The Storm God

Chapter 3369 Between lies!

DC world.

Somewhere at the end of the universe.

On a bright and huge planet, the world is in chaos. As far as the eye can see, fierce fighting, death, screams, and blood are everywhere.

This place is like purgatory, extremely sad.

The culprit of all this is not outsiders, but the natives on this planet. The reason is that they suddenly gained great power.

The sudden arrival of power will inevitably breed endless desires and ambitions.

Chaos ensues.

And when there is chaos and endless fighting, it will naturally inspire more people to seek and yearn for power, some for protection, and some for revenge...

But whatever the reason, the chaos will only grow.

This is a vicious circle!


When this cycle expands to a certain extent, the planet itself will no longer be able to bear all this, and will be completely destroyed in the end.

This planet is no exception.

In fierce battle.

A certain humanoid creature, unwilling to fail, directly plunged into the center of the earth with the mentality that you would never feel better after my father died.


He blew himself up.

The terrifying force exploded, causing a chain reaction in an instant.

In less than ten seconds, this bright and huge planet completely collapsed like a watermelon blown from the inside by a grenade.

Everything is destroyed at this moment.

And in the void.


"I have harvested another planet's wish power. The natives of this world are really easy to deceive. At this rate, I'm afraid it won't be long before I can be promoted to the realm of the venerable..."

"I don't know what's going on on the other side of the earth. Arusat and Haili Scott shouldn't cause any trouble, right?"


This person is none other than Morpheus, the God of Dreams.

The culprit who led to the final destruction of that Ke planet just now was naturally him.

after all……

His title of God of Destruction is not for nothing.


And just when Morpheus, the God of Dreams, was about to go to the next planet where life existed, and planned to repeat the trick again, using the power of lies to confuse people, and accept a wish to improve his own realm.

His body suddenly trembled slightly.

Afterwards, Murphys looked in the direction of the earth from a distance in the void, and frowned slightly: "You actually cut off the gap I set up? Is there such a terrifying person on the earth? Could it be an outsider?"


"I remember the woman I set up a lie for, she seems to be called Diana, with the blood of the ancient gods, her strength and potential are quite huge!"

"And the wish she made was to see her lover and family as soon as possible, but with her own ability, she couldn't do it..."

"This shows that Diana's lover and family are not in this world, and I have no ability to bring them to Diana..."


The Oneiroi Lord Murphys pondered.

Originally, according to this situation, his power of lies would not work, but Murphys was really envious of Diana's power.


He played a little trick.

Created an incomparably real dream for Diana, allowing Diana to see Bai Xiaofei, Nie Xiaoqian and Bai Lei in her dream...

After all, since Murphys dared to be called Oneiroi, it was not for the sake of being pleasant to hear. His strongest ability is to control dreams!

And in the dream.

Murphys also knew of Bai Xiaofei's existence by controlling Diana's consciousness, and realized that this person was very powerful.

Not even under him at all.

In other words, this time, Oneiroi may have mentioned the iron plate.

At that time, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, was a little panicked. He was afraid that Bai Xiaofei would come to this world one day, and he would be in trouble when the incident happened.


To cover it all up.

Morpheus, God of Dreams, set up a barrier of lies on Diana.

This power will turn into a strange fog of power, blocking all important people who know Diana from recognizing her, and will swallow the opponent's power once they get close.

As a reward for realizing Diana's wish, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, took all of Diana's power as he wished.

Even including Diana's ancient god lineage.

That is.

Not only did Diana lose her power, she was also deprived of her bloodline ability as the daughter of Zeus by Morpheus, the God of Dreams.

Now Diana is a completely ordinary person!

Except for having an unusual memory and rich combat experience, Diana is almost no different from other women.

Coupled with the role of the gap between lies, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, is confident that even if that guy named Bai Xiaofei really came to this world, he would never recognize Diana.


The lie is separated by the dream god Murphys, who set up the spell with his strongest power. Unless he is a big shot in the realm of the venerable, even a saint will never be able to cut it off.

But don't know.

Although Bai Xiaofei is not a bigwig in the field of venerables, and he has not even reached the level of a saint, but he has a pair of supreme divine pupils - the eyes of primordial spirit.

The Primordial Eye has the power to see through all essences.

As long as Bai Xiaofei activates a powerful enough force, he can see through all the essence of time, and thus find out the flaws and weaknesses in it.

And because of this.

Bai Xiaofei was able to rely on his weaker strength than the Oneiroi Lord Murphys, and use the power of the Primordial Eye to turn it into a divine sword, cutting off the gap between the Oneiroi Lord Murphys' lies.

If it were someone else, it really wouldn't be possible.

This is not only because Bai Xiaofei possesses the Eye of Primordial Mist, but also because he has merged with the space-time shuttle, and has the ability to communicate with the rules formed by the will of the Great Dao.

As long as he is willing to pay some price, he can get unimaginable power and help from Dao.


All this, Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, did not know.

He only knew that the gap between his lies was cut off by someone, and this person was probably Diana's lover Bai Xiaofei.


Morpheus, God of Dreams, was a little panicked.

If it was just a guess before, then now, he can completely conclude that the guy named Bai Xiaofei is definitely stronger than himself.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to cut off the gap between one's own lies.

Think here.

He quickly took out his reincarnation watch.

Obviously they want to contact Alusat, Haili Scott and others to confirm the situation on the other side of the earth and see what the situation is.


Ten minutes passed.

Half an hour passed.

Even an hour passed, but Alusat and the others on the other side of the earth still did not respond at all.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, immediately concluded that something must have happened on the other side of the earth. Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for Alusat and others not to reply to their messages.


What makes him a little puzzled is.

If something unexpected happened to Alusat and others, why didn't the wish power on the earth stop growing?

Could it be that Bai Xiaofei hasn't noticed what he did?

It shouldn't be!

He can cut off the gap between his own lies, and his strength is definitely above mine. How could he not detect my lies and deceit?

Could it be...

Is there something hidden in this that I don't know about?

Think twice.


Morpheus, the God of Dreams, was heartbroken, and he didn't choose to run away immediately. Instead, he was bold enough to shoot a clone and lurk back to the earth to see what was going on.

If the other party is really a bigwig in the field of the Venerable Realm, then of course there is nothing to say, hurry up and slip away! but if not...


It's not that we don't have the opportunity to say it!


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