The Storm God

Chapter 3380 Fishing in troubled waters!

At this moment, Bai Xiaofei was completely angry.

His eyes were full of murderous intent and anger, the damned Oneiroi Lord Morpheus dared to hit his wife and relatives and friends...

It's just vicious!



"Release all the newly developed man-made gods to me, and kill the monsters when they see them, and never let anyone who helps the monsters!"


Baikas didn't hesitate.

Hearing this, he immediately followed Bai Xiaofei's order seriously.

The so-called artificial gods are clones developed and created by using the super god universe's god body genetic modification technology, as well as biochemical technology and other comprehensive technologies.

These clones have stronger power and potential than ordinary people. Almost just after they are created, they can possess terrifying combat power comparable to that of gods.


Because it is instant, it also has great disadvantages.

Moreover, the way it uses to improve its combat power is mainly the qi of the Dragon Ball world, because this kind of cultivation system is the fastest and easiest.

It is very in line with the development of the artificial god plan.

in addition.

Some of these special bodies.

They were also approved by Bai Xiaofei to use some advanced technologies and components, such as Tie Jiaman transformation system, divine body gene system, auxiliary plug-ins...

Etc., etc.


Some elite fighters among the man-made gods can definitely reach the level of the main god, or even the level of the king of the gods. Although they don't have their own way, they are borrowed and cloned from other people's way, but their combat power is still terrifying and powerful.

The most important thing is that Bai Xiaofei has as many of these artificial gods as he wants, as long as he has enough resources, he can wholesale them in unlimited quantities.

Apocalypse's demon-like army is not very strong, mainly relying on its large quantity, feeding on fear, and the transformation ability similar to zombies.

The only way to deal with them is to use a large number of troops with the same number and higher combat power to suppress them in all aspects.

If Morpheus, the God of Dreams, was just destroying and invading the land world, Bai Xiaofei might not care about it at all.


But they aimed at Atlantis and Paradise Island at the same time, so the situation is another matter. Even though Bai Xiaofei's strength is still a little weaker now, he will definitely not sit idly by!

at the same time.

Bai Xiaofei also knew.

The other party was trying to test him. In order to protect his privacy, Bai Xiaofei also took an indirect approach.

And these artificial gods are one of Bai Xiaofei's methods.


Some void on Earth.

Cracks suddenly appeared, followed by a large number of man-made god warriors, swarming out like countless ants, they were directly divided into three groups, and headed towards the land world, Atlantis, and Paradise Island respectively.


They haven't reached their destination yet.

On the way, they encounter a large number of demons and the earth's super criminals who are helping to torture the evil, and then the two sides start a war.

The whole world has entered an extremely crazy era in an instant.

The end of the world is coming!


Deity planet.

Bai Xiaofei's face was solemn, watching the scenes of destruction and chaos on the earth on the surveillance screen, his brows furrowed deeper and deeper.


"If things go on like this, no matter who wins or loses, the one who will profit in the end will definitely be Morpheus, the God of Dreams. He can fish in troubled waters and harvest a lot of wish power!"

"There must be a way to stop him!"


Bai Xiaofei is very clear.

Oneiroi Morpheus launched this world-destroying disaster in order to absorb the will of the world limited to suffering and despair.

If this fundamental purpose cannot be prevented, then the emergence and victory of artificial gods will be meaningless at all, and will actually help the other party.

Think here.

Bai Xiaofei suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

Fishing in troubled waters?


Looks like we can do the same!



"The green ring and the yellow ring I asked you to create before, how is the situation now?"

"The progress is very smooth. At present, the number of green rings is the largest, about 300,000, and the yellow rings are a bit short, only 100,000..."

"A total of four hundred thousand?"

Bai Xiaofei thought about it secretly, and muttered: "Less is a little less, but it's better than nothing. If you add the support of the main god system, the effect should still be very strong..."

"It doesn't matter, let's launch it immediately!"





Baikas performed the operation again.

at the same time.



Earth in the real world.

A large meteor shower-like green light and yellow light suddenly flashed from the void, and then rushed to various countries in the world, as if they were spiritually looking for their own masters.

And everyone who got it, no matter men or women, no matter how old or young, instantly gained incomparable power and guidance from God...

at the same time.

In some cities around the world, a mysterious black ball appeared in a certain independent special space.

The black ball resurrected a large number of dead people and turned them into their own fighters, without a unified combat uniform and weaponry.

And promised that as long as they can complete the task, kill the army of demons, and the invasion of aliens such as steppenwolves, they will be resurrected forever, and given longevity and a wish.


The people who came back from the dead suddenly went crazy.

Almost all of them agreed, as if they had been drugged, and then implanted with high-level combat auxiliary brain chips, all of them became super powerful fighters of the Lord God Squad, fighting against the invading demon-like army. Fighting and fighting.



royal palace.

Atlanta also got a reminder from Bai Xiaofei, and hoped that Bai Xiaofei could come to her real planet and take refuge temporarily.

As for the crisis facing Atlantis, Bai Xiaofei will find a way to solve it.

But unsurprisingly, Atlanta chose to refuse.

after all……

She is royalty.

People living in Atlantis for generations.

Now that the demons are invading and the country is in trouble, Atlanta, the leader of the king, naturally cannot give up her people and escape by herself.

"All right!"

Bai Xiaofei was also very helpless.

Seeing Atlanta's resolute attitude, she could only agree: "If that's the case, then I'll take pictures of more soldiers for you to protect your safety!"

Without any hesitation.

Bai Xiaofei directly recruited Xuantianzong, Dan Chenzi, Li Yingqi, Lian Xing and other super masters from the Shushan world.

at the same time……

In order to prevent accidents from happening.

Bai Xiaofei also specially gave Atlanta a talisman to prevent Morpheus, the god of dreams, from jumping over the wall in a hurry, and finally used the big to bully the small, and did it himself.

As long as the opponent dares to find Atlanna, the amulet will be activated instantly, and then sent to Bai Xiaofei's real planet.

Unstoppable, unstoppable!

after all……

That was a Dao-level talisman, and Bai Xiaofei bought it from the rules that Hongmeng Dao had always adopted at a high price.

The Oneiroi Lord Murphys is strong, but he is just a saint of heaven.

Naturally, it is impossible to block the Dao Talisman.

In this way.

Bai Xiaofei didn't have to worry about Atlanta's safety anymore, and then he used his ability to contact Queen Hippolyta, the mother-in-law of Paradise Island.

The Amazon female warriors on Paradise Island are all standard female men, who believe in force and advocating fighting, so Bai Xiaofei didn't even tell them to escape, but only informed them of the powerful enemy's attack.

At the same time, a large number of super soldiers were given to Paradise Island, as well as upgraded and enhanced versions of many magical weapons to enhance the combat effectiveness of the Amazon female warriors.


The first and most important thing is to tell the mother-in-law that I have found Diana back. If it weren't for Diana's current sensitive identity, she might be tracked down by Morpheus, the god of dreams, if she appeared rashly, she would have returned to Paradise Island long ago and chose to fight side by side with her compatriots.

To this.

Diana was very depressed.


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