai Xiaofei and Diana happily.

"do not come!"

Seeing this, Diana shouted as usual.


Bai Xiaofei was confused by this.

As for the divine sword Mo Xie, flying towards Diana's figure, it stopped suddenly, suspended in mid-air with some grievances, humming continuously.

Bai Xiaofei has the ability to communicate with all things, and he understood the feelings of Excalibur Moxie almost instantly: "Master, why? What did I do wrong?"


Bai Xiaofei's heart was shocked, his eyes widened and he didn't dare to answer: "Could it, you are Diana!?"

just now.

Bai Xiaofei has already activated his Primordial Eye.

Then he saw through the essence of the divine sword Moxie in an instant. This was indeed the former divine soldier Moxie, but it was just an upgraded and strengthened version.

But no matter how it changed, it was always Mo Xie.

And Mo Xie has only one master——


This moment.

Bai Xiaofei immediately looked at Diana.

Diana's body trembled slightly, as if she was excited, or afraid, or both. Big drops of tears kept falling down her face.

But from Bai Xiaofei's point of view, he couldn't see Diana's expression at all.

Because it was always shrouded in a layer of fog.


Bai Xiaofei could still tell from Diana's voice and body reaction that the other party was Diana, otherwise she wouldn't have such a big emotional outburst.

Especially when Bai Xiaofei saw pearl-like tears falling from the mist onto the glacier land, Bai Xiaofei was furious!

"who is it!?"

At this moment, Bai Xiaofei exploded.

The terrifying imposing aura exploded in an instant, and immediately shocked Haili Scott and the others who were standing aside in shock, and fell to the ground in shock.

Even Moxie, the divine sword, was so frightened by Bai Xiaofei's aura that he withdrew all his sword lights, as if he was afraid that he would also be suppressed.

The celestial phenomena in the sky at an altitude of 10,000 meters changed even more suddenly.

The blue sky disappears, and the starry sky suddenly appears.

at the same time.

The power of the billowing stars, like the Yangtze River flowing into the sea, turbulently condensed, forming a wonderful connection with Bai Xiaofei's body in an instant.

And Bai Xiaofei's eyes, to be precise, should be the eyes of Primordial Mengmeng, were also operated to the limit by Bai Xiaofei at this moment.

Those eyes are like countless stars, like an endless river of time and space in the universe, as well as the vast sky and endless worlds...

Everything seems to be able to find the truth, origin, destination, and even death and end in these eyes!

It is like countless image data undergoing billions of transformations in an instant, it is extremely dazzling, and it is difficult to capture any trace of information.


Its movements stopped suddenly.

Pausing in front of him was a layer of gauze-like mist that shrouded Diana's body, making her look like a hazy beauty.

And above this mist, there is a vein like a small tail, it doesn't know where it leads, and it changes back and forth between the void and the reality if it is faintly visible.

"It turns out that everything is your fault!"

"Cut me!"


Bai Xiaofei stared.

The divine power of the Primordial Eye instantly transformed into an awe-inspiring sword intent that was unparalleled in the world, and slashed angrily towards the veins of the mist.


It sounded like the sound of sharp knives cutting cloth.

The veins of the mist were cut off completely in an instant, and after losing the power supply from the veins, the mist covering Diana's body immediately began to dissipate like rootless duckweed.

follow closely……

Diana's familiar face finally appeared clearly before Bai Xiaofei's eyes.


Bai Xiaofei burst into tears of joy.

He stretched out his hand and directly poured Diana into his arms, feeling the familiar tenderness and affection. At this moment, the boulder hanging in Bai Xiaofei's heart finally landed safely.

"I finally found you!"

"Little Fei!"


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