The Storm God

Chapter 3375 The Apocalypse Comes!

Deity planet.

Bai Xiaofei is being tender with Diana, and at the same time passing on her cultivation experience after the God King Realm, as well as her insights.


"Your Tao is very special, it can almost allow you to practice forever, and it will accompany you throughout your life, which will make your cultivation more effective..."

"But at the same time, this road is not easy to walk, you have to be mentally prepared. If you have any needs or difficulties, don't be polite to me!"

"This is your equipment..."


Diana regained her strength.

Even better than before, Bai Xiaofei naturally returned all of her previous equipment to Diana.


There are also many good things in it, such as Ice Phoenix holy water and so on. It can be said that there are a lot of cultivation resources at once, so there is no need to worry about not having enough.

after all……

This is my wife.

No matter how stingy Bai Xiaofei is, he can't be stingy to Diana.

Use it casually, absolutely enough, there are plenty!


Diana nodded with a smile.

And the first thing she took out was the Excalibur Moxie.


Moxie Excalibur sensed that Diana had returned to normal, and her strength was stronger than before, so she couldn't help being overjoyed. Like a good friend, she immediately snuggled up to Diana intimately, and buzzed her thoughts.

"I know!"

"I have worked hard for you during this time, but I did it for your own good. If you had been close to me at that time, you would have been devoured of divine power just like other equipment..."

"But don't be afraid now, we are all safe."


Diana explained.

Like her original equipment, such as the guardian silver bracelet, the divine light flying crown, the mantra lasso, etc., because they have been worn on Diana's body, all of them were swallowed up by Morpheus, the god of dreams, and degenerated into mortals. .

This made Diana very sad.

after all……

Those are her favorite equipment. Although it is a bit outdated and backward for her now, she has deep feelings.

If possible, Diana still hopes that they can be restored, even better than before. Compared with other weapons and equipment, Diana still prefers the feeling of the past.


She looked at Bai Xiaofei, meaning: "Husband, can you restore these equipment that have lost their divine power, or even become stronger?"

"Let me consider!"

Bai Xiaofei didn't reply immediately.

Because the situation of these equipment is different from the normal situation.

If it is just a simple loss of divine power, then it is naturally the best, as long as it is injected with divine power, it can be restored to its original state.


the reality is cruel.

Diana's equipment is not just as simple as the loss of divine power, but the depth of the entire ability has been plundered away.

Just like Diana's bloodline ability, fundamentally and completely snatched away.

In other words.

The current equipment is just a group of ordinary equipment, without any magical features, and even the ordinary materials are not as good.

One can imagine how difficult it is to restore it.


These things couldn't help Bai Xiaofei either.

After all, Diana's equipment was all forged by the ancient gods of the earth with their own divine power and special protection materials...

Even so, Bai Xiaofei can also forge them into magical weapons, even more powerful and terrifying than before.

after all……

Bai Xiaofei is a great god, but he is much, much stronger than those ancient gods on Earth.

Even the former king of the gods, now even Diana has easily surpassed him, let alone Bai Xiaofei who is countless times more terrifying than Diana.

Just for a moment.

Under the control of Bai Xiaofei's thoughts, all of Diana's equipment were converted and changed in material, and countless more powerful, mysterious and terrifying inscriptions and magic circles were imprinted on them, so that they could carry stronger power.


The vastness of the soul is injected, and within a moment, the upgraded version of the mantra lasso is freshly released.

Compared with the old version, the new version of the lasso of mantra is more powerful.

It has even completely surpassed the level of the divine weapon, but was directly transformed by Bai Xiaofei into an extraordinary thing second only to the emperor's weapon.

This new version of the lasso of mantra not only has all the abilities of the old version, but also is more powerful, and also has some special magical powers.


Restrain, imprison, change as you like...

Etc., etc.

In short, this new version of the lasso of mantra is a strengthened version of the rope that binds immortals. As long as those whose strength does not exceed Bai Xiaofei, once they are bound, they will be directly locked up, and they cannot resist.


The specific power depends on Diana's realm and strength.

After all, the divine power that can be stored in the lasso of mantra is limited, and it must rely on Diana, the master, to exert perfect divine power.

But even so, it was quite scary.

At least……

The existence of the same realm, even a realm higher than Diana, is absolutely unable to defeat Diana, as long as they are caught by the mantra lasso, they will be completely tricked.

Restraining and imprisoning, devouring divine power, mind control...

Various abilities, multi-pronged approach!

There is no need to run!

not to mention……

In addition, Bai Xiaofei also modified and upgraded other equipment for Diana, whether it was the flying crown of light, the silver guardian bracelet, or the boots...

Many pieces of equipment were also endowed with various powerful divine powers by Bai Xiaofei.

It is no exaggeration to say that if the current Diana wore these equipments, she would be considered a God Emperor Realm expert one level higher than her, let alone at the same level.

When I met Diana, there was no exception, and I still had to kneel!

to be honest.

It's completely overwhelming people with equipment!

Even a strong man in the Divine Sovereign Realm would be very afraid of Diana. After all, all the equipment on Diana was made by Bai Xiaofei, a master at the peak of the God Emperor Realm.

If it wasn't for Diana's own lack of strength, even the Divine Sovereign Realm would be able to get down easily!


For his wife, Bai Xiaofei took great pains.

Diana was overjoyed.

Holding Bai Xiaofei in his arms was like kissing wildly.


The two kissed more and more vigorously.

In the end, it directly escalated into a passionate love mode.

After all, the two have been separated for many years, and now they are finally reunited. Naturally, it is a firewood, and it is out of control.

Especially when Diana desperately wanted children.

This is even more out of control.


Bacas had a good eye.

As early as when Bai Xiaofei kissed Diana and the hormones in his body soared, he blocked everything around him very understandingly.

This left enough space for Bai Xiaofei and Diana to not be disturbed by anyone, and it could be said that they showed their identity as housekeepers to the fullest.

at the same time……

In the universe, the star core's planetary evolution plan, Baikas also did not fall behind, under his control, a planet is being born rapidly.

From the size of the moon at the beginning, it got bigger and bigger. At this speed, I am afraid that it will not take long before it will become as big as the earth.

Afterwards, ecological and geological improvements will be carried out, and the test standards required by Bai Xiaofei will be achieved very quickly.

And during this period.

Oneiroi Lord Murphys (clone) is not idle either.

He also started his own project.


Create your own new little brother.

He used his infinite divine power to select some guys with heinous crimes and amazing potential, endowed them with special supernatural powers, and became the four great generals under his command.

at the same time.

The four gods will begin to spread all kinds of disasters and chaos around the world, as well as many natural and man-made disasters such as diseases, making this chaotic world even more miserable and messy.

In order to stimulate more people, want to make a wish to get more, so that Morpheus, the god of dreams, can harvest more high-quality wish power.

the other side.

Some people on Apocalypse are also acting, and then one day later, the sonic boom channel descends abruptly, and the first stop is Atlantis.


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