The Storm God

Chapter 3396 True. Monthly reading. Change!


Bai Xiaofei opened his eyes and looked at the familiar surroundings, smiled slightly, let out a long sigh of relief, and said, "You really are back!"


On the opposite side, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, was shocked: "You, you are not dead!"


Bai Xiaofei smiled as a matter of course.


He raised his right hand.

At the severed arm, there was a mass of crimson power sticking to the wound like rubber, organizing the rebirth of the severed arm.


Bai Xiaofei glanced over, and the latter vanished instantly.

at the same time……

The broken arm was instantly reborn.

Bai Xiaofei moved his recovered arm, and felt that there was nothing wrong or wrong, so he couldn't help but smile with satisfaction.


Only then did he look at Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord who was still in shock.


"Does it make you unbelievable that I can escape from your dream world alive?"

"Then you must have underestimated me!"


Bai Xiaofei was a little dissatisfied.

He had to admit that the Dream Realm ability of Morpheus, the God of Dreams, was indeed quite terrifying. If it wasn't for Izanagi's upgraded version, Bai Xiaofei really wouldn't be able to escape the control of the Dream Realm easily.


The other party is the existence of the same realm as oneself.

Even in terms of strength, Oneiroi Morpheus is still far above him, otherwise he wouldn't have pulled Bai Xiaofei into the dream world without anyone noticing.

For such an enemy, generally speaking, it is absolutely difficult for the passive side to escape the opponent's control easily.

Like Kakashi in Naruto.

Is the strength awesome?


But in the face of Weasel Hall, even though he was guarded against everything, he was always read by Yue in seconds after a single encounter. This was the gap between realm and ability.


Bai Xiaofei is equivalent to Kakashi.

Even though he had already prepared defenses and prepared countermeasures, he was still somehow drawn closer to the other party's dream world.

Fortunately, after upgrading his Primordial Eye, he even upgraded the ability of Sharingan, Izanaki, otherwise Bai Xiaofei would really not be able to get out of trouble.

But all of this was a big blow to Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord.

after all……

Dream world is one of his special skills.

For so many years, almost no one has been able to escape from the dream world safely and perfectly, and even if they escape, they will suffer various injuries.

But Bai Xiaofei completely broke the situation.

This is incredible!


Seeing Bai Xiaofei who was unscathed and even recovered his broken arm, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, suddenly felt a little regretful.

What are you pretending to be just now?

Wouldn't it be nice to just cut off his head? Don't be shy, get a broken arm to scare the other party...

These are all right, people ran out.

Want to chop off your head again?


He has some ability to shock Bai Xiaofei.

Because in the eyes of Morpheus, the God of Dreams, the other party is not as good as himself, which can be seen from the fact that he easily brought Bai Xiaofei into the dream world.

If the opponent is stronger than him, it is absolutely impossible for Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, to succeed. Just like an ordinary illusionist, it is impossible for Itachi Palace to be recruited for a reason.

For "Weasel Palace", everything that is not as good as itself is rubbish.

Even a person who is proficient in illusion can still be abused!


Today he ran into Bai Xiaofei.

An opener.


This is a bit worrying.

Who can stand the ability that I am so proud of being destroyed on the spot?

Anyway, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, was a little hard to accept, he couldn't help but asked Bai Xiaofei, "How did you do it?"

"As you can see!"

Bai Xiaofei told the truth: "Suicide is a success!"


Morpheus, the god of dreams, was furious immediately, and vetoed: "The dream body committed suicide, and everything will be faithfully fed back to the physical body, but you didn't get hurt at all, but you woke up completely, you must have done it!" What……"

"That's right!"

The lie was exposed, and Bai Xiaofei stopped pretending.

Showdown directly: "I did indeed do something, because I had already estimated the possible consequences of suicide, so I used some abilities as insurance..."

"It turns out that it's always right to be careful!"

"But I won't tell you!"


The last sentence directly made Morpheus, the God of Dreams, so angry that he almost vomited blood.

at the same time.

Just when the other party's mind was agitated and furious.

Bai Xiaofei has also secretly activated his ability - Zhen. Yuedu. Chang, one of the three most powerful illusion abilities of the Eye of Primordial Mengmeng!

next moment.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams who was furious, was shocked to find that he had come to a special space on the steep side of the surrounding.

Surrounded by a sea of ​​blood and purgatory.

As far as the eye can see, there are various tortures and scenes of sinners being tortured everywhere. And he himself is one of them.

And the first torture suffered by Morpheus, the God of Dreams, was to pull out his tongue!


Bai Xiaofei's version of Zhen.Monthly Reading.Changing is designed according to the 18 levels of hell, and the first prison is Tongue Pulling Hell.

Anyone who sows dissension, slanders and harms others, glibly speaks, argues with clever words, tells lies and deceives others, will be cast into the hell of pulling out the tongue after death. Instead of pulling it out at once, it is stretched and pulled slowly...

Morpheus, the god of dreams, is also known as the god of destruction and the god of lies. I don't know how many people have been deceived and entrapped with lies, and it can be said that it is perfect to use Tongue Hell to deal with him.

And once you enter the monthly reading world.

No matter who it is, they will lose all their power and become like ordinary people, life and death are beyond their control!

The same is true for the current Oneiroi Lord Morpheus.

After discovering that all his strength had been imprisoned and eliminated, he immediately showed a look of fear and horror.

follow closely……

A man with the appearance of a little ghost came in front of him.

Unceremoniously, he used iron pliers to pry open his mouth, then clamped the tongue of Morpheus, the God of Dreams, and slowly dragged it out...

Even with the mind of Morpheus, the God of Dreams, at this moment, he felt an unimaginable, heart-wrenching pain.


In the world of Yuedu, all the senses of the subject will be elevated to unimaginable levels, just like the tongue-pulling hell in the first prison.

The tongue's sense of touch, pain, etc., will be improved by 10,000 times, and it will be improved again on the original basis without having to pull out the tongue once...

Never ending!

at the same time……

The time here will also be extremely slowed down.

A second is as long as a century, and the sentence of the first prison is 10,000 years, the degree of pain: 1.

If you survive the first prison, you will be knocked down to the second prison - scissors hell. The sentence in the second prison is 20,000 years, and the degree of pain is 20 times that of the first prison.

The third prison, with a sentence of 40,000 years and a pain level of 400.

The fourth prison, with a sentence of 80,000 years and a pain level of 8,000.

The fifth prison, with a sentence of 160,000 years...

and so on.

Double the sentence, double the pain.

Until being knocked down to the eighteenth floor of the endless hell, suffering without interruption, without a second of rest, eternal suffering!


What Morpheus, the God of Dreams, endured was only a few hours in the first prison, and he was already tortured to the point of extreme madness, and almost collapsed.

Bai Xiaofei even doubted whether the other party could survive a day.

to be honest.

He also wants to use the opponent to try the hell effect later.

It seems to be disappointed.

at the same time.

When the spiritual consciousness and even the soul of Morpheus, the God of Dreams, fell into Bai Xiaofei's Yueyue world and endured the torture of hell, his physical body also did not feel better.

I saw his tongue, as if caught by an invisible thing, slowly pulled out, and finally broke completely, and then quickly recovered and reborn, and was pulled and broken again...

It is almost exactly the same as what the world of monthly reading has endured.

Just at this time.

outside world.

The Four Gods will completely kill the Four Golds controlled by Bai Cass.

The power level and strength level of Morpheus, the God of Dreams, dropped a lot in an instant, and then the whole person collapsed immediately.


Bai Xiaofei was stunned for a moment, and then he suddenly realized, and understood everything: "It turns out that the four gods will be shaped by his power as the source, but now the four gods will die, and the power of the law is all captured by the primordial dark system, which means The Oneiroi Morpheus completely lost them, so that he became weaker!"


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