The Storm God

Chapter 3372 Murphys' doubts!


In a certain place, a seemingly ordinary figure suddenly appeared out of thin air.

After this person appeared, he behaved like ordinary people in the area, and he didn't seem to be any different. He went shopping...

at last.

He took a taxi to a relatively remote villa.

The strange thing is that this villa doesn't have any guards. This person can come and go freely, just like returning to his own home. He even has the super password key in the basement.

And the basement of the villa is not an ordinary basement, but a super building similar to the underground beehive of Resident Evil.

This is the secret gathering point of the Justice League.


The man was familiar with the way, and he came directly to the main control computer, and then with his fingers flying, he began to search the log records quickly.


He found what he wanted.

And this person, of course, is none other than the avatar of Morpheus, the God of Dreams.

These people under his command were all ordered to die by him. No matter what mission they were traveling on, they had to leave a log record in a secret place.

In case some guys die and don't know where they died.

like now.

Everyone is missing.

The avatar of Morpheus, the God of Dreams, can use the log records to know the whereabouts of Aluzat and others: "You went to the North Pole?"

See here.

Murphys suddenly remembered that before that, someone had indeed asked him about the whereabouts of a certain person, and he had indeed given an answer.

And also insidiously cheated away some of the opponent's perception of power.


Is this thing that complicated?


The person they asked seemed to be called Diana, right?

Depend on!

I didn't pay much attention to it at the time, I thought it was the same name, but it turned out to be that Diana. If so, it all makes sense.

Diana is at the North Pole.

Arusat and others also went to the North Pole after getting their own news.


There is no more news.

It is preliminarily estimated that Diana's concubine may have come to this world, and she is also in the North Pole.

Otherwise, with Diana losing her strength and becoming an ordinary person, it would be impossible to suppress Alusat and others.

"That's all!"

"Since the loss is clear, I might as well go to the North Pole to have a look!"

"Speaking of which, it's really a good place."


Morpheus, the God of Dreams, was somewhat nostalgic.

Because it was there that he obtained the wreckage of a Kryptonian spacecraft, and then relied on the coordinates on the spacecraft to find many living planets in this world.

If not, it would be impossible to find extraterrestrial life based on his own ability alone, but it would definitely not be so efficient.

It was also with the help of these coordinates that Morpheus, the Oneiroi, obtained the monstrous wish power by bewitching the natives of countless life planets in a short period of time.

So much so that he almost broke through the realm of dignity.


Morpheus, the God of Dreams, feels that he is just a step away from giving birth, and the bottleneck that hinders his promotion is now like a thin film.

As long as he can once again accumulate a powerful willingness to launch an impact, he will be able to achieve a breakthrough.

But it is a pity that the extraterrestrial life has been almost destroyed by him, and it is impossible to obtain the monstrous wish power again in a short time.


He can create disasters beyond imagination on the earth.

In this way, in the midst of chaos and crisis, all sentient beings will instinctively pray for strength and peace...

At that time.

Morpheus, God of Dreams, made trouble.

A large amount of willingness will be inexhaustible, and then like a snowball, it will grow bigger and bigger, and finally reach the level that allows it to break through the current realm.


What kind of catastrophe can meet the requirements?

Is it possible to direct and act on your own? Maybe in normal times, you can still do this, but now with that guy named Bai Xiaofei, it's more troublesome.

Especially the opponent's strength may still be higher than his own!

The best way is to divert the water to the east...


"Speaking of this, in the Kryptonian spacecraft, there seem to be coordinates of some planets, marked with danger and forbidden symbols..."

"It's like Apocalypse!"


Morpheus, the God of Dreams, suddenly brightened his eyes, and murmured to himself: "Even the Kryptonians have listed it as an extremely dangerous existence. It can be seen that those guys on Apocalypse are not easy to mess with. If you lure them here, it seems that you can barely do it." Meet the requirement!"

Think here.

He immediately stopped hesitating.

He hurriedly passed the insidious plan that he had just thought of to the deity. And this clone flew towards the North Pole at the fastest speed.


Morpheus, the God of Dreams, is a super master in the realm of saints.

Even a clone has the level of a quasi-sage, and the scope of the earth is not worth mentioning to him at all.


Murphys came to the North Pole.

And it landed directly on the original location of the North Pole Ice Palace: "Huh? Isn't this location exactly where the Kryptonian spacecraft fell?"

Mephiston, God of Dreams, felt a little strange.

Secretly said: "This is where Aluzat and others lost news, that is to say, that guy named Bai Xiaofei is probably here..."


"The North Pole is so big, why did it choose to be here?"

"Is it a coincidence, or..."


While the mind is spinning.

Murphys also opened up his power of consciousness and searched the surroundings in great detail, but found nothing.


But in another place, he found something unusual.

"The space over there seems to be very unstable..."

"Go and have a look!"


Murphy disappeared instantly.

It reappeared, and it was already the place where Haili Scott and others encountered Diana and Bai Xiaofei, and he could tell at a glance that the space here had been tampered with.

But the bitter thing is that Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, has so-so knowledge of space. Although it can be seen that something is wrong, but what is wrong, as well as cracking and tracking, he is very Muggle!


"It seems that the opponent is still a master in space. Looking at the means and level, the strength is at least as high as the peak of the God Emperor Realm..."

"However, it doesn't look like the realm of the Venerable..."

"Did you guess wrong?"


After careful analysis and deduction, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, suddenly discovered that the guy named Bai Xiaofei might not be as terrifying as he imagined.


If the other party was really stronger than him, how could he use so many tricks, he would have jumped out and killed him long ago.

It's like if human beings want to exterminate a group of ants, they will not use any conspiracy at all, because there is no need for that at all.

Just blowing a breath can easily kill a large group of people!

The reason why there are so many is nothing more than two reasons. One is to numb yourself and make yourself carelessly underestimate the enemy, and the second is that the opponent is not as strong as yourself.

The possibility of the former is almost zero.

after all……

Although the saints are very good, they are all in front of the big bosses in the field of venerables, so they are at most just a slightly bigger ant.

If the boss wants to kill an ant, he may be more tricky, but he will definitely not pretend to be an ant and do the so-called pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

Because that's just insulting yourself.


Think here.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, couldn't help frowning. He couldn't figure it out. If the other party's level of strength was really not as good as his own, how did the other party break the gap between lies?

Could it be that some incomparable baby was used.

for example……

Arcana or something!


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