The Storm God

Chapter 3378 I want strength!

The four men who stopped Steppenwolf were all dressed in distinctive clothes, red, blue, black, white, whatever colors.


One thing is the same.

All four of them wore the same badge on their shoulders.

Obviously, they are from the same organization, and from the stars on the badges, it can be seen that the level of these four people may not be very high.

The tallest among them is the three-star man in black.

His attire is somewhat similar to Batman's. Only half of his mouth is exposed, and the rest of his body is wrapped in black attire.

There is also a cool black formula on the back, fluttering in the wind, like a huge bat wing, but he is not Batman, but a black dragon messenger.

On this person's head, and on the two shoulders, there are things in the shape of a dragon's head, making him look very mighty and domineering.

"Tell me who you are and where you came from!"



The black dragon envoy said domineeringly.

At the same time as he opened his mouth, a fist-sized black ball of light began to appear out of thin air in his palm. Although the ball of light was small, its energy fluctuation response was extremely astonishing.


For Steppenwolf, a guy who looked very powerful, the Black Dragon Envoy did not intend to underestimate the enemy at all, and he was ready to fight if there was a disagreement.


Steppenwolf was silent.

To be honest, he is very confused and confused now.

What happened to the earth?

It hasn't been seen for thousands of years, but so many horror masters have been born, it shouldn't be, they are not Kryptonians...

Want to escape?


Absolutely not!

I've escaped once before.

If I retreat without a fight this time, what will become of me, Steppenwolf?


Think here.

Steppenwolf immediately clenched the Tomahawk of Destruction in his hand.

And his reaction immediately attracted the attention of the Black Dragon Envoy, and without further ado, the other party threw the black ball of light at Steppenwolf in an instant.


The speed of the black light ball is not slow.

But the Steppenwolf reacted faster, and when it just arrived in front of him, it was directly chopped into pieces by the Steppenwolf with an axe.


At this moment, the Black Dragon Envoy laughed.


"It's okay if my black ball of light doesn't attack it. Once it strikes back, it will instantly turn into a dark field, taking away the surrounding light and blocking your vision..."

"Be obedient and admit it, you self-defeating alien!"


The Black Dragon Envoy kindly explained.

At the same time, his hands were not idle, one after another black beams of light, like laser guns, kept shooting towards the Steppenwolf.

But the Steppenwolf on the opposite side was shrouded in billowing black fog at this moment, as if it had been dyed all over its body by pitch-black ink.

Not only that.

These weird black mist also have the ability to absorb light.

After losing the reflection of light, Steppenwolf became blind almost instantly, and all he could see was endless darkness.


His sense of hearing and touch has not been lost.

But this didn't seem to be of much use. The Black Dragon Envoy's attack, the black beam of light, was fast and urgent, and there was no sound at all.

The Steppenwolf couldn't judge the direction of the attack by the sound at all, and by the time he felt it, he had already been hit!

Fortunately, the attack power of these black beams of light was not very strong. The spiked armor of the Steppenwolf could barely defend against it. At most, he suffered some impacts, which made his body very uncomfortable.

What Steppenwolf couldn't accept was that he was plotted by these earthlings in an instant, and he was beaten everywhere...

It just doesn't make sense!


He was furious.

Although the eyes are invisible, the Steppenwolf will never sit still.

The destroying battle ax in his hand danced wildly, turning into groups of impenetrable defenses, trying to use this to block the enemy's attack.


This is of no use.

Because the enemy of the Steppenwolf was not only one Black Dragon Envoy, but also three other members from the same organization as the Black Dragon Envoy.

Although the strength of the three of them is slightly weaker than that of the Black Dragon Envoy, they each have their own characteristics, and their power should not be underestimated.

For example, the thin man in the red uniform, his ability is atomic energy, the whole person is like a walking nuclear bomb.

The red laser he shot, whether it is piercing, lethal, destructive, or contagious, is definitely much stronger than the Black Dragon Envoy.

Just for a moment.

The Steppenwolf's spiked armor was pierced with several holes.

The man in the blue uniform has the ability to freeze, similar to Bob in the X-Men, who can freely control and create ultra-low temperature, freezing and other phenomena.

I saw him blowing a breath at the Steppenwolf.

next moment……


Steppenwolf's Destroyer Tomahawk was immediately covered with a thick layer of solid ice, and finally, under the damage of the white uniformed man's ability, shock and impact, it instantly collapsed and exploded into countless ice slags and fragments.

In short.

The Steppenwolf at this moment can be described as quite embarrassed and miserable.

One face-to-face fell into the enemy's scheme, he lost his vision, and fell into a passive state, not to mention two hits, and his armor and weapons were smashed by the four of them together...


Steppenwolf was shocked.

Although he couldn't see it, he could tell by the sense of touch and sound that his armor and the Tomahawk of Destruction were all destroyed by the enemy!

This made him very angry and horrified, because without armor and a battle axe, Steppenwolf's strength would definitely drop a lot...

That is.

He has no chance of coming back.


Might die!

As soon as he thought of this, Steppenwolf's heart was filled with regret, why didn't he run away just now? It's so good now, I can't even run if I want to!


do not know why.

At this moment, Steppenwolf suddenly thought of Murphys whom he had met before.

He remembered that the other party said that if he changed his mind and wanted to seek help, he could read the other party's name...

Although I don't know if it's reliable or not, but at this moment, Steppenwolf can't care so much anymore, so he can only be Sima as a live horse doctor.


Steppenwolf roared in his heart.

Then, the next moment, he was shocked to find that he had come to a very strange space, and Murphys was right opposite him.

Murphys' eyes were as bright as stars, and he looked at the Steppenwolf silently: "Now you trust me? So tell me, how do you want me to help you?"


Steppenwolf suddenly understood.

This is not reality, it is probably my own spiritual world.

Although he didn't know if he saw Murphys for real or if he had hallucinations, but at this moment, he couldn't control so much.

Almost subconsciously, he yelled out his most urgent hope: "I want to be extremely powerful, with infinite power that can smash and crush the enemy!"


Hearing Steppenwolf's request, Murphys smiled happily: "As you wish!"

The words fell.

Everything disappears.

at the same time.


In reality, the Steppenwolf, covered by the strange black mist of the Black Dragon Envoy, suddenly erupted a terrifying and destructive power from his body.

The layers of black mist were crushed and vaporized almost instantly by the power of destruction. Immediately afterwards, the Steppenwolf with red eyes and a drastically changed temperament appeared in front of the four Black Dragon Envoys again.

"You all have to die!"


The black dragon made the four of them look serious, full of fear and shock.

Because, at this moment, the Steppenwolf's aura of power is not what it used to be, like a carp transforming into a dragon, which is completely different from just now!


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