The Storm God

Chapter 3395 Suicide bombing!


Hearing this, Bai Xiaofei became curious: "Dream Realm? Is it similar to the enchantment realm? Or something more advanced?"


Morpheus, God of Dreams, smiled and said, "Why don't you feel it yourself?"

The words fell.

He completely disappeared.


Bai Xiaofei didn't care.

Standing in place, open your mind and start scanning everything around you.

He was surprised to find that all the rules and laws of the entire experimental planet had been changed, as if...

This is not an experimental planet at all, but other places.


Bai Xiaofei was shocked.

It's nothing to change the world with one thought.

But if the changed existence was originally another appendage or creation with a level of strength similar to his, then the problem would be serious.

Because this shows that the opponent's strength may be far above yours.


"I always feel that something is not right."

"what is it?"


Bai Xiaofei's spiritual sense and keenness.

At the same time, his intuition was also very strong, and Bai Xiaofei felt that everything around him seemed a little unharmonious.

In order to witness his conjecture, Bai Xiaofei even tried to use his strength.


He found that nothing had changed.

Those purple tentacle-like things on the experimental planet can still be controlled by him, like his arms and fingers, and even after the power of unification bursts out, he can lead them to give birth to many unknown plants, blossom and bear fruit...

But the more this happened, the more it made Bai Xiaofei feel wrong.


This shows that the experimental planet is still his.

However, isn't everything around him changed by the Oneiroi Lord Murphys? Since everything has been changed, why is it still under my own control?

To know.

The other party is a top heavenly saint like Hongjun.

Since it is necessary to create a dream, naturally it will not just create a layer of false stuff like fog, the biggest possibility is to change everything.

That is: to completely turn this place into your own home field.


"Become your home field? Could it be..."

"Dream world, dream world!"



Bai Xiaofei thought of a possibility.

Immediately afterwards, his eyes widened, he touched his body in disbelief, and then launched a series of detection abilities.

Including the calculation of the Hongmeng dark system.


Something that shocked Bai Xiaofei happened. The Hongmeng Dark System completely lost contact with him, and the results of the inspection were also unexpected.

in short.

Now Bai Xiaofei's body is not his body, but an entity similar to a certain spirit condensed.

To put it simply, it is a dream body similar to a dream.

Although all perceptions are extremely real, in fact, they are not deep in the present, but trapped in a special illusion.

And this illusion is naturally the dream world.

That is.

The current Bai Xiaofei is dreaming.

The reason why he can use his power, control and change the experimental planet is because Oneiroi Lord did not change those.

When the opponent exerted his strength just now, the only thing changed was Bai Xiaofei.

He made Bai Xiaofei daydream.



Bai Xiaofei didn't even realize at all how he entered the dream world of Morpheus, the God of Dreams. When he found out, it was already like this.


"Even if you still have some strength, you actually found out what you really wanted all at once, but unfortunately, this is of no use..."

"Because you can't get out at all!"


At this time, the voice of Morpheus, the God of Dreams, suddenly came from the surrounding void, and he said proudly: "During this period, I can do whatever I want with your body, that is to say, if you can't hurry up from If the Dream Realm breaks free, it will be a dead end!"

"Just like this..."


The voice did not fall.

Hearing a muffled sound, followed by Bai Xiaofei's left arm, it suddenly snapped off, bleeding continuously.


Bai Xiaofei was taken aback.

However, he didn't show any panic or fear, he was just taken aback for a moment, and then calmed down again.


He quickly exerted his strength to urge the wound to heal.

With Bai Xiaofei's strength, it's not difficult to be reborn with a broken arm, but now Bai Xiaofei finds that he can't do it.

It was as if something was organizing him.

Just for a moment.

Bai Xiaofei thought everything through.

This should be Morpheus, the God of Dreams. After letting himself fall into the dream world, he hit his body without any ability to move and broke his arm.

Even if Bai Xiaofei in the dream body can control his own body to a certain extent, if someone uses some means on him...

Just like blocking the rebirth of a broken arm with strength, the dream body will be helpless.

The only thing he can do is to heal the wound of his broken arm.

Want to be reborn with a broken arm?


Then we have to get rid of Morpheus, the God of Dreams first.

Otherwise, even if the broken arm is reborn, Bai Xiaofei may continue to lose his hand, foot, or even his head!

After all, the body and the dream body are interrelated and existing, physical injuries will directly appear on the dream body, but everything suffered by the dream body may not necessarily be reflected on the body.


This is just Bai Xiaofei's guess, maybe the dream body is injured, and it can be faithfully reflected on the body, everything depends on the meaning of the Oneiroi Lord Murphys.

Anyway, Bai Xiaofei didn't know much about his power. However, it is not impossible to break the situation.

Since it is a dream, it means being able to wake up.

As for how to wake up...


This is the key.

When ordinary people dream, they are completely inaccurate. They may be in this scene for a second, but turn around and run to the next scene. They don't know the connection between each other, and they will even forget the memory just now.

But this dream world is different from time to time.

It hasn't changed much, everything is as if Bai Xiaofei was the only one inside before Morpheus, the God of Dreams, came.

This was obviously set up by Oneiroi Lord Morpheus on purpose, in order to isolate Bai Xiaofei and increase his tenderness of waking up.

And the simplest and most direct way Bai Xiaofei can think of to escape from the dream world is to die. As long as the dream body is dead, the body will naturally respond.


How to die is a technical job.

What if the death of the dream body is directly fed back to the body? Like some kind of illusion, when your brain thinks you are dead, you are really dead.


When the dream body dies, it can also guarantee that such a tragedy will never happen.

Think here.

Bai Xiaofei suddenly laughed, and said to himself: "If it were someone else, it might not be possible to use this to stimulate the body to wake up, but I am different!"

"Because I have an ultimate illusion!"

"Izanagi. Change!"


next moment.

Bai Xiaofei's dream body blew himself up and died.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, sensed everything that happened in the dream world, and couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, then smiled: "Sure enough, did you choose death to stimulate your body to wake up? But I'm sorry, everything that the dream body has experienced, It will also be faithfully fed back to the physical body..."


He looked directly at Bai Xiaofei's body.

His eyes were full of mockery and pride, and he was looking forward to Bai Xiaofei's body, which would turn into fragments and explode to death in the next instant.


None of this happened.


The Dream God Lord Murphy was stunned for a moment, with an expression of disbelief on his face: "What's going on? It shouldn't be, what's wrong..."


The sleeping Bai Xiaofei suddenly opened his eyes.


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