The Storm God

Chapter 3370 Space stripping!


Somewhere on an arctic glacier.

Bai Xiaofei and Diana finally recognized each other, and they hugged each other, feeling inexplicably excited, especially Diana, who wept with joy.

After a long while.

The two of them calmed down a little.

Bai Xiaofei asked curiously: "Diana, what about your strength...?"


Diana smiled and said: "Like other people in this world, a voice suddenly appeared in my mind, I made a wish, and then..."


Bai Xiaofei narrowed his eyes immediately, it was Morpheus, the God of Dreams again!

If I guessed correctly, the mist just now should have come from the Oneiroi Lord, after all, ordinary people don't have such powerful and terrifying abilities.

And when he cut through the fog, the other party should have felt it.

Think here.

Bai Xiaofei's heart shivered, he knew that he couldn't delay any longer, otherwise he would suffer when the will of the Oneiroi Lord Murphys came and he knew what he really wanted.

after all……

Bai Xiaofei didn't rely on his own strength to cut off the gap between lies.

Instead, it cost a certain price to forcibly activate the supernatural power of the Primordial Eye, which is worthy of being done.

If Morpheus, the God of Dreams, knew that Bai Xiaofei's current strength was actually not as good as him, the result could be imagined, and he would definitely kill him.

Bai Xiaofei himself was not afraid.


It's completely different for Bai Xiaofei to have a wife and children by his side.

He doesn't want anything to happen to his family!


before leaving.

Haili Scott and others next to him are definitely going to be suppressed and captured, although with their level of strength, they can't see the depth of Bai Xiaofei at all.

But if the Oneiroi Lord Murphys finds him, and asks about the situation at that time, it is very possible to deduce Bai Xiaofei's strength.


To be on the safe side, none of these people can be let go.

"not good!"

"That guy is going to attack us!"


Hailey Scott and others are not stupid.

As soon as he recovered from the shock, he immediately noticed Bai Xiaofei's eyes, which were ready to attack him.


They all took out their strongest means and escaped in an instant.

What is the art of turning light.

Blood escape!

There are all kinds of things.



The power gap between them and Bai Xiaofei is really too big. Just like Sun Wukong can't escape Wuzhishan, no matter how Haili Scott and others try to escape, but in the end these people are shocked to find that they are still where they are.

It was as if everything just now was an illusion.


"Impossible, we just clearly..."


Haili Scott and others were stunned again.

But before they could react, the side effects of using the escape method exploded immediately, and then each of these people began to vomit blood.

There are side effects, and there are also fears.

And when they looked at Bai Xiaofei in amazement, they were shocked to find that there was no one there, it was already empty.

Not only that.

There seems to be a strange change in the whole world.

as if...

This space has been cut off abruptly by people using incredible means, making Haili Scott and others feel imprisoned and isolated.

"This is……"

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Only Haili Scott, who is in the God Emperor Realm, is relatively strong and knowledgeable, and almost immediately thought of a certain possibility.

Then he stared wide-eyed, not daring to say anything: " stripping!"


He did guess right.

Although Bai Xiaofei gave this move a different name, but it is essentially the same as the separation of space that Haili Scott recognized.

The principle is to use the incomparably powerful law of space to forcibly cut away this piece of space, and then use the mirror method to perform an illusory projection on it.

Ordinary people can't find anything wrong at all.

Even if it is discovered, unless it is a master with extremely high spatial attainments, there is no way to find a solution.

not to mention……

Bai Xiaofei also put this stripped space directly into his own small world, even if the other party deduced the root of the projection, they couldn't find it at all.

Because Bai Xiaofei is alive, he will not stay still in a certain place.

The most important thing is.

Bai Xiaofei mainly wanted to catch these people quickly, and then used it to separate space, and once he had time, he would transfer them.

By then...

The space was restored to its original state, and everything became even more impossible to investigate.

Of course, there is another purpose for Bai Xiaofei to do this, and that is to clearly tell Morpheus, the God of Dreams, that your little brother was captured by Lao Tzu.

What you did to Diana, I will settle accounts with you sooner or later.


ice palace.

Bai Lei was taking little Arthur to visit the scenery of the Ice Palace, and by the way, introduced some of Bai Xiaofei's great achievements, as well as some top-notch collections.

And little Arthur, as if he had entered the Grand View Garden, was completely stunned.

Especially when he saw that there were still a large number of mechanical biological specimens in the Ice Palace, the little guy's eyes suddenly widened.


Little Arthur is very interested in these mechanical creations.

"Little brother."

"These are nothing. When we enter Dad's small world, the deity planet, the real mechanical paradise will be there."

"It will definitely open your eyes!"


Bai Lei looked proud.

Little Arthur, on the other hand, was fascinated by what he heard, and he almost wanted to enter his father's small world immediately and visit the mechanical world of his own planet.

The result is at this moment.

The siblings sensed the aura of Bai Xiaofei's return.


The two looked at each other.

Without further ado, he ran quickly in a certain direction.


Inside the Great Hall of the Ice Palace.

Bai Xiaofei brought Diana in, and the first thing he saw was Bai Cass, followed by Nie Xiaoqian, Bai Lei and little Arthur who had just arrived.






After the family experienced a catastrophe, they finally reunited again. The scene at the scene can be imagined. They all wept with joy and hugged each other tightly.

Only Little Arthur, a member who just joined, is not very familiar with Diana, nor does he have much affection and contact.

So he didn't run over directly, but stood there silently.

Some look at a loss.


Bai Xiaofei noticed little Arthur's embarrassment.

So he smiled slightly, beckoned, called little Arthur over, and introduced Diana: "Diana, let me introduce you to a new member of our family. This is our son, little Arthur, his biological son. Mother is Atlanna of Atlantis, the specific situation is as follows..."

After a while.

Diana understood the ins and outs of the matter.

While hugging little Arthur, his face was full of love, and he was full of envy and jealousy: "Xiao Fei, when can we have our own children?"


Bai Xiaofei was suddenly forced in embarrassment.

It's really difficult for him to answer this question. It's not that Bai Xiaofei doesn't want to have a child with Diana, but that he is too strong now.

When the essence of life changes and its strength becomes stronger and stronger, its fertility will also undergo some changes, which is the so-called reproductive isolation.

To break this barrier and conceive an heir, to be honest, it not only requires the joint efforts of both parties, but more depends on luck.

Just like Atlanta.

Bai Xiaofei had only been with her a few times at the time, and it wasn't that he didn't fall in love with Diana or others during the same period, but only Atlanta was pregnant and gave birth to little Arthur.

This is luck.

Diana wanted to conceive her own child with Bai Xiaofei, first of all she had to recover her eyesight and reach a certain level.




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