The Storm God

Chapter 3384 Kunlun Mirror!


Morpheus, the God of Dreams, quickly frowned slightly.

He was surprised to find that the appearance of the four gold saints was extremely secretive. Even if he was a big shot like himself, he couldn't find any clues.

This is very weird!

as if...

Those four golden saints are the same if they pop out out of thin air.


Murphys reacted quickly.

With a flash of inspiration, he said, "They didn't pop out out of thin air, but all came from the same place, a small world of one person!"

"Only a small world can have this level of secrecy!"

"The other party actually has a small world..."


Oneiroi Lord Murphys was sour.

Because, even he didn't have his own small world. Although the road is smooth, the small world requires great opportunities.

If there is not enough opportunity, luck, and world seeds, it is almost impossible to conceive a small world of your own.

Even if you forcibly turn other worlds into your own small world, it is not a counterfeit product, and it is completely incomparable with the real small world.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, can conclude that the small world that Bai Xiaofei possesses is the real small world of Absolute Elm.


He definitely won't fail to find out anything.

Only a truly small world will have such a terrifying world barrier and a hidden ability that is difficult for outsiders to inquire and explore.

And whether the small world is owned or not is one of the important criteria for judging whether a person has become a leader in the field of the Venerable Realm.

Because only by giving birth to your own small world, can you push your own Tao to the extreme and peak, and even evolve and mutate, creating more possibilities.

By then...

As long as one's own way is perfectly integrated with the small world, or even detached, it is enough to rival the strongest saint of heaven.

And once the small world is promoted, it becomes an intermediate world, or even a high-level world, or even a great thousand world...

Then its own way will further transform into one of the great ways.

That is to step into the Supreme Realm!

To this.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, has been fantasizing for a long time.

But it is a pity that his luck is not very good, and in the past, in order to quickly improve his strength, he did not solidify his foundation.

So much so that he missed the gestation and development of the small world. Although he now has the title of the strongest god emperor under the realm of the venerable, in terms of potential, he is simply inferior to those masters of the same level who own the small world.

Even if they can be promoted successfully in the end, there will be a huge gap in their level due to the existence of the small world.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, never expected that Diana's concubine, Bai Xiaofei, not only had unimaginable means to cut through his own lies, but also possessed an amazing background and gave birth to his own small world.

That is.

Even if the other party is not as good as him now, once the time is ripe, if the other party successfully enters the realm of the venerable, he will completely throw himself away.

At that time, even if both of them are also high-ranking queens in the field of venerables, the gap between them will be like a cloud of mud.

There is no comparison at all!

in short.

If he wants to take revenge and completely kill the danger, now is his best time, once he misses it, he will never have any chance in the future!

The problem now is that it's not that Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, doesn't want to do it. The key is that his understanding and attainment of space is really not good enough.

He just wanted to find Bai Xiaofei, but he couldn't help it!

"Do you want to use it?"

After thinking about it for a long time, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, finally decided on a magic weapon he had obtained by chance.

The magic weapon is called [Kunlun Mirror], and it is said to be one of the top ten ancient artifacts in a certain world. It is said that this magical mirror has the ability to freely travel through time and space.


As far as rumors are concerned, it can't be true.

However, it does contain powerful laws of time and space inside, allowing it to break the gap between time and space to a certain extent.

The key depends on the strength of the user.

For example, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, is already extremely powerful. If he adds the divine power of the Kunlun Mirror, the power he can display will be quite terrifying.

Although it is still impossible to freely travel through the stars and seas, there is still no problem in exploring space anomalies and special gap fluctuations in the time-space world.

That is.

With the help of the divine power of the Kunlun Mirror, even though Morpheus, the God of Dreams, does not have a very strong comprehension of the laws of space, he can still display some supernatural powers.

For example, track and detect the space traces where the four golden saints appeared, and then locate some basic information about Bai Xiaofei's small world.


Going one step further, find out some flaws in this small world, such as space gaps, and then forcefully break open and invade in!

It's like being a cyber hacker.

Unless you don't show up, once you show up, there will be certain traces left behind, and following these clues, you can find the target.

Although Morpheus, the God of Dreams, is not a top hacker, he has the super plug-in Kunlun Mirror in his hand. With the help of the plug-in program, he can also do some things.

And the most important thing is that Bai Xiaofei's small world has just been formed not long ago, the laws of the world are not very perfect, and there is not enough protection.


In the eyes of professional hackers.

This is like a computer that has just installed the system. Before the anti-virus software is installed on the other side, it is easy to find the loopholes in the firewall and then invade.

Closer to home.

Considering that Bai Xiaofei's threat was far more terrifying than he had imagined, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, only hesitated for a second or two, and then immediately made a decision.


He took out a mirror from his pocket.

It is engraved with the Taiyi Xuan pattern, the fairy light is faint, and it is not clear, and the law of time and space filtered in the mirror from time to time makes the surrounding space vibrate and distort slightly, as if it is trembling.


Oneiroi Morpheus began to cast spells.

With the surging infusion of infinite divine power, some sporadic blurred images began to slowly appear on the waveless mirror surface of the ancient well of the Kunlun Mirror.

And that...

There are traces of space about the places where the four golds come from.

Once a clear clue appeared on the Kunlun Mirror, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, would be able to successfully invade Bai Xiaofei's small world with its help.

And for all this.

Bai Cass of the deity planet didn't know about it. After all, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, hid it too deeply, and Bai Cass didn't even know that the other party actually possessed a magic weapon such as the Kunlun Mirror.


Bai Cass is still in command of the four golds, dealing with the four generals under the command of the Oneiroi Lord Murphys, especially Atlantis and Paradise Island, absolutely nothing can be lost. Little did he know that this move of his had already brought a great crisis to Bai Xiaofei.

Fortunately, the space-time laws of the Kunlun Mirror are still not powerful enough. Even with the help of the God of Dream Lord Murphys to activate it, they couldn't find out the gap in the space of Bai Xiaofei's small world in the first place. The pictures and clues displayed were all Very vague.

After all, Bai Xiaofei has already merged with the space-time shuttle, the power of law and the power of the world he possesses are far more powerful than ordinary masters of the same level.


This does not mean that he can sit back and relax.

Although the power of the Kunlun Mirror is low, it is not without effect at all. Under the urging of Morpheus, the God of Dreams at all costs, it is only a matter of time before the gaps and loopholes in the small world are finally found.


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