The Storm God

Chapter 3383 Four golds debut!


If Baicas really wants to deal with the four generals, there are ways to do it. The key is that there is Murphys, the God of Dreams behind him...

This is a little difficult.

after all……

Bai Xiaofei's strength was still somewhat weaker than the opponent's.

The so-called four god generals are nothing more than pawns, their function is to harvest the power of will, by the way, to deal with those rebels, and they can also be used for fishing.

And the fish refers to Bai Xiaofei, of course.

Once Bai Cass makes a move, it will inevitably cause some turmoil. Maybe Morpheus, the God of Dreams, can follow the clues to figure out Bai Xiaofei's route.

Even directly find the deity here.


White Cass is very tangled.

If you don't make a move, the real world will definitely suffer.

It doesn't matter if others suffer, Bai Cass naturally doesn't care, but Atlantis and Paradise Island are different, both of them have something to do with Bai Xiaofei.

Absolutely can't ignore it!


If he really wanted to make a move, he might reveal some clues, let the other party know something, or even completely expose Bai Xiaofei's whereabouts.

But at this time.

Bai Xiaofei, the master of the house, is still not there, but ran to the universe, conducted experiments, and used the power of unification to stand in for himself.

Only Baicas, the housekeeper, was left depressed and entangled here.

"what to do?"

Although Baikas is an artificial intelligence with unparalleled computing power, but when encountering such a thing, it is inevitable that he will be a little Muggle and helpless.

After all, people are emotional animals, and all things cannot be generalized.

Especially when it comes to your own relatives and friends.

at last……

Think twice.

Baikas finally decided to take a risk.

One is because he has absolute confidence that he can defeat the enemy, and the other is that the opponent's offensive is too fierce.

Seeing that they were about to be beaten in, if he didn't make a move, Bai Xiaofei's wife and mother-in-law would be in trouble.

Without any choice.

Baikas can only choose to shoot.



Following Bai Cass' order, the Virgo vibrated the golden holy clothes, and walked over, with blue lights shining in his eyes, giving people a feeling of endless wisdom.

This is controlled by Bai Cass with a special program, which is very suitable for the ability of Virgo to vibrate the golden holy cloth.

"I'll leave it to you to deal with Phantasos!"


Virgo responded.

Bai Cass nodded, and then urged: "Remember, no matter what the situation is, you must ensure the safety of Queen Hippolyta and others, and don't let them have any accidents!"


Queen Hippolyta is Diana's mother, Bai Xiaofei's mother-in-law, and the ruler and leader of Paradise Island.

Naturally, Baikas would not let her be in any danger.

next moment.


Space ripples oscillated.

Virgo seems to be immersed in it, and quickly disappears.

And in the special dimensional space of Paradise Island, the golden figure of Virgo descended suddenly, and landed directly in the middle of the opposing sides.

"Everyone back off."

The voice of Virgo is cold and undeniable.

And his gaze was the first to look at one of the four generals in the enemy camp—Phantasos, and said in a deep voice: "Your opponent is me!"


The appearance is so sweet and lovely that people can't tell who is the goddess Phantasos. Hearing this, he was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed with great interest.

"You are not affected by my domain? It seems that you are very special!"


Virgo is silent.

He just raised his feet and walked towards the other side step by step.



Outside the palace, countless warriors of the Ocean Clan are waiting in formation, while outside the palace, there are countless army of demons.

The leader is obviously Ikelos, one of the four generals.

"Hey Hey hey!"

"Are you afraid? Why haven't you sent anyone to fight me for so long? If you don't recognize it, I'll attack directly!"

"When I give you a minute at the end..."


Ikelos yelled.

But suddenly, his voice froze, and immediately turned his head to look at a certain place, where there was a distortion...


A mighty and domineering golden figure stepped out of the twisted void.

This person is wearing an unidentifiable armor, which gives people the feeling of being extremely handsome, especially the style of the helmet, which is formed by two different faces on the left and right, which gives people an incomparably weird feeling.

And this person is a Gemini!

"Everyone back off!"

With the appearance of Gemini, the generals on the side of the palace were also ordered immediately, and then all the soldiers were ordered to retreat.

A huge fighting space is left for Gemini.

Judging from the situation at the scene, it seems that Gemini alone is going to face the army of countless demons headed by the general Ikelos.


Ikelos has a keen sense of smell.

Even in the sea, you can still smell the corpse odor from the enemy's body. But the sudden appearance of the Gemini in front of him made him unable to smell the breath of a living person.

as if...

The person on the opposite side is not a person at all, but just a piece of armor or a puppet. This made Ikelos very puzzled and shocked.


Gemini didn't answer Ikelos' question.

Standing there alone, silently assumed a very strange fighting posture, and said in a deep voice: "Stop talking nonsense, let's do it!"


America, Las Vegas.

The army of countless demons is storming a fortress made of countless sands, and Oilos, one of the four generals, is sitting very comfortably on a chair at the back with a glass of red wine in his hand, feeling happy enjoying.



A powerful and terrifying force suddenly fell from the sky.

Wherever the power reached, all the demon-like armies fell to the ground like a domino effect, and instantly turned into soulless corpses.

at the same time.

A golden figure appeared in front of Oilos with his back against the sun. It was the cancer sent by Baicas to prevent the four gods from slaughtering innocents.

It is worth mentioning that.

Cancer is designed and built by Baikas, and the materials used, in addition to vibrating gold, are more Ulu metal and dark iron.

The core of its power is mainly the secondary biological engine mounted on the Hongmeng Dark System, and the law of death formed by the power of the heavenly book from the mummy world.

The power of Cancer's tricks, with the power of technology and the power of copycats, has extremely restored the effect of Cancer in "Saint Seiya".

Just like just now.

With one move, the souls of countless demon armies were all sent into the world of the dead, but the wave of the underworld with corpse energy was very similar.


Cancer's ability is far more than that.

But for a large number of monsters, this trick is definitely enough.


Oylo frowned suddenly.

Cancer's ability, and the strength he showed just now, obviously made him feel a lot of pressure, and the red wine in his hand suddenly tasted bad.

Although he hasn't fought yet, Oilos can feel that the guy in crab armor in front of him is definitely his rival.

at the same time.


Somewhere in the Northwest.

Hypnos, the god of sleep, also encountered an unexpected rival, Sagittarius, one of the twelve golden saints.


Before seeing anyone, Hypnos had already been attacked.

A terrifying arrow that seemed to be condensed with light pierced through his heart on the spot, and its remaining power turned into a huge light bomb, killing an unknown number of demons.


Deep in the void.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams who had a panoramic view of the real world, showed a scheming smile: "Sure enough, can't help but make a move?"


He began to use his abilities to search and analyze the sources of the four saints.


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