The Storm God

Chapter 3401 Girl Baixing!


Looking at the black gold world tree sapling floating in the earth's core, Bai Xiaofei was stunned on the spot, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

what's the situation?

What's the matter with black?

It shouldn't be!


The deity world.

Through the Hongmeng dark system, Baikas, who watched all the situations and details, was also full of shock and doubts.


He hurriedly mobilized the Hongmeng dark system and started the analysis.

However, the result is that there is no problem, that is to say, this seems to be what it should be.


This is obviously wrong.

The world tree seeds that Bai Xiaofei planted before were not like this.

Is it because of that?

No way!

White Cass remained silent.

He really wanted to say that it had nothing to do with that.


Except that.

Now he really couldn't find any other reason.

Bai Cass could only comfort Bai Xiaofei like this: "Sir, the appearance is not important, the key is the actual effect..."


It's just that such comfort seems to have no effect at all.

in the core.

Bai Xiaofei froze in place, a little messy.

And that black and golden sapling, under the irrigation of Bai Xiaofei's divine power, grew bigger and bigger, with a thicker trunk and more lush branches.

In a blink of an eye.

It has changed from a small sapling to a towering tree with luxuriant branches.

Not only that.

It also seems to be beginning to become conscious.

All the branches of the big black tree were like tentacles, waving happily in the air, and the target was Bai Xiaofei.

that situation...

It is very similar, a child who is acting like a baby to his mother.

And the waving branch is the child's arm, it seems to be begging for Bai Xiaofei's hug and comfort...

This is not an illusion.

Rather, Bai Xiaofei indeed felt the consciousness and strong feelings possessed by the Black Gold World Tree.


Bai Cass was not idle in the deity world. While watching the details, he was also using the Hongmeng Dark System to conduct various analyzes and researches on the Black Gold World Tree.

He reminded Bai Xiaofei: "According to the system's detection, the current World Tree already has a certain level of wisdom. Although it is only at the level of a one or two-year-old child, it is developing very fast!"

"At this rate, it will probably take less than an hour to grow to the intelligence and physical level of a normal adult!"

"At the same time, its power is also getting stronger!"


Bai Xiaofei nodded silently.

In fact, even without Baicas' reminder, he could still feel it.

after all……

Primordial Eye is not a vegetarian.

Not only that.

Bai Xiaofei can even see some deeper things, for example, with the robust growth of the Black Gold World Tree, the entire earth seems to have ushered in great changes.

Don't say anything else.

The barriers of time and space around the earth alone are being upgraded rapidly.

And the sonic boom channel of Apocalypse, every time it breaks through the barriers, it is more and more difficult to invade the earth for transmission.


Many have failed.

At the same time, the aura of heaven and earth also began to slowly recover. In the vast universe, there is infinite power gathering towards the earth at super-light speed.

From a macro point of view.

The earth at this moment is like an egg that is giving birth to life.

The first stage of its evolution is to change from an egg to an egg, and finally, under suitable conditions, it will hatch and transform until it evolves into a living creature.


Except for Bai Xiaofei and Bai Cass.

Everyone in the outside world is almost unaware of all these changes.

Maybe Morpheus the God of Dreams and Darkseid of Apocalypse noticed something, but they didn't react immediately.


I am also curious, or waiting for the changes of the earth.

Anyway, it provided enough good conditions and opportunities for the birth of the consciousness of Gaia on the earth, otherwise, if any one of them came down suddenly, everything would be forced to stop.

Bai Xiaofei just had a flash in his heart, and then he focused his attention and energy on the black gold world tree in front of him.


He could already feel the soul of Gaia's consciousness.

It seemed to be a baby whose whole body was shrouded in a black-gold mist. The beating of the heart and the vitality gave people a very strong and proud feeling.

But only Bai Xiaofei has an inexplicable intimacy.

Bai Xiaofei speculates that this is probably related to the genetic material that he has integrated into the world seed, that is to say, the Gaia child that the world tree is gestating in front of him is also his child in a sense.

Think about it.

Someone couldn't help thinking subconsciously: "Should I give him a name?"

All right!

Although a little nonsensical.

But it is also a very necessary thing. After all, after the child is born, it can't always be called Gaia Gaia, right?

It's okay if it's a boy.

But what if a girl is conceived in the end?

Gaia is not a good fit.


Just called Bai Xing?

It doesn't matter whether it's a boy or a girl, it doesn't seem like a big problem.

On the other hand, Diana and Nie Xiaoqian were a little hard to explain. They had only seen each other for a few days, and yet they had an extra child...


I really have a headache just thinking about it.

never mind!

Let's take it one step at a time, after all, this child is completely different from children in the general sense, and its particularity even surpasses Bai Lei completely.

Bai Xiaofei believes that Diana and Nie Xiaoqian should understand him. I just don't know how Lei Lei and Arthur would feel if they knew about it?

And in someone's wild imagination.

The black gold world tree in front of him finally stopped developing and growing, and began to inject all the absorbed power into his body.


The final gestation is in progress.

At the same time, the soul consciousness in his body became more and more solid and powerful, reaching an unimaginable level almost in the blink of an eye.

at last.

In Bai Xiaofei's surprised eyes.

The entire black-gold world tree suddenly burst into a dazzling black-gold light, and the light swept across the entire earth core world.

follow closely……

When the light dissipated, the Black Gold World Tree had disappeared.

Instead, it was a long-legged beautiful girl with long black and golden hair, very cute and beautiful, and a typical oriental face!

Obviously, this beautiful girl is the Gaia incarnation of DC Earth.


The girl is naked.

But she didn't seem shy at all, instead she threw herself into Bai Xiaofei's arms with an excited and cheerful smile on her face.


A crisp and pleasant voice came from the girl's mouth, causing Bai Xiaofei to freeze on the spot.

He just froze in place, letting the girl hug him, calling daddy non-stop, as if he had been given a body-holding technique and turned into a statue.


Bai Cass used the Hongmeng Dark System to quickly remind Bai Xiaofei: "Now is not the time to be dazed, hurry up! Hold her first, I want to test all her data and ability responses!"


Bai Xiaofei regained consciousness instantly.

But he was still a little at a loss for the red fruit girl who was almost as big as Bai Lei in front of him, and finally he could only say helplessly: "Well, you should put on your clothes first!"

Bai Xiaofei was about to take out some clothes from the space for the girl.


next moment.

The girl giggled.

Immediately afterwards, the black and golden light flashed away, and a group of well-tailored, very possessive and good-looking gothic loli girls immediately appeared on the girl's body.

"Father, what do you think of this dress?" The girl asked with her big black eyes shining, looking at Bai Xiaofei expectantly.


Bai Xiaofei was dumbfounded.

I go!

Can it still be like this?


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