The Storm God

Chapter 3382 Sweep and crush!

Deity planet.

With Diana and Nie Xiaoqian retreating one after another, as well as the mobilization of a large number of personnel and soldiers, the two little guys, Bai Lei and Little Arthur, also keenly sensed that something was wrong.

Then they came to the control room.

"Uncle Baicus!"

Bai Lei looked around curiously, but didn't find Bai Xiaofei's figure, so she couldn't help asking: "Where's Daddy? Has something happened outside recently?"

Cass appeared.

The image of a refined and handsome man.

Bai Cass didn't think there was anything wrong with calling Uncle Bai Lei. After all, the two parties were very familiar with each other. Although they were not relatives, they were better than relatives.

He nodded with a smile, and then explained: "Yes, that incomparably powerful enemy has used a lot of methods. The current earth is in chaos, with killings and wars everywhere..."


Bai Lei remained silent.

Seeing her big bright eyes constantly gurgling around, she was obviously planning something. Seeing this, Bai Cass quickly reminded: "Leilei, don't mess around!"


"The enemy this time is no small matter. Even your father may not be the opponent of the opponent, otherwise he would not be so cautious."

"If something happens to you, Sir will be very upset. It will also cause him great distress and trouble..."


Baikas's tone was serious, very solemn and serious.

Bai Lei immediately restrained her small thoughts, and said unhappily: "Then what should we do? We can't let us just sit here and watch and do nothing, right?"

"of course not!"

Bai Cass said with a smile: "You can also choose to retreat and practice like Diana and Nie Xiaoqian. Only with a strong enough combat power can you protect yourself and help Sir. This is absolutely true!"


Bai Lei was immediately speechless.

Afterwards, she took little Arthur and left, pouting as she walked, "It's really depressing, what I hate the most is retreating and practicing, it's meaningless at all!"


Little Arthur half understood.

Seeing that Bai Lei's sister was unhappy, he said empathetically, "In this case, then I will accompany my sister to retreat and practice together, so that we can take care of each other."


When Bai Lei heard this, she immediately laughed a little and said, "Little guy, do you know what is closed-door cultivation? Just talking nonsense here..."

Little Arthur shook his head honestly.

"never mind!"

Bai Lei was amused.

The mood also relaxed a lot, and then said: "Why do you think so much? Uncle Bacas is right. Only strong strength can protect ourselves and help Dad. If this is the case, then let's take this opportunity to work hard." Improve yourself!"


"I heard that the Tongtian Tower here has many world laws, which can be comprehended by people. As long as you pass it successfully, you can get a lot of improvement."

"Let's try it too!"


Little Arthur has no meaning, and almost obeys his sister. Of course, he is also very curious about how powerful the world laws in Tongtian Tower are.


The two entered the Tongtian Tower in this way.


real world.

All the countries in the terrestrial world have almost no power to fight back. Countless demon-like armies, like locusts passing through, have almost occupied more than 80% of the countries and regions in a short period of time.


People are not without resistance.

Whether it was Bai Xiaofei's green light ring, yellow light ring, or the main god team, they all caused huge damage to the demon-like army, and with the help of some people who gained power through the wish of the Oneiroi Lord Murphys...

There are still many countries and regions that have achieved considerable victories.

However, this percentage is very low.


Among the latter.

A considerable number of people, although they gained power, were called puppets and became the enemy's accomplices instead. This also caused huge troubles and troubles to the Earth Alliance, which was already in a difficult situation.

Especially with the arrival of the two generals Hypnos and Oilos.

These two are too strong!


Their abilities are also extremely perverted and special.

One calls himself the god of sleep, the other the god of death. The two, one east and the other west, are the same age as the demon-like armies in two major regions, fighting against the resistance forces of the human world.

The demon-like army, which already had a huge advantage, became even more powerful and unstoppable after the two god generals joined. Even when encountering the Green Lantern Warriors, Yellow Lantern Warriors, and the Lord God Squad, they almost swept and crushed all the way.

Nothing can stop them even a round.

It's not Rebel Taicai.


The enemy is too perverted.

The rebels often didn't understand the situation, and fell asleep one by one, or turned into walking dead, and then became prisoners, or were dismembered and transformed into their own kind by the swarming demons.

The two generals are like two forbidden areas of life.

Strangers do not enter!

As long as it is close to a certain range, no one can escape, either completely comatose, or directly turned into a soulless corpse, without any exception.

Even some masters of the God King Realm cannot withstand the strength of the two god generals.

In a short period of time, the appearance of the two generals caused huge damage to the rebel army. The main god team had no choice but to send a help signal to the host.


so on.

The main god team is afraid that it will be wiped out in a short time.


Bai Cass' Hongmeng Dark System quickly received the help message from the main god Light Ball, and immediately became interested, and then immediately opened up its computing power to analyze the abilities of the two generals.


The Hongmeng Dark System gave preliminary analysis results.

Oilos seems to be able to manipulate the soul and form a domain. Once entering the domain, the souls of all outsiders will be forcibly summoned by him and integrated into himself to strengthen his own power.

The name of God of Death is well-deserved!


Hypnos calls himself the god of sleep.

It also has the power of the field, and those who approach it will involuntarily fall into a deep sleep and cannot wake up. Although he didn't die on the spot, it was no different.

It can be said to be very perverted.

The point is, this is just the first and half claws shown by the two god generals. No one knows whether they have other more powerful and terrifying tricks and abilities.

Seeing this result, Bai Cass couldn't help frowning, and secretly said: "The abilities of the two generals are really tricky, I'm afraid the other two guys who are also generals will not be easy to deal with!"

as expected.


The Hongmeng Dark System also received reports on the battle situation from Atlantis and Paradise Island, and the results were also not optimistic. The two god generals, Ikelos and Phantasos, were also very strange and powerful.

Anyone who came into contact with and fought with it either turned into walking dead, immersed in sleep, or was inexplicably severely injured by his own moves and attacks.

Also no one round enemies.


Bai Cass looked serious.

The Hongmeng Dark System carried out calculations and analysis again, and quickly came to a preliminary and firm result: "Ikelos seems to have the ability to manipulate space, while Phantasos's ability is suspected to be created in dreams, and can be freely manipulated in dreams. The consciousness and memory of the other party..."

Seeing this document, Baicasta fell into deep thought.

The enemy is too strong!

If there is no way to break the opponent's ability, no matter how many younger brothers are, but the crux of the problem is, who can fight against it? The opponent's strength is also above the God Emperor Realm!


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