The Storm God

Chapter 3377 Confused Steppenwolf!

this moment.

Steppenwolf was a little apprehensive.

He didn't know what was going on in Atlantis now, that he could invite such a terrifying master to be his subordinate.

It is unwise to attack by force.


He came with a mission, and if he left in such a disgruntled manner, he wouldn't be able to explain to his boss later.

Think here.

Steppenwolf was immediately troubled.

Seeing the reckless Atlanna, Steppenwolf finally said, "The mother box was taken away? Can you tell me who that person is?"


Atlanta's straightforwardness made Steppenwolf a little confused.

Immediately afterwards, he heard Atlanta say: "That person is my husband, surnamed Bai, named Xiaofei, if you have the ability, go find him!"


Hearing this, Steppenwolf was even more confused.

your husband……

Depend on!

What are you kidding me about?

He was a little angry, thinking that Atlanta was amusing himself.

However, Steppenwolf looked seriously, only to find that Atlanta had a serious face, and she didn't mean to be joking.


Steppenwolf was a little puzzled.


what's the situation?

Judging by her appearance, it seems that she is not lying.

Could it be that the mother box was really taken by her husband? But this is so wrong, how could she betray her man?

Could it be that the other party cheated?


Steppenwolf guessed right again.

Because Bai Xiaofei is indeed more than just Atlanta.

But unfortunately, the reason why Atlanta told Steppenwolf this was not because of this reason, but because she was confident that Steppenwolf, and even Darkseid behind him, could not be Bai Xiaofei's opponent at all.

Telling the other party is nothing more than wanting the other party to feel jealous and fearful.

The implication is that the earth is not easy to mess with.

Better be honest!


It's good for you!

It can be regarded as a bright sword to a certain extent, showing strength.

Of course Herb understood what Atlanta meant. He nodded immediately when he heard the words, and said in support: "That's right! Mr. Bai is extremely powerful. It was under his guidance that I turned from the dark to the bright. If you are obsessed with obsession, you will definitely end up very well." Ugly!"

Recently, Herb has also tried to contact those in the Justice League to see if he can be an undercover agent and get some credit or something.


All disappeared.

The only possibility Helbo could think of was that Aluzat and the others were all defeated by Bai Xiaofei, otherwise there would be no news at all.

This left him shocked and depressed.

at the same time……

I am also very fortunate.

Fortunately, I didn't pretend to be tough at the time, otherwise I'm afraid it would be too cold now.

Looking at the Steppenwolf in front of him, Herb decided that the other party would definitely not give up easily, so that he would have a chance.


In his heart, Herb wished that the Steppenwolf would do it.

But it's a pity.

Steppenwolf was not stupid. After listening to Atlanta's words, he adopted a cautious and cautious attitude. Although he was still a little confused and puzzled about the matter, he did not act rashly.

Just when Helbo was thinking about whether he should be provocative or not, the other party directly opened the sonic boom channel and ran away!


The Steppenwolf who came aggressively chose to retreat!


Herb couldn't be more depressed.


How cowardly!

Just like this, dare to come to the earth to be fierce?

Don't be ashamed!

Depend on!


In fact.

Steppenwolf did not leave Earth.

The transmission of the sonic boom channel only allowed him to leave Atlantis in an instant. The main reason was that Herb's aura was too strong, and the pressure on the Steppenwolf was too terrifying.

His intuition told himself that if he stayed any longer, there would definitely be no good results. In the language of the earth, it is a hero who does not suffer from immediate losses!

Anyway, there are more than one mother box.

The one from Atlantis can't be found temporarily, it doesn't matter, he can go to Paradise Island to find another mother box.


Steppenwolf was right.

But the cruelty of reality was far beyond his imagination.

Just when Steppenwolf was thinking that the female Amazon warrior should be easily resolved, news suddenly came from Apocalypse, saying that the location coordinates of Paradise Island could not be detected at all...


Steppenwolf was stunned.


The location coordinates cannot be detected, how is it possible! ?

"Where's the mother box?"

asked Steppenwolf.

He knows that Paradise Island is protected by an enchantment. Although the location coordinates are shielded for some unknown reason, the mother box is an energy crystal that emits special power fluctuations all the time. It should be no problem to detect its target. Bar?


The answer I got was——



This time, Steppenwolf froze completely.

He suddenly felt that this trip to the earth was unexpectedly not smooth. The mother box of Atlantis was taken away in advance, Paradise Island lost its location coordinates, and even the information of the mother box could not be detected...

No matter how it looks, there is a feeling of being led by the nose.


How is this possible!

We are the new protoss of Apocalypse, extremely powerful, and the earthlings are just a group of uncivilized natives.

Can their ants-like existence count us?

What a joke!


at this moment.

Steppenwolf suddenly realized that a crack had opened in the void around him. Immediately afterwards, a figure walked out of the crack, which was the clone of Morpheus, the God of Dreams.

"Who are you?"

With such a weird and terrifying method, Steppenwolf immediately became nervous.

He held the battle ax tightly in both hands, and the armor on his body was also spiked upside down. He was in a state of combat readiness, and his spirit was highly tense.

As long as there is something wrong with the opponent, he will immediately launch an attack, or launch a sonic boom channel, and leave the earth completely.

"take it easy!"

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, looked very calm.

He directly ignored the hostility of the Steppenwolf, and said with a smile: "You can call me Murphys, I feel your confusion and helplessness, and I came here specially to help you..."

"help me?"

Steppenwolf felt funny.

However, at this moment, he couldn't laugh at all, because the person in front of him was so strong that Steppenwolf felt as if he was imprisoned by some force.

Not to mention sneering, I just can't even blink my eyes.

"That's right!"

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, nodded with a smile.

Then, he waved his hand, the Steppenwolf realized that he could move again, he was startled and angry at once, utterly astonished, it really was him!

"The earth today is not as good as before. Capable people can be seen almost everywhere, and they are very powerful. Unlike before, they can be bullied by you at will..."

"If you don't believe me, you can go to the land world to have a look. If you need my help, just call my name..."


After speaking, he disappeared.

Only the Steppenwolf with a dazed and astonished face was left, stunned in place for a long time, speechless.


Steppenwolf decided.

Anyway, they all come to Earth, so it’s good to go to the terrestrial world, first to confirm whether what the person said is correct, and second, to find the mother box that can be buried by humans by the way.


Steppenwolf directly came to New York, USA by using the sonic boom channel.

According to Apocalypse's understanding of the earth, this is one of the most prosperous areas in the world, densely populated, and most suitable for inquiring news.

He didn't hide his whereabouts.

Just like that, he was exposed in front of the world, because Steppenwolf was very confident in his own strength, even if he was discovered by humans, he would not worry at all.


Reality immediately taught him to be a man again.

Just for a moment.

The four men with powerful and terrifying aura flew to stop the Steppenwolf, and then glared at each of them as if they were facing an enemy: "Aliens? What are you doing here on Earth? Tell me quickly, or I will be polite to you!"

Steppenwolf: "..."


what's the situation?

The strength of these four people in front of him is actually stronger than himself?

How can this be! ?


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