The Storm God

Chapter 3388 Completely defeated!

The deity world.

Bai Cass couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief, and secretly said: "Finally, one of them has been dealt with. Fortunately, he completely restrained the other party, otherwise it would not be so easy..."

He also felt a little lucky.

after all……

Bai Cass didn't know exactly what the enemy's abilities were.

He just rushed to the safest idea and sent Virgo to Paradise Island. He never thought that there would be such a good thing, and he completely defeated the other party.

What luck!


Bai Cass set his sights on Atlantis, and secretly said: "The ability and strength of Gemini is almost equal to that of Virgo. In theory, there should be no problem, but we still need to pay attention..."

"After all, Atlantis is the country where the husband's wife, Atlanna, is located. Now that the husband is away, there must be no accidents!"



Outside the palace, on a messy battlefield.

The army of countless demons is engaged in a crazy and tragic battle with many sea creatures and mutant life forms in the underwater world.

Compared with Paradise Island, the battle on Atlantis is undoubtedly more magnificent and wonderful.

after all……

In terms of quantity alone, Paradise Island is completely inferior.

Moreover, the Atlantis tribe has a large population and different types of life forms. Against an equally large army of demons, it can be said that they are not inferior at all!

The only key is Ikelos, who is a general.

at first.

Herb is hope.

Unfortunately, it was defeated almost instantly.

One is because the strength difference between the two sides is too great, and the other is because Ikelos' ability is too weird.

Herb didn't even figure out what was going on, and was seriously injured by his own attack that bounced back.


Ikelos disappeared.

By the time Herb reacted, the other party had already appeared behind him.

Immediately after the opponent bit Herb's neck, Herb was completely defeated. He didn't die, but he fell into a deep sleep just like everyone else.

Obviously, it has been brought into the dream world by Ikelos.

crucial moment.

Gemini shows up.

Ikelos thought that this golden guy had nothing to be afraid of, so he used the same trick to attack Gemini.


He almost threw himself into the street on the spot.

Because, the ability of Ikelos has actually failed.

He bit Gemini's neck, but he couldn't extract the other's soul like Helbo did, and brought him into the dream world.

The most important thing is that Ikelos felt as if he was biting on a lifeless puppet.


Ikelos was shocked.

He looked at Gemini in disbelief, and said in amazement: "Aren't you human?!"


Gemini smiled coldly.

Then he answered irrelevant questions, and said in a deep voice: "Ikelos, don't you like to bring people into the dream world, and then ruthlessly torture them?"


"I also have a trick here, which is similar to your ability."

"Please don't hesitate to enlighten me!"


The voice just fell.

Gemini suddenly launched his unique skill - Misty Demon Emperor Fist.

This trick can directly control the brain nerves of the opponent. Once the trick is taken, life and death cannot be controlled. It is like hypnosis and obeys the order of the caster. People have the caster to use as their slaves.


When the recruiter is violently attacked, he will become very violent and become a murderous demon. Once the enemy in front of him is killed, the effect of this move will be released immediately, and the recruiter will also feel guilty because of the sins he has committed. Incomparable, even psychological breakdown!

The above are the original abilities in "Saint Warrior".

But Bai Xiaofei's Gemini, imitated by the imitation of this stunt, is more powerful and terrifying, and can even completely hypnotize and control the opponent's consciousness and perception.

Just like now...

Ikelos, who was caught carelessly, was directly controlled by Gemini.

The consciousness of the whole person is completely limited to the illusions and dreams woven by Gemini, and he cannot extricate himself. While being subconsciously controlled to slaughter the army of demons, the secrets of power and weaknesses on his body are also being exploited and used by Gemini to his heart's content.


Gemini knows all the abilities of Ikelos.

What is unexpected is that the most proficient of the opponent is actually the ability of the space system, such as the space distortion that can rebound attacks, and the space shuttle that hides the body shape...


Its strongest ability is undoubtedly soul extraction.

But anyone whose neck is bitten by Ikelos will have their soul extracted and brought into the dream world, falling into eternal silence, or being ravaged and abused.

The previous Herb, because he was not familiar with Ikelos' ability, was distorted by the space to bounce back the attack, and then used the space shuttle to appear directly behind Helbo, and he was using the soul extraction to send Helbo into the dream world.

Because it was the time of battle, Ikelos didn't have time to ravage Herb, but just let him fall into eternal silence.

That is.

Herb is not completely dead, as long as he can be revived.

Gemini doesn't have this ability, but Ikelos can. So Gemini controlled Ikelos to release Herb's soul.


After confirming that Herbert returned safely, and without any side effects or dangers, Gemini released the control of Ikelos.

Because at this time, the massive demon-like army had almost been wiped out by Ikelos.

There are only a few sporadic monsters left, and they are still alive.

Removing the ability at this time can be regarded as a kind of kindness to the enemy. So that the other party knows how he made a fool of himself just now.


Ikelos quickly recovered his mind.

Then, looking at the demon-like army that was still mighty just now, it has now turned into a sea of ​​corpses, only two or three big cats and kittens are still alive.

Yi Keluo was stunned for a moment: "You, what did you do just now?"


Gemini sneered: "This question should not be asked to me, but to you!"

Ikelos is not stupid.

He understood Gemini's words almost instantly.


Ikelos broke out in a cold sweat.

Could it be that I killed all the dead demons around? But how is this possible? I am one of the four generals!

How could the other party control me?

I do not believe!

At this moment Ikelos was furious.

The whole person turned into various forms of ferocious beasts in an instant, and escaped into a special space, intending to attack Gemini and others.

"You bastards, give me death!"

"Boom boom boom!"

Terrifying force, falling like a meteor shower.

At this moment, Ikelos has completely forgotten the master's order, and he points to revenge, vent, and murder!


All this is in vain.

Because of his opponent, Gemini is also proficient in spatial ability.

Although the attack of Ikelos is terrifying and powerful, it is like a small witch in front of Gemini.

"Dimensional space!"


Gemini shot with a sneer.

Using terrifying power, the entire underwater world of Atlantis turned into a cosmic starry world in an instant.

Infinity, infinity and infinity!

And all the attacks of Ikelos fell into the deep galaxy, like some drizzle falling into the vast expanse.

Not even the slightest ripple.


Gemini's move of Galaxy Starburst, but it tilted the supreme power that can smash even the stars, all on the space coordinates where Ikelos is located.

next moment.

The galaxy exploded and the space shattered.

And the figure of Ikelos, covered in blood and almost shattered every inch, reappeared in front of everyone.

He is completely defeated!


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