The Storm God

Chapter 3385 Great way to simplicity!

The deity world.

In the cosmic starry sky, the passage of time is almost invisible here, because everything around is almost static.


Not without exception.

Just like a huge planet here, the changes inside are evolving and changing at an astonishing speed.

It's as if someone pressed fast-forward to double the speed.

Surprised and incredible.


Mountains and rivers take shape.

The land has also become extremely vast.

A hazy atmosphere began to appear above the planet.

All the basic conditions suitable for the birth of life are gathered almost at this moment. And the instigator of all this - Bai Xiaofei, also showed a satisfied smile.


He entered this experimental planet.

No particular location was chosen, just a random stop. Immediately afterwards, Bai Xiaofei took out the mother box of Apocalypse.

There are three mother boxes.

Each one is a standard cube, but they are not dead objects, but seem to be alive. When the three mother boxes appeared near the same sky, they began to erupt with terrifying power and pulse like a heart .


The three mother boxes are no longer in their original static state.

Instead, each one was like a living body, beating out an astonishing melody, as if something was about to break out of it, the three mother boxes began to move in the same direction without the influence of any external force gather.


When the three mother boxes finally approached, an amazing scene appeared.

They actually started to merge with each other.

at the same time.

It is no longer what it used to be.

With the fusion and gathering of the mother box, the trinity began to become dazzling and bright like a little sun.

Not only that.

A terrifying and powerful force also began to erupt from this brand new mother box, and poured into the earth of the planet.

It is the unifying power of Bai Xiaofei's heart and mind!

"finally come!"

Bai Xiaofei was overjoyed immediately.

The power of the mother box exploded completely, of course he would not be polite, and immediately began to comprehend and delve into it, to pry into the mystery inside.

this moment.

Bai Xiaofei is no longer a person, but more like a computer with no emotions. All the spirit and will are devoted to the unified power of the mother box.

And under the premise of its vast background and terrifying knowledge reserves, the mystery of the mother box began to be like an onion, and Bai Xiaofei unraveled the mysterious veil layer by layer, gradually understanding its core and fundamental power.

As mentioned above, the mother box is equivalent to the composite version of the infinite gems. Although the upper limit of the ability may not be as good as the infinite gems, in some respects, it is stronger than the infinite gems.


Mother boxes can bring people back to life!

Not only that, he can also change the gravitational constant of an area, transferring energy from one place to another.

Sense danger, life, create force fields, rearrange the molecular structure of matter; attract or project powerful shock bursts...

Create electronic networks, control mental state subjects, and communicate with other life forms through the subjects; take over and control unconscious, conscious machines; maintain the subject's life forms in harsh environments...

Etc., etc.

Ability can be described as complicated and perverted.

Even a bug-level existence like Da Chao can bring him back from the dead. The strong effect and abnormal power can be seen from this.

And now...

The three mother boxes merged into one, erupting a more powerful and terrifying unified force, and according to the established procedures, began to transform the experimental planet under Bai Xiaofei's feet.

Bai Xiaofei was surprised to find that this unifying power was very similar to most of his abilities, although it was a bit weaker, it was extremely pure.

It's like a pure version of his strength.



Back to Basics.


The power it can unleash is definitely not weaker than itself!

Even, in some respects, stronger!

Just like now.


The experimental planet began to undergo drastic changes.

Under the control of the established program of the mother box, the power of unity began to operate, and some changes and extensions occurred, and then based on the power of the planet's earth and various elements, the molecular structure was re-arranged and formed...


One by one, things that seemed to be biological tentacles appeared.

They are like the tentacles of a terrifying octopus, centered on Bai Xiaofei's position, spreading wildly around them.

And wherever it went, everything began to undergo amazing changes.

Such as soil and terrain.


Some plant life begins to take shape and birth quickly.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the area was originally barren, but with the passing and changing of these special tentacles, various unknown plants and flowers began to bloom and bear fruit quickly, making this place quickly become a sea of ​​flowers.

at the same time……

These plants and flowers also began to release special gas and energy, continuously and rapidly changing the surrounding environment, making it more suitable for the growth of life.

And all this.

All of them were seen by Bai Xiaofei.

And this scene is similar to when Bai Xiaofei created the deity planet before, but it is obvious that the operation of the former is simpler, more convenient and quicker.

After all, the initiator of everything is the mother box.

The mother box is not operated by anyone, it only operates according to the established procedures, just like a machine, it can do whatever it is asked to do.

When Bai Xiaofei created the environment and life on the real planet before, he did it all by himself.

There is absolutely no comparison between the two parties.

Not only that.

The operation and efficiency of the mother box are obviously more delicate and faster, and it uses less power, but the efficiency is higher, without any waste.

It's as if everything has been calculated clearly, and how many things can be done with as much power has been thoroughly planned.

Everything is exhaustive, amazing.

Even Bai Xiaofei has to feel inferior, because even if he wants to achieve such an effect, he has to rely on the powerful computing power of the Hongmeng Dark System.


It will inevitably cause a waste of power and some flaws.

But the mother box will not.


This also has a certain relationship with its established level, its setting is too general and simple, anyway, everything it creates, no matter in terms of appearance or other aspects, Bai Xiaofei doesn't like it.

After all, he is not from the Apocalypse, and there are huge differences in the aesthetics, living environment, and temperament of the two parties.


If the program designer of the mother box were Bai Xiaofei, he is absolutely confident that the mother box can create all these things more perfectly.

Do whatever comes to mind.

Bai Xiaofei has never been an inkblot person.

After understanding and comprehending the mystery of the unifying power of the mother box, he began to try to analyze and integrate, and even control this power that is 90% similar to himself.

And in this process.

Bai Xiaofei also had a brand-new understanding of his own power, and realized the mystery of the way to simplicity and simplicity.


His level of strength began to increase rapidly like a rocket. And the power, laws, etc. in his body, like the previous mother box, began to merge into one, discarding the dross and taking the essence, gradually forming Bai Xiaofei's own unified power.


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