The Storm God

Chapter 3387 Uncle is awesome!

Paradise Island.

The fierce battle is still going on.

However, with the arrival of Virgo, Amazon's female warriors are no longer at an absolute disadvantage, and even rely on a lot of black technology equipment to suppress the demon-like army in turn.

As for Phantasos, the leader of the demon-like army...


She is completely pinned down now.

It has to be said that Phantasos' abilities are terrifying and powerful. Grimm's Illusion can be released from the palm to expand a space.

Those who have been recruited cannot move, their soul and consciousness will be taken away, and they will be immersed in dreams without realizing it, unable to extricate themselves.

With this move, I don't know how many Amazon female warriors were killed in seconds.


In front of Virgo.

This trick is completely useless.

Because Virgo has no soul and so-called conventional consciousness at all, it is just a remote control "toy" specially controlled by Baikas with his own program.

The ultimate move aimed at the soul and consciousness is of course useless when it is bombarded on a dead thing that has no emotion, soul, or even consciousness.

on the contrary……

Virgo's attacks can actually hurt the opponent.

You know, in "Saint Seiya", Virgo is revered as the existence closest to God, and this copycat version of Virgo is equally powerful and terrifying.

Mental power, mind control, telekinesis, space distortion, teleportation...

These abilities are just the basic abilities of Virgo.

And its trick is Tianwu Baolun.

The power of this move is incomparable, and it is extremely terrifying. When the move is performed, the whole body of the Virgo will produce scenes such as the Eastern Heavenly Court, the Great Thunder Sound of the Western Heaven, the ancient temple Amitabha, the twenty-four heavens of India, and the heaven of the Lord...

This is because Baikas has integrated the classics of many religions, which can be called the strongest brainwashing trick, with infinite connotations and principles, forming a battle formation and a perfect world that integrates offense and defense.

In this world, one cannot attack, nor escape, and at the same time, Virgo can randomly deprive the opponent's five senses, even the sixth sense of spirit and thinking, the seventh sense of the source of life, and the eighth sense beyond life and death!


After all, Virgo is just a puppet now, a toy controlled and operated by Baicas, so it can't fully exert the peerless power of Tianwu Baolun.

However, these are enough to crush the general Phantasos.

Because the ability of Phantasos is mainly to create illusions and control dreams, but Zhexi's tricks don't work for Virgo at all.


The form of the scene has become very strange.

At the beginning, Phantasos pretended and attacked in various ways, but in the end Virgo didn't have a shit, as if it was a fly that attacked it just now.

follow closely……

Virgo makes a move.

With one move of Heavenly Demon Subduing, the terrifying explosion formed by the high-density energy and mass made Phantasos vomit blood at that time.

Then, the unique skill Tianwu Baolun came.


The sky and the earth are filled with gorgeous murals, and a perfect world battle formation is formed. Phantasos is completely trapped, losing all opportunities and the power to fight back.

Virgo is not polite, and the trick is launched, immediately depriving Phantasos of the five senses, the sixth sense, and the last source of life.

It is worth mentioning that.

During this period, Phantasos was completely irritated, and then the sweet and lovely female image of the whole person collapsed instantly, becoming extremely angry, impulsive, and his face was distorted and terrifying, like a mad beast, trying to kill Dead Virgo.

But it's a pity.

In front of Virgo, any attack by Phantasos is futile.

With the deprivation of the source of life as the last move, the battle formation of the murals in the sky quickly dissipated, and Phantasos became a lifeless corpse in an instant.

The most important thing is that the terrifying power in his body, as well as part of the power of law, was completely deprived by Virgo at the moment of Phantasos' death, and then transmitted to the Hongmeng Dark System, which once again strengthened Bai Xiaofei's collection library.


Queen Hippolyta and others were shocked when they saw this scene.

"Is that how she died?"


The demons were also stunned.

Their thinking is very simple, follow the leader's arrangement.

But now that the leader is dead, the monsters have no leader, and they don't know how to attack. It's like the remote control fighter suddenly lost the remote control, and the collective began to be dazed.


The Steppenwolf sensed something was wrong almost immediately.

Follow them by remote control, retreat immediately, don't cause unnecessary casualties, and then these demon-like army began to retreat quickly.


Queen Hippolyta was furious.

Killed so many fighters on our Paradise Island, you can leave if you want?

It's not that easy!


Your Majesty, take the lead.

With all his strength in his hand, he threw a javelin, wrapped in his infinite anger, and rushed into the dense army of demons.


A terrible explosion sounded.

The high-explosive bomb on the javelin instantly turned into a huge ball of flames, devouring an unknown number of demon warriors.

But this attack was nothing to the entire demon-like army, it was like throwing a stone into the sea, and it couldn't cause too much waves.

It's the same even if the other Amazon female warriors also launched an attack. After all, in terms of overall number, the demon-like army is at least a hundred times their size.

The most important thing is that Steppenwolf also opened a sonic boom channel for these demon-like armies. Once they entered the range of the channel, external attacks would lose their effect.

This caused many demon warriors to escape from Paradise Island.


Just when Her Majesty the Queen and the others were gritting their teeth unwillingly, Virgo suddenly raised his hand and aimed at the dense army of demons:

"Sky overlord evil spirits and sprites!"


In the blink of an eye.

The void twisted abruptly, and then was severely torn apart.

Immediately afterwards, countless terrifying monsters suddenly surged out of it, like evil spirits who had been hungry for countless centuries, devouring and biting frantically at the demon-like army.


As time goes by, more and more demons and ghosts emerge.

In the end, it was almost on par with the demon-like army, and the demon-like army had no power to fight back in front of these special monsters.

It's not because they're too weak to beat them.


These ghosts and monsters summoned by Virgo are not ordinary existences at all, as if they are the difference between humans and ghosts.

The monsters and monsters can attack and devour the monsters, but the attacks of the monsters hit the monsters and monsters as if they were hitting phantoms.

It went right through.

The two sides are not in the same magnitude and dimension at all.

how to spell?

Then it took less than a moment.

Almost 90% of the demon-like army was devoured by these terrifying ghosts and ghosts, and the dead couldn't die anymore.

At least a small part, with the help of the sonic boom channel, managed to barely survive.

See this scene.

The Amazon female warriors on Paradise Island were all stunned.

It was the first time for them to see such a weird and frightening scene, especially this trick of Sky Overlord, Demon and Ghost, which even refreshed everyone's perception of ghosts for a time.

Many female warriors couldn't help feeling rejoicing at that time: "Fortunately, that guy is not an enemy, otherwise, it would be a disaster!"

this moment.

They even began to feel some sympathy for those enemies.

It's not good to offend anyone, but you came here to provoke us, so you're offending my uncle, right? Just take a picture of a soldier, and let you see what is called real hell!

Uncle is awesome!


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