The Storm God

Chapter 3381 Four fantasy gods!

"Diana, don't worry!"

Bai Xiaofei comforted: "Your Majesty and the others will be fine, after all, I have set up a special barrier to protect Paradise Island."

"If the army of demons wants to attack Paradise Island, they must first solve the protective barrier, otherwise they will not even be able to enter the door!"


Diana said, "That Oneiroi..."


Bai Xiaofei patted Diana's shoulder lightly, and said with a smile: "It's nothing to worry about. Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, is not omnipotent. Although in terms of overall strength, I may not be as good as him, but in terms of space and other aspects. His accomplishments, but he definitely surpasses him by several blocks!"

"Besides, we don't care about anything."

"Give me a few days."

"At that time..."

"When I absorb the unified power of the mother box and my strength improves, even if Morpheus, the God of Dreams, doesn't come to me, I will settle the score with him."

"It's just strategic defense right now."


Diana was silent.

Of course she is not an ordinary woman, and she also knows how serious and dangerous the current situation is, and the only thing she can do is to listen to Xiao Fei's arrangement.


Any reckless move may ruin Xiao Fei's plan.

Think here.

Diana immediately felt relieved.

She nodded vigorously, then left Bai Xiaofei's embrace, and ran to the Tongtian Tower training room on the deity's planet alone to refine and absorb her own power, seeking further breakthroughs.

Diana swore in her heart that she would never come out unless she broke through to the God Emperor Realm!


Bai Xiaofei was also not idle.

Apocalypse's demon-like army suddenly invaded, which seriously exceeded Bai Xiaofei's belief, and also put his original plan in crisis.


He had to find a way to advance the plan.

Therefore, Bai Xiaofei tore apart the space, came near the experimental planet that was slowly growing and evolving, and decided to use his own power to accelerate its formation.

At the current speed, it would take at least 7 days for the experimental planet to become a habitable planet like the earth.


With Bai Xiaofei's help, this process can be greatly shortened, and it only takes about two days to complete.

Almost quadrupled.


This consumes a lot of money for Bai Xiaofei.

So in the beginning, without special circumstances, Bai Xiaofei would choose to let him develop freely, instead of using his abilities immediately to accelerate the formation.

Because there is absolutely no need for that waste.

But it's different now.

Both Atlantis and Paradise Island will be attacked, and Bai Xiaofei will not be able to repel the enemy in person. In order to prevent accidents, Bai Xiaofei can't take care of so much, just waste it, the overall situation is the most important.

All the losses will be doubled back from the enemy at that time.

"Time speeds up!"


Bai Xiaofei released the law of time.

The terrifying light, like a stormy sea, swept across the audience in an instant, enveloping the entire galaxy near the experimental planet.


everything inside.

It's as if it was a clip in a movie, and someone turned on the double speed, and began to undergo extreme changes at a speed far exceeding the outside world.

And the experimental planet, like a balloon that is frantically pumping air into it, is getting bigger and bigger, and the atmosphere, mountains and rivers...


real world.

Morpheus (clone), the God of Dreams who lives in seclusion behind the scenes, is very satisfied with the performance of Steppenwolf, and at the same time appreciates the strength of Apocalypse.

Secretly said: "As expected of the Apocalypse Clan, whether it is technological ability or its own combat quality, they are all strong, even compared to the Krypton Clan, it is not too much..."


"Everything they believe in is too different from the nature and nature of my power, so it's not easy to confuse and use it, otherwise I will definitely be the first to attack them!"

"It's a helpless move now. After all, the potential of that guy Darkseid is still very terrifying. What if he..."


Think here.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, shook his head with a wry smile, and said in his heart, "That's all! I can't care about that much for now, let's solve the problem in front of me first."

"But that Bai Xiaofei is really cunning!"

"Both Atlantis and Paradise Island are in danger, and they haven't shown up yet. Isn't he afraid that he will capture his woman?"

"Or what is the other party planning?"


compared to the former.

Oneiroi Morpheus is more inclined to the latter.

after all……

Bai Xiaofei is not mediocre either.

Even if his own strength is not as good as his own, he must not be underestimated, otherwise, how can he cut off his own lies?


Those green light rings, yellow light rings that suddenly appeared on the earth recently, and soldiers wearing uniform black tights and using inexplicable technological equipment...

It is also very likely to be related to Bai Xiaofei!

this means.

The opponent is playing a game with himself.

The purpose of the game is probably to delay time.

Just like myself, the other party may also be at a critical moment, so it takes a certain amount of time to accumulate and break through.

at the same time……

The appearance of those super fighters can also reduce the harvest of the willpower of the world to a certain extent, and even plunder the willpower in turn, and attract myself to take action...

It seems that he really encountered a difficult enemy.

However, the more this happens, the more excited we are, because only by defeating such a master can we obtain even more amazing benefits!

Bai Xiaofei, I, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, will definitely eat you!

So far.

Murphy, the God of Dreams, stared at him for a moment, and suddenly said in a deep voice, "Four generals!"


In the blink of an eye.

The void twisted and cracks appeared.

Four men dressed in gorgeous armor and who seemed to be unaware of their strength immediately appeared in front of Morpheus, the God of Dreams.


These four people are exactly the four capable generals created by Morpheus, the God of Dreams himself. They are called the Four Gods of Fantasy, and they each have a special ability derived from his power traits, and their strength is about the level of the God Sovereign.

"I'll give you a mission!"

Morpheus, the god of dreams, ordered: "Phantasos, you go to Paradise Island and take charge of breaking the guardian sister there, and help the demons suppress the Amazons!"


Although Phantasos is a male, his appearance looks like a female, sweet and lovely, making it difficult to distinguish his gender.

After getting the order.

Phantasos responded, and then used his ability to open a purple dream world door behind him, then turned and left.


Murphys said again: "You are in charge of the battle on the side of Atlantis, remember, I want to live the woman of Atlanna!"


Ikelos is tall, with a hazy face, and has the ability to manipulate space. After being ordered, he immediately used the space shuttle ability and went straight to Atlantis.

"Hypnos, Oylos!"

Murphys looked at the last two generals, and said: "The abilities of the two of you are most suitable for group battles. I will leave it to you to solve the troubles in the land world!"


The two said in unison.

Afterwards, Hypnos and Oilos also left in a flash, and went directly to the chaotic battlefield in the land world.

And Morpheus, the God of Dreams, looked directly at New York, America, Steppenwolf who was reporting the situation to Darkseid on the Apocalypse on the spaceship through the void, secretly said: "I don't know if I can take him Lie to me..."

"Dakseid's bloodline is very special. If he can be controlled, the effect will be much stronger than that of Steppenwolf!"


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