The Storm God

Chapter 3371 Diana’s transformation!

Thinking of Diana's lost power, Bai Xiaofei frowned slightly and said, "We'll talk about the child later. The top priority now is to restore your power first!"


Diana nodded.

She naturally also knows that without power, it is just a drag.

not to mention……

She also doesn't allow herself to be weak.

After all, Diana is an Amazon female warrior, born with the blood of fighting. She was deprived of her power before and had no way to recover. Now that Bai Xiaofei has been found, she naturally needs to recover as soon as possible.

Even better than before!

"Xiao Fei!"

Think about this.

Diana suddenly realized that there were some Bai Xiaofei's collections in her storage ring, so she quickly took it off and gave it to Bai Xiaofei.

Diana said helplessly: "Although this ring belongs to me, I have lost all my strength now and can no longer control it and use it..."

Bai Xiaofei took the ring.

Without being polite to Diana, he simply swept away the ring with his spiritual thoughts and forcibly broke the restrictions of the ring, and then transferred all the contents inside to his own little world.


Bai Xiaofei took out a bottle of Ice Phoenix Holy Water, the highest level upgraded version, and said to Diana: "Drink this, it should help you regain some strength!"


Of course Diana had great trust in Bai Xiaofei.

Without any hesitation or doubt, he took the Ice Phoenix Holy Water, unscrewed the cap, and drank the Ice Phoenix Holy Water in one gulp.

at the same time.


Diana immediately felt that her body was like a big explosion of the universe, and an endless force burst out in an instant.

And her entire body began to glow.

"Alien space!"

"seal up!"

Bai Xiaofei was already prepared for this.

The moment Diana's power exploded, she directly used the power of space to protect and isolate the entire Arctic Ice Palace and this room.

Lest Diana accidentally cause damage to her surroundings when she gains power.

In the double-layer alien space created by Bai Xiaofei, the rules inside have been completely rewritten. No matter how Diana vents the power she gained, it will not cause any impact or damage to the surroundings.

on the contrary……

These powers will also be swallowed up and absorbed by Bai Xiaofei's law power, concentrated and recycled, and finally transferred to become one of the energy sources of Hongmeng Dark System.

"Leilei, Arthur, let's leave first!"

Nie Xiaoqian looked at all this and realized that Diana might not be able to finish it for a while, so she said very considerately.


The two children are also very sensible.

Hearing this, they all nodded and followed Nie Xiaoqian obediently out of the room.


throughout the room.

There were only Bai Xiaofei, Diana, and Bai Cass.

Bai Xiaofei controls the alien space, and at the same time he has to take care of Diana and guide her to receive, understand and realize the power she has just gained.

Not only that.

He also asked Baicas to conduct a comprehensive scan and examination of Diana's body to see if Morpheus, the Lord of Dreams, had done anything to Diana.

The final result was very unsatisfactory.


Baikashui reported: "Miss Diana's bloodline power has completely disappeared, and her current physique is that of an ordinary normal person..."

"The good news is that her body was not secretly tampered with, and nothing fishy was found."

"at the same time……"

"The power of the Ice Phoenix Holy Water should have inspired and awakened some of Diana's potential and talents. Now her life level and essence are undergoing some kind of transformation..."

"According to data analysis, this transformation direction should be the path to becoming a god. A large amount of thunder power emerged from Miss Diana's body..."


In fact, even if Baicas didn't report, Bai Xiaofei's Hongmeng eyes could still see the huge changes in Diana.

What he is more concerned about now is, to what extent can Diana grow and break through?

after all……

What she took was the highest level Ice Phoenix Holy Water.

It contains the power of the fountain of eternal life in the mummy world and the power of nirvana of the ice crystal phoenix. The effect is amazing.

Diana originally had demigod blood, possessing the power of thunder, the power of guardianship and other extraordinary powers. Now, although she was deprived of her by the dream god Morpheus through lies, the marks left in her body are It won't disappear.

Bai Xiaofei could see that the power now emerging from Diana's body was the ability that originally belonged to Diana and was traced back to those marks.

That is to say.

The ability of the Ice Phoenix Holy Water to stimulate talents has not yet been truly demonstrated.

Once it emerges, Diana's strength will inevitably explode. As for what this talent is, and what level it can elevate Diana to...

to be honest.

Bai Xiaofei didn't know either.

after all……

This thing varies from person to person, just like fate, no one can say for sure. Even though Bai Xiaofei can spy on the secrets and destiny, there are certain limitations.

And in this regard.

The Hongmeng Dark System incarnated and controlled by Bai Cass has extremely terrifying computing power that is much more powerful than Bai Xiaofei.


Bai Xiaofei entrusted Baicas to help with calculations.

And Baicas did not disappoint him. After a moment, Baicas replied: "Sir, according to the preliminary estimation of the system, Miss Diana's strength can at least be restored to the time when you took her away from the DC world. …”


"This refers to the situation where the innate ability has not been awakened. If it is awakened, it will be a different matter, and the specific situation will depend on the innate ability."

"But based on the comprehensive analysis of big data from previous consumption of Ice Phoenix Holy Water, the probability of Miss Diana's awakening should be around 76%..."

"The final data is that there is a 30% probability that you will have the strength of a god, a 40% probability that you will become the main god, and a 20% probability that you will understand your own way. As for whether you can become a god king..."

"It's hard to say."


Bai Xiaofei nodded silently when he heard this: "I understand, let's continue the analysis. If there are any changes, please notify me immediately!"


After giving instructions.

Bai Xiaofei left temporarily.

The current situation is special. The Arctic Ice Palace is no longer safe, so Bai Xiaofei must move it immediately, otherwise it will be troublesome when the Dream Lord Morpheus comes.

At least……

Before Bai Xiaofei has absorbed the unifying power of the three Apocalypse Mother Boxes and raised his own strength to a higher level, it is not appropriate to have a tough confrontation with the Dream Lord Morpheus.

Bai Xiaofei's decision was to directly move the Arctic Ice Palace to his own small world, because this was the safest and most secure way.

Even if the Dream Lord Morpheus comes in person, finding him will probably cost a certain amount of time and money.

And this period of time is Bai Xiaofei's opportunity.


Bai Xiaofei had a thought in his mind.

The terrifying power of law instantly enveloped the entire Arctic Ice Palace. Then in less than a second, it was completely transferred to Bai Xiaofei's small world.

A huge pothole appeared directly where the Ice Palace was originally located. Other than that, there were no clues left.

after all……

This is where the Kryptonian spaceship is originally located.

Bai Xiaofei has used the power of the Law of Time to erase all traces of his existence. Even if the Dream Lord Morpheus comes, no matter how hard he searches, he can't find any clues.


The premise is that the dream god Lord Morpheus is not very knowledgeable about the law of time.

Otherwise, the other party can still observe something amiss in the long river of time, and thus infer the existence traces of Bai Xiaofei and others.

But it's almost impossible.


According to Bai Xiaofei's memory stripping and observation of Alusaat and others, Dream God Lord Morpheus is a very biased guy. Perhaps his knowledge of the laws of dreams and the laws of exchange is beyond imagination.

But in terms of the laws of space and time, Dream Lord Morpheus's understanding and attainments are very average. As for whether he has any relevant magic weapons in his hands...

This is unknown.

However, based on the analysis and inference of the comprehensive situation, there is a high probability that there is no such thing. Even if there is Bai Xiaofei, he is not afraid, because of the perfect law, time is respected and space is king.

As long as Bai Xiaofei's true identity cannot be found, Dream Lord Morpheus can do nothing to him.

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