The Storm God

Chapter 3389 Please enter the urn!


Following the defeat of Ikelos, the entire Atlantis suddenly burst into thunderous cheers.

we won!


Herb was a little embarrassed and depressed.

Because of this battle, I didn't do anything to help, and even delayed the blessings of others, so I was saved by luck.


I'm afraid he's already dead.

Looking at the incomparably gorgeous Gemini wearing the vibrating golden holy clothes, Herb was full of awe and admiration. Is this the general under the command of the boss?

Really awesome!

The master of the God Emperor Realm was killed in just a few moves.


And at the same time.

In the real world, with the defeat of Ikelos, the Hongmeng Dark System instantly captured the source of the opponent's power, as well as the power of law.

Bai Cass is also very happy, this time the arrangement is right again.

With Gemini, who is proficient in the power of space and spiritual techniques, facing Ikelos is obviously another targeted strategy to defeat the enemy!

The Hongmeng Dark System is really awesome!

the other side……


Bai Cass is about to switch his sights to two other locations in the land world to see the battle between Cancer and Sagittarius...

But at this moment.

However, the Hongmeng dark system reminded him that outsiders had invaded the world of the deity.

"Someone invaded?"

"Could it be Morpheus, the God of Dreams! Immediately lock the position, follow up with all your strength, find out his position, and carry out sniping and interception!"

"He must not be found here!"


White cast frowned instantly.

The deity world is Bai Xiaofei's small world, generally speaking, it is impossible for outsiders to enter. But in the end, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, really broke in!

This made Baicas suddenly realize that the small world is not absolutely invincible in defense and hiding, as long as the strength is strong enough, it can also find loopholes!

at the same time……

This is also his fault.

Because if Baicas didn't release the four gold saints to deal with the four generals, then Morpheus, the god of dreams, would not be able to find the loopholes in the small world.

But it won't work if you don't save them.

In short.

All of this is a game, a bitter trick set up by the other party to lure him out. Bai Cass has to admire the majesty of Murphys, the God of Dreams, and even uses the four generals as bait, which is really good enough!

at the same time.

The Hongmeng Dark System went all out, and quickly deposited an endless fog of dark matter on the deity's planet to hide the whereabouts of Bai Xiaofei's deity.

Fortunately, thanks to Bai Xiaofei's comprehension and control of the power of unification, progress has been made, which has greatly improved and expanded the small world.

Otherwise, after the Oneiroi Lord Morpheus invaded, he might be able to sense the position and coordinates of the deity's planet immediately.

But it's different now.

The small world has been upgraded in an all-round way, becoming vaster and larger, and the Kunlun Mirror in the hands of the Oneiroi Lord Morpheus is relatively low-level. It is almost the limit to find out the loopholes in Bai Xiaofei's small world. Now after entering the small world, he is immediately affected. A comprehensive suppression of the will of the world.

in short.

Kunlun Mirror was directly banned because of cheating.

If you want to find out the core of the world of this deity planet, you can only rely on Morpheus, the God of Dreams, and the Kunlun Mirror can no longer be used.


After he invaded through the gap hole in the small world, the position he was in also happened to be the edge of the expanded small world.

It is extremely far away from the position of the original planet.

Coupled with a series of operations and control of the Hongmeng Dark System, it caused great difficulties for the Oneiroi Lord Morpheus' search.


After entering, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, noticed the abnormality of this small world, and couldn't help laughing and said: "It's not an ordinary small world, but a world that is rapidly developing and expanding..."

"It seems that this guy named Bai Xiaofei has something!"

"But in the end it's cheaper for me!"


The universe is vast.

For ordinary people, it is almost impossible to survey.

Even for some so-called gods, the same is true, but Morpheus, the God of Dreams, is different. He is not only a god, but also a saint!


For him, the universe and the like are trivial!

As long as he is willing to pay the price, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, can roam and travel freely in the universe world as he pleases.

Like now.

After this guy knew that he was on the edge of the small world, he immediately launched a brutal and inhuman act of destruction.

Wherever he went, almost all the planets and objects with a slightly larger mass were destroyed by him to scum, and it was obvious that he was going to cause a big mess, thus attracting Bai Xiaofei out.

Those stars and galaxies are like paper in front of a big man like Morpheus, the God of Dreams. Just a single wave of light can destroy a large area.

At this rate, I'm afraid it won't take long.

The edge of the universe in the small world, just like the little dots in "Battle of Balls and Balls", were all "swallowed" by the big devil, Morpheus, the Oneiroi.

And this will be extremely detrimental to the development of the small world.

Because the small world is in the early stages of development and does not yet have a strong self-recovery and balance ability, once a serious distortion occurs somewhere...

The worst result can even directly affect the development of the entire world, or even collapse!

Bai Cass, who realized this, felt very helpless.

It's not that he doesn't want to care.



The four gods will be as good as they are, but they can always be targeted.

But Morpheus, the God of Dreams, is different.


That's a saint!

Even if he entered Bai Xiaofei's small world, he possessed a certain amount of power of heaven, enough to counteract the power of the small world's world, and act recklessly.

To deal with such a terrifying pervert, only Bai Xiaofei is qualified.

People like Baikas, just send them away when they go!

In view of this.

Bai Cass in desperation.

I can only pass the news to Bai Xiaofei's true self. I hope that Mr. can do something to prevent the other party from continuing to destroy.


Even if the original planet is fine, the entire small world will be implicated, which will directly affect future development.

"I see!"

Bai Xiaofei's answer was unexpectedly calm, but he calmly gave Baikas a reply, which was the cosmic space coordinates of a small world.

"This is……?"

Bai Cass just glanced at it, and immediately understood what the gentleman meant.

That coordinate is exactly the orientation of the experimental planet. At this moment, Mr. gave the coordinates to himself, no doubt he wanted to lure Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, there...

in short.

It is the gentleman over there, who may have completed the experiment, thoroughly comprehended and mastered the unifying power of the mother box, and successfully achieved self-breakthrough and improvement.

In the past, Bai Xiaofei might still be a little jealous of Morpheus, the God of Dreams, but now, everything doesn't exist, let alone this is Bai Xiaofei's small world.

This is a typical example of asking you to enter the urn and beat the dog behind closed doors!

"Mr. awesome!"

Bai Cass praised sincerely, and then immediately sent the location coordinates provided by Bai Xiaofei through the Hongmeng Dark System.

And Morpheus, the God of Dreams who was far away on the edge of the universe world, soon "accidentally" noticed a clue.


He stopped his frantic sabotage.

Then he smiled coldly, and after confirming his target position, he flew towards a certain position and direction at a super-light speed.

And that so-called clue was the location of the experimental planet that the Hongmeng Dark System deliberately revealed to Morpheus, the God of Dreams.


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