The Storm God

Chapter 3391 a.evs four gods fit together!

The deity world.


Baicus let out a long sigh of relief.

Looking at the picture, Sagittarius got to know Hypnos, the god of sleep, with a little smile in his eyes: "This is the right step again!"


Only Las Vegas is left.

As soon as the screen turned, a fierce battle scene came on the monitor, which was the crazy battle between Cancer and Oilos.

And it's clear that Cancer has the upper hand right now.

Even, they are completely beating each other.

As for surroundings?


There is nothing around anymore.

The demon-like army and those rebels have completely left this place, and found a place alone to continue the unfinished battle.

As for who wins and who loses, Bai Cass doesn't care about it.

He cared more about Oilos.


This man made Becas feel very wrong.

Compared with the other three generals, this Oilos looks a little ordinary, as if he is not very powerful.

Anyway, during the battle with Cancer, apart from the ability to manipulate the soul, the opponent did not show anything special.

Even if he is at a disadvantage now, it is the same if he is hanged and beaten the whole time.

This made Baicas feel very strange.

"It's tricky!"

"If it's just this level, it's not good enough for the position of the Four Gods. This guy must still be hiding his strength!"

"You must not be careless!"


On Bai Xiaofei's side, Bai Cass doesn't have to worry.

Therefore, almost all his thoughts were put on the side of Oilos, the only one who hadn't settled down in the real world.

As for Steppenwolf or something, that doesn't matter.

After all, it's just a pawn.

The essential……

It is also one of the four gods who hide the deepest.

By now.

Baikas absolutely does not allow any mistakes and accidents, lest the ship capsize in the gutter and cause some oolong incident.

"Use your trick!"

He conveyed instructions to Cancer.

The meaning is obvious, since the opponent is still hiding his strength, then completely force him to use the last resort, otherwise he will die aggrieved!

Baikas believed that in the face of life and death, Oilos would definitely not be able to hide.

as expected.

With Cancer's unique skill--accumulating corpse energy and burying ghosts, Oilos really couldn't bear it anymore, at the moment of life and death...


Three incomparably terrifying forces suddenly descended from the dream world in the void.

Cancer's attack was eliminated in an instant, while Oilos, like a rapidly inflated balloon, became larger in an instant with the injection of three forces.

Not only that.

His strength realm also soared rapidly.

In a blink of an eye, he reached the middle level of the Divine Sovereign Realm. In terms of hard power, he almost completely crushed the energy level of Cancer.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to break up Cancer's stunt so easily.

"Sure enough, there is a trick hidden!"

"Good guy, you can even defeat Cancer's unique move easily. It seems that this time you have encountered a difficult opponent!"

"Cancer alone can't be scary!"


Baikas, who had a panoramic view of everything, immediately realized the seriousness of the problem, because the data analysis of the Hongmeng Dark System showed that Oilos was no longer just himself.

Those three forces turned out to be the soul power of Ikelos, Phantasos, and Hypnos who were killed in the other three aspects.


The power of the four great generals was all fused together.

Not only has its strength been raised to a terrifying level, but its abilities have also been perfectly integrated, making it extremely difficult to deal with.

This is not.

Just for a moment.

Cancer was attacked by the four-in-one version of Oilos, and its attack method was the space distortion of Ikelos.

His energy shock, because of the distorted space, produced an overlapping effect, turning into countless torrential rains, hitting Cancer crazily and intensively.

And the energy level of each attack is very terrifying.

Whenever a Cancer suffers an injury, the Vibrating Gold Cloth on his body will probably be damaged and collapsed.

after all……

The current Oilos is a master in the realm of the gods.

In terms of strength, it has completely surpassed a large level of Cancer. This gap is like a cloud and mud, which cannot be made up.

Even if Bai Cass used the ability of the Hongmeng Dark System to provide remote support and maximum energy scheduling for Cancer at the first time...

But the distant water still can't save the near fire!


On the nick of time.

Cancer is very smart to hit himself with the unique trick of accumulating corpse energy underworld wave, allowing himself to escape into the world of the dead, and only then can he barely escape this crisis.

However, this is only an expedient measure, because Cancer itself is not a normal life and has no soul, so it is impossible to stay in the world of the dead.

Now he is able to stand safely in the world of the dead completely relying on the ability of Cancer to vibrate the golden holy cloth. Once the time limit reaches the limit, he will be excluded.

At that time, if you can't figure out a way to deal with the four-in-one version of Oilos, Cancer will be in danger.

"Everyone rush to rescue people!"

Bai Cass turned his mind, glanced at the inference and analysis given by Hongmeng Dark System, and ordered directly.


The three golden saints of Virgo, Gemini, and Sagittarius who have completed the sniper interception mission immediately return to the world of the deity.

Following another deity world as the intermediate station, it rushed to the battlefield in Las Vegas, USA.

"Hey hey hey!"

"You can't beat one, so you want to use numbers to win?"

"Totally useless!"


Oilos felt abnormal.

Turning his head to look, as expected, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, the three gold saints have silently appeared opposite.


The three of them also put on a very peculiar pose.

Sagittarius is in front, Virgo and Gemini stand on both sides, the trinity, forming a special formation.

at the same time.

The breath of power of the three was coordinated into one in a blink of an eye.

Now this moment.

The three golden saints seem to be integrated into one body. If you don't look at it with the naked eye, but rely on your feeling, you will only feel one breath.

"This is……?"

Oilos is rare and strange, his eyes are full of doubts.

However, the three golden saints were not polite, and when the fusion of breath power reached the strongest, they made a decisive move:

"Athena's wonder!"


Terrifying energy surged out instantly.

The power of the three golds is like three torrents bursting out of their bodies, and they merged into one at the moment they were sent out, turning into a bright ball of light.

The ball of light is dazzling, like a small sun, full of infinite and domineering power, and bombards the four-in-one version of Oilos with a speed and posture that is devastating.


Oilos froze for a moment.

It seems that they did not expect that the three golden saints actually have such an amazing fusion skill, but that's all.

Followed by him with a cold smile, without any intention of dodging.


Oilos held out a hand.

There were no fancy tricks, just simply stretched out a hand, like catching a basketball, and easily caught the A.E light ball sent by San Jinjin.

The ball of light struggled and exploded.


That palm seemed to contain infinite magical power, no matter how hard the ball of light tried, it was useless, and in the end it was like a bubble, easily crushed by Oilos!


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