The Storm God

Chapter 3376 Excessive pretense!


royal palace.

Atlanta is going about her business.


The bodyguard Herb frowned and looked in a certain direction, as if he had sensed something, and immediately said to Atlanta: "Your Majesty..."


Atlanta actually sensed it too.


She was not lazy or idle. While she was busy dealing with the affairs of Atlantis, she also practiced hard to improve her strength rapidly.

Although the current Atlanna is only at the level of the gods, but in the sea, her perception ability is extremely powerful.

after all……

She is the royal family of Atlantis.

Born to be extremely close to the sea, especially after practicing with Bai Xiaofei, he has already awakened an ability similar to the heart of the sea.

in short.

It is to be able to use the ocean to a certain extent to enhance one's own perception. And with the improvement of strength, this ability will also be greatly strengthened.

Atlanta actually felt the sonic explosion channel that descended suddenly in the sea, as well as the terrifying energy atmosphere full of tyranny and killing.

It's just not as fast as Herbert.

after all……

overall strength.

Helbo, the peak of the God-King Realm, is much stronger than Atlanna, and the Dragon Ball cultivation system is extremely sensitive to the perception of qi.

Its ability is absolutely no less than Atlanna's perception.

"It is the direction to save the mother box!"

Herb didn't know much about Atlantis. But Atlanta, as the royal family and the new emperor, naturally knows everything here very well.

Atlanta frowned and said: "Since the other party came for the mother box, it is likely to be those guys from Apocalypse, but the mother box has been taken away by Xiaofei..."


Herb's eyes narrowed, and he said, "It's very likely that the other party will turn their target on you?"

"It looks like it is!"

Atlanta felt that the powerful existence that suddenly descended on the underwater world was very angry now, and then rampaged all the way, quickly attacking towards the palace.

"Come on!"

Atlanta didn't panic at all.

Calm and composed, he immediately exchanged his subordinates, and then issued several orders one after another.

at last……

She took Herb with her.

There is also the undersea behemoth Kara Sen, which directly left the range of the palace.


Atlanta didn't sit still.

Instead, he chose to take the initiative to attack, and without waiting for the enemy to attack, he rushed out of the capital of Atlantis with the strongest younger brother under his command.

After all, the opponent is not weak.

A battle of extraordinary power like this must have a huge impact. If a war starts in Atlantis, it will inevitably affect the innocent.

Only in the wilderness areas outside the range can you go for it without any worries.


With two people and one beast, Atlanta came to a deserted seabed area, accompanied by only some mechanical automation soldiers and armored troops.

The regular soldiers of Atlantis did not come over.

Because it is also a food delivery.



Following Atlanta's order, all the mechanical soldiers and armored troops began to move quickly, and soon formed several special formations.

at the same time.

An incomparably powerful and tyrannical aura also rushed from the front abruptly.

The distance between the two sides is getting closer.


Atlanta saw clearly the face of the person coming.

But he was wearing a full-body armor of unknown material, with countless spikes protruding from the armor, making this man look like a hedgehog.

It looks very difficult to provoke.

in addition.

There are two huge horns growing on this man's head, and he is holding a mighty ax-shaped weapon. He has a long face, small eyes, and a pointed chin...

"It's Steppenwolf!"

With such obvious features, Atlanna recognized the other party's identity almost immediately. Isn't this the devil in the rumors of Atlantis in the past?


Herb was a little surprised.

Because, he felt that this guy named Steppenwolf seemed to be pretty good, especially the spiked armor, which was very pretentious.


It's just a surprise.

Anyway, in Herb's eyes, this ugly guy with a pair of bull horns is just a smug guy, he can hit ten with one hand!


Seeing Atlanta, Herb, and a huge sea beast—Karasson, and the mechanized soldiers and armored troops in front of them, Steppenwolf stopped advancing immediately.


"Unexpectedly, you would choose to leave Atlantis and take the initiative to attack, Queen of Atlantis, it seems that you are very courageous!"

"I seem to underestimate you."


Steppenwolves are tall.

Conservative estimate, at least 2 meters away. He was suspended in the sea water, maintaining almost the same height as Atlanna, but speaking with a condescending posture.

And the last sentence is even more meaningful.


Naturally Herb.

Steppenwolf was not stupid either, he felt almost instantly that the most dangerous person in front of him was not Atlanna, nor the sea beast Karason, but that strange man.

at the same time.

Steppenwolf was a little puzzled.

That strange man does not seem to be from the Atlantis family, but why did he stand by Atlanna?

Could it be...

Have an affair between them?

Fortunately, Bai Xiaofei wasn't here, otherwise, if he knew that Steppenwolf thought so, he would definitely go straight up and beat him until he couldn't take care of himself.

A woman who dares to think wildly about me, court death!

"Stop talking nonsense!"

At this moment, Atlanta's queenly demeanor was clearly evident, completely ignoring Steppenwolf's nonsense nonsense, and directly said domineeringly: "Steppenwolf, I know you are here to find the mother box, but it's a pity that you came One step too late, the mother box has already been taken away by someone else in advance!"

"If you retreat obediently at this moment, I can still pretend that nothing happened, otherwise don't blame us for being rude to you!"

The words fell.

Her aura suddenly exploded.

at the same time.

Helbo next to him was no exception. His combat power at the peak of the God King Realm was undoubtedly revealed at this moment, and with his explosion, the entire sea seemed to start to tremble.


Atlanta immediately glared at Herb angrily.

Herb hesitated for a moment, then scratched his head in embarrassment, and said embarrassingly: "Sorry, Your Majesty, I accidentally acted too much, I will hold back my breath..."

Seeing the sea beast Kara Sen, he was speechless for a while.


The Steppenwolf on the opposite side was also shocked.

This breath...

So strong!

Just releasing the coercion of the breath can make the position of the sea tremble. What a terrifying strength this is!

If it erupts with all its strength, wouldn't it be possible to easily shatter the entire planet?

In fact, he guessed right.

For Helbo, the earth is really so fragile and unbearable. He only needs to release one ten-millionth of his power to blow up the earth.

after all……

He has a combat power of more than 5 billion.

And Steppenwolf?


He's just over one if he's exhausted, maybe it's more than enough to deal with Atlanta, but in front of Herb, he's completely a younger brother!

If he hadn't abandoned the dark for the bright and surrendered to Bai Xiaofei's side, according to Herb's previous temper, no matter where the enemy came from, he would beat him up first.

As for whether you can beat it? Never mind!

You will know when you hit it.

In short.

Simple and rude, direct and straightforward!

But now, he had to act according to Atlanna's face. After all, Atlanna was Bai Xiaofei's woman and the king of Atlantis.

Doing things is naturally not as simple as you think.


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