The Storm God

Chapter 3373 The core of the stars!

at the same time.

The deity planet, the moment Murphys landed on the earth, Bai Xiaofei and Bai Cass had already detected his arrival.

after all……

Appearance and breath can be hidden and disguised, but its own energy, as well as the essence of life, cannot be changed.

Perhaps, ordinary methods cannot scan it out, but Bai Xiaofei's Hongmeng Dark System is definitely not within this scope.


before that.

Bai Xiaofei has allowed Bai Cass to use his ultimate computing power to master the data and information of almost everyone on the entire planet.

The avatar of Morpheus, the God of Dreams, suddenly descended on the earth, even if he could disguise everything, no one would notice anything wrong...

But his sudden appearance is itself a problem for Hongmeng Dark System. It's like there are only 10 people in the family, but suddenly there is an extra person, or a small animal, it's hard not to attract attention.

at the same time……

The Hongmeng Dark System also carried out a detailed detection and analysis on it, and the data obtained are: "The energy reaction in this person is extremely high, but it is still within the estimated range, so it is judged that this should not be the real body, but just a clone .”


Bai Xiaofei was a little surprised.

Then he couldn't help laughing and said: "This guy is really careful enough, he probably regards me as a stronger master than him, that's why he is so cautious, and sent a clone to detect the truth..."


White Cass did not speak.

He controls the Hongmeng Dark System, and is tracking the location of the Oneiroi Lord Morpheus in reverse, but unfortunately, it ends in failure.

"Feel sorry!"

Bai Cass said helplessly: "The energy fluctuations caused by the appearance of the avatar are extremely weak, and even the computing power of the Hongmeng Dark System cannot achieve complete reverse tracking, but according to the analysis, its real body should be in a galaxy far away from the earth! "


Bai Xiaofei nodded and said: "I think so too. After all, this world is as vast as the Marvel Universe, and there are civilizations and extraterrestrial life outside. If it were me, I would definitely not just stay in a small world." Small Earth."

He paused slightly.

He continued: "If you can't find it, you can't find it. Anyway, the result doesn't make much difference. The most urgent thing now is to let me stare at this clone."


White Cass responded.

As a result, as soon as he finished speaking, he detected that the avatar of Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, seemed to have sent some message to the deity.

And the method it uses is a method that has never been seen before, even with the ability of the Hongmeng Dark System, it cannot be cracked in a short time.

"Don't worry about him!"

Bai Xiaofei frowned and said: "Those things are not important, I must hurry up and strengthen my own strength, otherwise it would be meaningless to know where the Oneiroi Lord Murphys is!"


Baikas said: "Sir, what are you going to do? Release and absorb the power of unity on the deity planet?"


Bai Xiaofei shook his head.

He explained: "When the three mother boxes are fused to release the power of unity, they will be executed in strict accordance with the procedures set at the beginning, that is, to directly transform the planet itself, making it more suitable for the people of Apocalypse to survive..."

"The deity planet is transformed by my deity, how could I conduct experiments on myself? In case of an accident, wouldn't it be self-defeating?"

"I am going to create a mimetic planet alone, that is, to create an ecological planet similar to the earth as a special test site."


for this plan.

Bai Xiaofei actually thought about it long ago.

after all……

The mother box is something from Apocalypse. Once it appears, or the power of unification breaks out, Darkseid and others on Apocalypse will definitely feel it.

Maybe it will directly open the sonic boom channel, and descend to the earth to see what's going on.

Of course Bai Xiaofei would not let the other party do what he wanted.


selected place.

It must be able to isolate the power and signal transmission of the mother box.

And such a scene can only be done in a different dimension, and the release of the power of unification needs to meet one condition, that is, an ecological planet.

To know.

This thing was originally used by Apocalypse to transform the planet.

He is like a special transformation tool. At the beginning of its manufacture, it has been programmed, and it will only be turned on if it meets the conditions. Otherwise, even if it is fused, it will not release the power of unity.

And in this small world, Bai Xiaofei is equivalent to the God of Creation.

To Bai Xiaofei, wanting to create a planet similar to the earth is just an idea, the rest only needs to slowly accumulate strength and evolve stars.

That's how the deity planet came from at the beginning.


Things are different this time.

Bai Xiaofei just wants a place that meets the conditions to conduct experiments, so the ecological planet he creates only needs to meet the basic conditions.

There is no need to waste a lot of energy and energy to create life.

It is almost the same as Mars, as long as there is water and an atmosphere, which meets the basic conditions for the birth and evolution of life.

Anyway, the unified power of the mother box, the program is relatively rigid, if there are any deficiencies, it will be transformed and upgraded by itself.

And what Bai Xiaofei has to do is to take advantage of the mother box to release the power of unity, to devour and absorb its power, and to comprehend its principles and mysteries.


Make it completely your own.

Of course, all this is easy to say, but it is not easy to operate. Among other things, it will take a certain amount of time just to create a qualified ecological planet.

Fortunately, now Bai Xiaofei has the most powerful assistant Bai Cass by his side. He only needs to choose a suitable place in the cosmic starry sky to condense the star core, and teach the rest to Bai Cass and the Hongmeng Dark System. Can.

By then...

The star core, as well as Baikas and the primordial dark system, will continuously use the star core as the starting point to absorb the surrounding power and matter, and then restructure to form a brand new planet.

According to the calculations of the Hongmeng Dark System, on the premise of not wasting a lot of energy and strength, this process will take about ten days.

If you want to go faster, you need additional investment.

"So be it!"

Bai Xiaofei nodded, and said: "There is no need to continue to invest more, because I don't know what the unified power of the mother box will turn that planet into. Deduce according to the worst plan, and the additional investment will only make me lose Bigger!"

"It's only about ten days, I can afford to wait!"


Bai Cass nodded yes.

Then, under Bai Xiaofei's will, in the cosmic starry sky, at the edge of a certain galaxy, in a darkness made up of dark matter, a pitch-black core was suddenly formed out of thin air.

This is the core of the stars.

Its appearance triggered the birth of gravity, and then the countless substances around it began to gather towards the core of the stars in a steady stream.

Visible to the naked eye, this star core quickly turned into an irregular circular planet. Although it was still small, it had great potential.


With the passage of time and the increase of its mass, its gravitational and suction forces are also getting stronger and stronger, and it can absorb more and more substances.

This is not.

In less than a moment, its volume has expanded by more than ten thousand times. If it goes on like this, it probably won't take long before it will become similar to the moon.

And the other side.

Diana on the real planet, after being washed and stimulated by the holy water of the ice phoenix, finally awakened her innate ability.

Bai Xiaofei was overjoyed immediately: "This is... thunder and lightning? No, it's not ordinary thunder and lightning. The aura contained in it is completely different. It seems to have a special power..."

"Could it be a brand new kind of divine thunder?"


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