The Storm God

Chapter 3386 Achieve a good corpse!

Deity planet.

In the core area of ​​the planet, a hazy young figure, as if in a mother's womb, curled up in the core of the planet with its eyes closed.


He opened his eyes abruptly.

Those eyes, which were brighter and deeper than the stars in the universe, released infinite brilliance and mysterious power in an instant.

follow closely.

His figure began to grow rapidly, giving people the feeling that he had grown several years in an instant.

at the same time.

The deity's planet also expanded rapidly, just like an apple suddenly turned into a grapefruit, expanding several times almost instantly.


The rules of the deity planet are very special.

All the life forms living on this planet did not perceive any difference or abnormality, as if all the changes happened in other places.

In fact, it is true.

Under the control of Bai Xiaofei himself, the original land, and all the residences, etc., have not been affected by the planet's enlargement.

Everything is still the same.

And other places, such as oceans, such as brand new land, these replace the patterns and influences brought about by the great changes of the planet.


It's not that no one is completely unaware.

Just like Baicus.

As Bai Xiaofei's strongest housekeeper, in charge of the existence of the Hongmeng Dark System, Baicas knew all the changes almost instantly.

"This is……"

Baicasta was overjoyed immediately, and excitedly said: "Sir, did you succeed?"


He started working like crazy.

Collect data, perform analysis, sample studies, develop trials...

The butler is worthy of being a butler, when Bai Xiaofei was not around, Bai Cass did almost everything he could do.

Finally, Baikas came to a conclusion.

The current deity planet is at least ten times stronger than before, and this is just the beginning!

With the passage of time, and Bai Xiaofei's continuous comprehension and promotion, this number will continue to increase and become more and more terrifying.

And the energy and computing power of the Hongmeng Dark System also ushered in a huge increase in the upper limit because of Bai Xiaofei's continuous strengthening.

at the same time……

The degree of fit between the two parties is also increasing rapidly.

In short, everything is developing in a good direction. At this rate, I am afraid that it will not be long before Bai Xiaofei can completely integrate and control about 50% of the Hongmeng Dark System.

The premise is that, during this period, this change will not stop.


the other side.

In other time and space worlds, several incarnations of Bai Xiaofei.

Somehow, they seemed to be guided by something, and then all chose to retreat, and then all of them began to condense a special energy seed in their bodies.

And the strength of the avatar also seemed to have undergone some kind of washing, and the power of the whole body began to become more pure and stronger.

Although the surface of the mountain does not seem to have changed much, in fact, its core has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Like a bomb.

The same size and size, but after the upgrade, its power is completely different. If it was an ordinary bomb, then the current Bai Xiaofei must be at least at the level of an atomic bomb...

Even the most basic atomic bomb, its power and terror, compared to the past, is definitely a difference, an improvement beyond imagination!


Because the heroes of the space-time world are separated, the influence of the avatars is relatively small.

However, the real incarnation of Bai Xiaofei, who seemed to be in the real world, was completely different. He found that his body seemed to be undergoing some special changes.

Not only that.

A lot of kind thoughts, as well as the power of merit, also began to pour into him, so that Bai Xiaofei's strength instantly crossed several dimensions and entered another realm of full advancement.

"This is……"

Suddenly, Bai Xiaofei had some understanding.

I couldn't help but sighed in my heart: "So that's how it is, using the unified power of the mother box as a support, using this incarnation of myself as a material, fusing the merits and virtues of kindness that only gathers the deity, and refining it into a good corpse..."


Bai Xiaofei finally chose to kill the three corpses.

It's just that his beheading of the three corpses is completely different from other people's. First of all, Bai Xiaofei's first beheading is not the evil corpse.

But the most upright good corpse.

at the same time……

Bai Xiaofei's technique of beheading the three corpses did not rely on any treasure, but borrowed the unified power of his own power, which is more than 90% similar to the mother box, and at the same time added his own incarnation, kindness , merit...

All of these are fused together to form a special good corpse.

in short.

Bai Xiaofei formed his own special cultivation system by learning from the technique of killing three corpses. Just like Xiongba's Three Elements Returning to One, Bai Xiaofei didn't use Fengshuangyun's three unique skills to achieve Three Elements Returning to One, but embarked on a new path that completely belongs to him.

It is the same now.

Leaving aside other things, anyway, from the perspective of the effect, it will definitely not be inferior to the authentic technique of killing three corpses, or even surpass it.

At least……

Now the incarnation of Bai Xiaofei, who is incarnated as a good corpse, has had a terrifying improvement in strength. Although he still has not reached the level of a saint of heaven, his actual strength is already comparable to that of an ordinary saint.

Especially in his own small world, he can even use all the power of his deity, and even the entire small world, for my use.

simply put.

Here, He is heaven, God, and the ruler of everything.

Although it was the same before, the effect is completely different. The most basic example is that now Bai Xiaofei wants to create a similar experimental planet, it doesn't need to be so troublesome at all, it's almost a thought.

Before the comparison, it can be described as a difference between clouds and mud.

Not only that.

The most intuitive expression lies in the scale of the small world, which has also undergone great expansion and extension in an instant.

It's as if from the solar system directly into the Milky Way.

The effect is incomparably astonishing.

at the same time……

This also means that the power that Bai Xiaofei can mobilize and use is becoming more and more powerful and terrifying. If the real deity of the deity planet is walking outside, it is estimated that the level of strength is definitely no less than that of the first-level powerhouse in the realm of the venerable. .

It's the same even if Bai Xiaofei has not formally stepped into this realm.

In other words.

Now that Bai Xiaofei, who has cut off the good corpse, has the ability and capital to leapfrog challenges, the premise is that there will not be too much difference in the strength of each other's realms!

Bai Xiaofei tried his best to fight against the strong ones in the realm of elementary venerables, and he was barely able to fight with them. The outcome depends on the specific situation.

It's 50-50!

And like ordinary heavenly saints, like the Dream God Lord Murphys, Bai Xiaofei (true self) can definitely beat ten of them!

As for the good corpse Bai Xiaofei...

Hard to say.

Not counting external factors, such as the influence of imperial weapons and artifacts, it is almost 50-50. If there are external factors, then maybe.

In short.

The current Bai Xiaofei is very strong.

Even if he meets Murphys, the God of Dreams, he already has the power to fight. He no longer needs to hide and hide. He can already show his sword a little bit and fight against him.

Think here.

The good corpse Bai Xiaofei couldn't help feeling excited and excited.

And just at this time, Morpheus, the God of Dreams in the real world, with the help of the power of the Kunlun Mirror, after a lot of hard work, finally succeeded in scanning and locating the gap in the space of Bai Xiaofei's small world.


Morpheus, the God of Dreams, laughed out loud with excitement, and then activated the power of the Kunlun Mirror, transformed into a streamer of light, and penetrated into the meaning gap.

"Now let's see where you go!"


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