The Storm God

Chapter 3390 Shoot the Sleeping God!

real world.

America, Las Vegas.

Cancer is fighting fiercely in Oilos, and none of the surrounding demon-like army dares to intervene, because almost all those who approach are dead.

There was no warning, the kind that rushed to the street directly on the spot.


At such a scene, even the rebels were extremely terrified and shocked to the extreme. If it wasn't for Cancer who came to help them, these people might think that Cancer is an evil villain and a big devil.

no way.

Who made Cancer's tricks so similar to those of the big villain.

To steal people's souls at every turn, and even use souls as fuel to ignite the target's soul and body, what kind of ability is this?

It's completely the trick of the devil!


Oilos' tricks happen to be similar to Cancer's. They all act on the soul, although the ultimate goal is to make the opponent fall into a deep sleep and cannot wake up...

But outsiders don't know.

In short.

Wherever the two are fighting, no one dares to intervene within a radius of dozens of kilometers.

Demons and rebels are no exception.

Whoever enters dies!


The living things are fine.

After all, you have wisdom and know how to advance and retreat.

But those dead things, like buildings or something, are in bad luck.

Not to mention the core of the fierce battle scene, even if it is the outer fringe area, a terrifying aftermath of a strong wind can easily destroy a skyscraper.

This made Las Vegas, which was already extremely desolate, look even more messy and dilapidated. In addition, the surrounding area was covered with yellow sand and corpses were strewn all over the field...

It's like hell on earth.

Miserable to the extreme!


As time passed, the battle between Cancer and Oilos gradually began to distinguish between high and low, and it came to an end.

On the whole, the two sides can be described as evenly matched.



After all, Cancer has a certain advantage. First, he is not a living body, has no soul, and is almost immune to Oilos' abilities.

Look at the other side.

Whether it's the underworld wave of Cancer's corpse energy or the ghost flame, they all have unimaginable lethality against Oilos, and the opponent has to guard against it.

Not only that.

Cancer's power comes from the Hongmeng Dark System, from Bai Xiaofei, as long as there is no problem with the operation signal and communication center in the middle, and he is not completely destroyed, he can continue to fight.

But not Oilos.

Although his strength is also very strong, even terrifying, the source of his power also comes from the big brother, the Oneiroi Lord Murphys who is not inferior to Bai Xiaofei...


Oilos is, after all, an individual.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, imparted power to Oilos, but did not share it with the other party...

That is.

Oilos' power is limited.

For every point scored, one point will be lost. The longer the time delays and the more intense the fight, the greater his consumption will be.

Compared with the constant flow of Cancer, there is almost no perpetual motion machine that consumes...

It's a disadvantage!

In addition, his own tricks are immune to the opponent.

Oilos can't exert his due lethality at all, and can only use some physical means that he is not very good at to cause damage...

If things go on like this for a long time, under the ebb and flow, the result can be imagined.

And the other side.


On the battlefield somewhere in the northwest.

The situation of Sleeping God Hypnos is also not easy.

Although his ability is extremely perverted, with a range of domain power, once he gets close, he will fall into eternal sleep...


The field has always had scope and limitations.

That is.

There is no danger as long as you don't get close.

But the opponent he met was a Sagittarius who is good at long-distance attacks...

Then, Hypnos was forced.

From the beginning.

There was no sign of the enemy yet, and Hypnos, the sleepy god, directly encountered all kinds of long-range terrorist attacks with no less than a hundred moves.

That is to say, his ability is more tyrannical and perverted, so that he can be as strong as before. Otherwise, if he were any other general here, he would have been shot to death by the opponent long ago.

after all……

Sagittarius' attack is one of the best among the golden saints!

Apart from Libra, Sagittarius is the only one among the twelve gold saints who has his own weapon.

Its particularity and attack ability can be seen from this.

Hypnos was also drunk when he met such an invisible long-range shooter who could attack you at any time.

His eternal silence has almost completely become a display.


Hypnos will not sit still.

In order to fight against Sagittarius, he has also resisted, such as ordering countless demon-like armies to form a shield wall around him.

However, all this is in vain.

Sagittarius moves [Dragon Star Fall], countless light arrows rain down instantly, and each light arrow has its own explosion range attack...


The countless demon-like army was immediately blown up.

Even Hypnos suffered a small loss because of this, and was directly calculated by Sagittarius to shoot some special arrows out of many light arrows.

As a result, he was so alive that when Hypnos dodged, he was shot by an arrow.

And the additional attribute ability of that sword just happened to shine the attention of all living beings, making Hypnos immediately like a little sun, so dazzling that he had nowhere to hide and became the target of public criticism.


This is the personal show of Sagittarius.

For a while, he shot eastward, then westward; for a while, he shot southward, and then northward again, but he launched a crazy sniper attack on Hypnos, a living target.

Although Hypnos dodged these attacks relying on his great strength, as time went by, his actions became more and more reluctant.

This is because all of Hypnos' actions and tricks have basically been seen through by Sagittarius, but the poor opponent has not found Sagittarius's whereabouts until now.


It's not that Hypnos is weak, but that Sagittarius is too strong.

Bai Cass actually directly added the power of dimensional space to Sagittarius, making him completely in a space completely different from the real world.

Even if Sagittarius is standing in front of Hypnos, he can't see it, feel it, and completely attack and affect Sagittarius.

on the contrary……

Sagittarius can attack Hypnos wantonly.

It's like a ghost that can play and even harm ordinary people, but ordinary people have nothing to do with ghosts.

Hypnos is really old.


In the end, they all forced him, directly exposing his strongest trump card - Konglin Dreamland.

This move is the ability to turn all fantasies and fantasies into reality.

Very perverted and scary!

But unfortunately...

Still useless.

No matter how Hypnos fantasizes, but without knowing the footsteps and specific abilities of Sagittarius, all his efforts will be in vain.

Even if he summoned a huge meteorite and directly razed the entire northwestern region to the ground, there was still no sign of Sagittarius.

at last……

When Guangya of Sagittarius finally collected enough target information, and completed the sampling and targeted cracking work.

Sagittarius shot a god-killing arrow based on Hypnos' blood DNA, and shot through Hypnos' head. Poor Hypnos, the god of sleep, fell into eternal sleep just like that.

And his source of power, as well as law information, were all captured and absorbed by the Hongmeng Dark System, which greatly expanded his background and collection.


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