The Storm God

Chapter 3400 Black Gold World Tree!

Bai Xiaofei has many abilities.

Moreover, some of the abilities are quite awesome, even abnormal. For example, the ability of Daddy Star-Lord from the Marvel Universe.

Using its own special world seeds, it can parasitize, infect, and even plunder other planets and worlds, making them similar to its own cells or structures.


such ability.

Bai Xiaofei only used it in the world that was hostile to Brother Corpse World, but now the opponent has become Bai Xiaofei's strength.

The world seeds planted at the beginning naturally did not continue to take root and germinate, further devouring and absorbing the power of that world.

After all, the left and right are Bai Xiaofei's own strength.

The DC universe is different.

To know.

The earth in this world is also very important.

Even if the Infinite Earth Crisis broke out, this plane and the universe still exist. It can be seen that this world is likely to be closely related to the original earth.

Bai Xiaofei also had an idea, thinking that he would wake up the Earth's Gaia consciousness anyway, and it would be better to benefit himself than to benefit others in vain.

Just like Ultron in the Avengers.

After Iron Man Tony and others snatched the new body prepared by Ultron, they really couldn't bear to destroy it, so they slightly modified it and created the illusion.


The same is true.

Bai Xiaofei can completely place his own world seed in the core of DC Earth, and then activate Gaia's consciousness, making it a brand new existence similar to Vision.

Although it is possible that this brand new existence will form an independent personality, but no matter what, it is still Bai Xiaofei's child.

If Xiaozhi uses emotion and reason, he will probably be able to draw him into his lineup. Anyway, it is much stronger than simply awakening the Gaia consciousness of DC Earth.


All this is easier said than done.

But if you really want to achieve it, it is also somewhat difficult, even dangerous.

Because the world seed originated from Bai Xiaofei himself, which is the same as his genetic material, and it also contains a large amount of information about Bai Xiaofei.

If the Gaia consciousness is awakened, and if you resolutely become an enemy of Bai Xiaofei, it will undoubtedly be quite dangerous for Bai Xiaofei.

That is tantamount to Bai Xiaofei personally creating a strong enemy of his own.


Bai Xiaofei felt that this risk was worth taking!

Wealth and wealth are sought in insurance.

after all……

There is no such thing as a free lunch in the world. If you want to get huge benefits but are reluctant to take risks, how can there be so many good things!

It is precisely because of knowing the danger that Bai Cass admires Bai Xiaofei.

Anyway, in terms of his rationality and data analysis, if it were Bai Cass himself, he would never do this.

Only Bai Xiaofei can do it!


Looking at Bai Xiaofei's determined face.

Baikas also knew that he couldn't persuade him anymore, so he turned around and started to help Bai Xiaofei with data analysis and simulation experiments.

And after a while, the powerful computing power of the Hongmeng Dark System finally helped Bai Xiaofei make a more feasible suggestion.


Looking at the key notes given by Bai Cass, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help being slightly taken aback: "You want me to add some of my own DNA information to the world seed?"


White Cass nodded.

He explained with a serious face: "It's safer to do this, after all, Hongmeng Dark System's understanding of you is unmatched by outsiders."

"If the other party doesn't cooperate at all after activating the awakening, or even becomes hostile to you, we can use this as data to easily suppress or even obliterate them!"

"on the contrary……"

"If Gaia on this earth inherits your genetic information, will and belief, then you will have an extra son."

"It's not a loss no matter what!"


What Bai Cass said makes sense.

For a moment, Bai Xiaofei was speechless. At the same time, he was a little shocked and astonished. He raised the Gaia consciousness of DC Earth as his son...

Can it be okay?


In the end, he nodded in agreement with the proposal.

After all, the analysis of Bai Cass and Hongmeng's dark system can't be wrong. In comparison, what Bai Xiaofei needs to pay is nothing more than that.

He has as many of these things as he wants.

Just get something casually and integrate it into the world seed.

The real difficulty is how much source of power should be poured into this special world seed.

It's too strong, if it's a 25-year-old kid, it's a scam.

But if it is weak, it is not reconciled.

at last……

Bai Xiaofei decided.

He followed Bai Cass's suggestion and treated him as if he were raising a son, as long as he could give him now, he would give him a lot.

Just like what Bai Xiaofei said before, wealth and wealth come from danger!

Give it a go, turn your bike into a motorcycle!


Bai Xiaofei gritted his teeth.

As for Baikas, he began to analyze and calculate the earth, trying to find out where its core is, so as to facilitate Bai Xiaofei's actions.

at the same time.

Bai Xiaofei also returned to the previous experimental planet.

It didn't take so much effort to make the world seed, but the key is not to make something into the world seed.

This kind of thing is very embarrassing.


It's better to stay far away.

After all, Bai Xiaofei is also a father now, if he was bumped into, it would be so embarrassing, and his image would be completely ruined.

And in order to avoid waste and unforeseen needs, Bai Xiaofei simply injected all the remaining things into other world seeds, and carefully sealed them up.

When Bai Xiaofei returned to the original planet, Bai Cass had already calculated and analyzed the result: "Sir, this is the core of the earth!"


Glancing at the location on the display map.

Bai Xiaofei nodded, then left the real world and returned to the real world. And escaped all the way to the earth's center.


He came to the appointed place.

Here is almost the core of the earth, a special force and will, condensed around, but can not be completely gathered into a complete consciousness.

Bai Xiaofei's task is to plant the seeds of the world again, let it absorb these will powers, and help them complete this final step.


Without any hesitation.

Bai Xiaofei directly sacrificed the world seeds, and with his own vast and boundless mighty power, supplied and stimulated the development of the world seeds on the spot, so as to make them grow rapidly.

after all……

The current situation on Earth is very special.

According to the normal situation, I don't know how long it will take for this world seed to take root and germinate and grow.

Bai Xiaofei didn't have that much effort.

Isn't it just a waste of some senior divine power, what are you afraid of, we don't have much else, just enough power. But if you say hello vigorously, it's over if you pluck the seedlings and encourage them to grow.

And under the forcible irrigation of Bai Xiaofei's infinite divine power, the world seed that entered the core of the earth also undergoes earth-shaking changes in an instant.

It was like a sponge, frantically and quickly devouring and absorbing all the will power around the core, and then began to grow rapidly, and finally broke out of the shell, giving birth to a colorful tender seedling.

The tender seedlings are as if they have been injected with hormones. They grow rapidly and vigorously at a terrifying speed visible to the naked eye. In less than two hours, they have grown from a tender seedling state to a small sapling.

And this little sapling, I don't know what's going on, and it grows more and more strangely, all its leaves are actually black.



It was not pure black, but a special black mixed with gold.

Moreover, on all the leaves and skins, there is also a special Dao pattern that has never been seen before. Even Bai Xiaofei can't understand the meaning of these Dao patterns.


It gives people a sense of ignorance.


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