The Storm God

Chapter 3379 Demon-like invasion!

United States, New York.

In less than an hour, this bustling metropolis was almost reduced to ruins, and it was full of mess.


Here comes Steppenwolf.

With supreme destructive power, he defeated the group of four black dragon envoys in just a split second, and then directly let out a fearful roar, turning most of the city into a purgatory on earth.

Countless people died as a result.

Countless construction vehicles were destroyed, as if the end of the world had come.


A large number of superheroes are coming.

Even some vicious super criminals who are well-known by the public chose to stand up at this moment, and together with those superheroes, they dealt with Steppenwolf, the terrifying invader from aliens.


All in vain.

The current Steppenwolf is really strong, even if he is not wearing the terrifying spiked armor, nor is he holding the destroying battle ax...

It's just that the almost naked fruit is suspended there, and the terrifying power that pervades from its body has also made countless people feel terrified and terrified.

Especially since there are two horns growing on the head of this cargo...


Steppenwolf is taken for granted by the world as a demon that destroys the world. Countless poor, weak and helpless people keep praying at this moment, hoping that the God they believe in will send an angel to clean up this demon.

But it's a pity.

Angels do not exist, and even if they did, they would not be the opponents of the current Steppenwolf. Because now the Steppenwolf's level of strength has soared directly to the level of the Divine Sovereign Realm!

Although it was only a preliminary stage, it was enough to destroy everything.

In order to create such a Steppenwolf, even Morpheus, the God of Dreams, spent a lot of money, but he gained more.


The current Steppenwolf has been completely controlled by him and has become one of his hardcore younger brothers. At the same time, he also mastered certain permissions of Apocalypse...

Then, following the smirk of Morpheus, the God of Dreams, Steppenwolf waved his hand, and over the entire sky of New York in the United States, there appeared one burst of sonic channels after another in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, countless demons, like locusts, swarmed out of the explosion channel, and then rushed towards all directions, chasing the smell of fear.

this moment.

Not to mention the ordinary people, even the superheroes and super criminals with super powers have fallen into a bitter struggle and predicament.


They are terrified.

And the more fearful, the more excited the demon.

Although ordinary monsters are like ants, they can be easily killed by superheroes and super criminals, but there are too many monsters.


Look at the densely packed, overwhelming appearance, it is simply endless.

There are so many ants that can kill elephants, not to mention these army of demons who have no fear of life and death, only know how to pursue fear, and rush towards them frantically!


Demonoids are not completely useless and useless.

There are also some elites among them, such as those superheroes and super criminals who are defeated by demons, they will be transformed into similar demons in an instant.

And such transformed demons will have all the abilities they had in life.

One ebb and flow, the result can be imagined.

The battle was almost one-sided.


New York has completely fallen.

The land was in ruins, devastated everywhere, and flesh and blood wreckage could be seen everywhere, showing the tragic and miserable battle just now.

high in the air.

The Steppenwolf is like a king, and against the background of countless demon-like armies, it is even more terrifying, domineering, powerful and terrifying.

The point is that it's not over yet.


Following Steppenwolf's order and command again, a large number of sonic explosion channels appeared in the sky again, and...

A terrifying cross-shaped crack in the starry sky.

"Boom boom boom!"

In the crack, there is a huge monster, slowly approaching the earth from the opposite side. From the outside, it seems to be an unknown aircraft carrier!


Steppenwolf is calling for the elite troops of Apocalypse.

Demon-like creatures are nothing more than a group of cannon fodder. Apocalypse can create a large number of them at will, and the more enemies killed, the greater the number.

The real elite troops are special existences like Steppenwolves.

According to the normal situation, before the earth was completely conquered, Steppenwolf would not easily call in the elite troops from Apocalypse.

In order to avoid being taken away in one pot, the loss will be heavy.


Now he does.

Because, the current Steppenwolf is no longer the Steppenwolf of the past, but a puppet and thug completely controlled by the Oneiroi Lord Murphys!

And his purpose of summoning the elite troops of Apocalypse is to confuse the other party, and then turn these elite troops into his own puppets just like controlling and strengthening the Steppenwolves.

The reason why Morpheus, the God of Dreams, did this is of course to strengthen his own background, and to obtain a huge wish power from it to strengthen himself!

As long as he can break through the bottleneck of the last layer and be promoted to become a leader in the field of the Venerable Realm, then Bai Xiaofei has nothing to fear!


You can't be too careful.

Before knowing Bai Xiaofei's accurate information, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, would not easily show up and make a move. Little brothers like Steppenwolf could help him get things done.

Just like now.

A powerful alien enemy descended, and countless types of demons ravaged the world.

As the news spread, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, harvested an unimaginable amount of wish power in just a split second, allowing his cultivation to take another step forward.


Oneiroi Morpheus firmly believes.

As long as the earth's situation becomes more chaotic, his gains will be greater.

Think here.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams hiding in the dark, suddenly turned his eyes and thought to himself: "Although the land world has a large population, it is extremely convenient to harvest wish power, but this world not only has them, but also other forces... ..."

"For example, the Undersea Clan in Atlantis and the Amazon Clan in Paradise Island, if we can pull them into the battlefield..."


"I think this big show will definitely be very exciting. After all, Diana is the princess of the Amazon family. If something happens on Paradise Island, I don't believe that she and her mistress Bai Xiaofei will just sit back and watch, indifferent!"

"There is also Atlantis, which seems to have something to do with Bai Xiaofei."


Morpheus, God of Dreams, smiled sinisterly.

And under his instruction, Steppenwolf also faithfully launched an operation, directly turning the countless demon-like army into three groups.

One group of humans attacked the land world, one group headed for Paradise Island, and the other group went into the seabed and went straight to Atlantis.

Three prongs.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, wants to take a look, what should the other party do?


at the same time.

On the deity planet, Bai Cass also noticed the huge catastrophe in the earth world, and immediately notified Bai Xiaofei of the situation.


Bai Cass said in a deep voice: "I think this is a conspiracy. According to the original calculation, Steppenwolf cannot be so strong, but his current strength is beyond imagination. Even the entire Kryptonian family, in front of him , I'm afraid it's just like an ant!"

"you mean……"

Bai Xiaofei frowned and said, "All of this was done by the Dream God Lord Murphys. The purpose is to lure me to appear so as to confirm my strength?"

"That's right!"

Bai Cass nodded and said: "According to the detection of the Hongmeng Dark System, the demon-like army has now been divided into three groups, and two of them are heading directly towards Paradise Island and Atlantis..."


Bai Xiaofei's eyes suddenly turned cold, who dare to touch me?

court death!


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